Effectiveness of Early Traffic Awareness Socialization Program (SALUD) Through Technical Guidance


  • Tri Susila Hidayati Polytechnic of Road Safety, Ministry of Transportation
  • Brasie Pradana S. B. R. A. Polytechnic of Road Safety, Ministry of Transportation
  • Suprapto Hadi Polytechnic of Road Safety, Ministry of Transportation
  • Joko Siswanto Polytechnic of Road Safety, Ministry of Transportation




Dissemination, Implementation, Guidance, SALUD, Technical


The safety of the road must be grown by each transportation actor in the form of honesty or willingness to form further awareness or awareness of the safety of road transport traffic. It needs a counseling method that can change the mindset and instill the traffic safety culture's mindset with strong roots from an early age. Awareness of traffic at an early age (SALUD) utilizing the "golden age" period has been implemented in many regions. The type of research used is quantitative descriptive research. The research sampling technique uses purposive sampling, namely the method of determining samples with certain considerations, which in this case is a consideration of the location of affordable provinces (West Java Province, Central Java Province, and Lampung Province) and the latest implementation. Primary data collection using questionnaires, observations, and documentation. Data collection was carried out by surveying the intermediate targets, namely ECCE teachers who are alumni of SALUD technical guidance. The measurement results are as follows: (1) the implementation of the SALUD technical guidance in Bandung Regency, Semarang, and Lampung Province shows an increase in understanding, (2) the planning level of SALUD Bandung Regency is high, Semarang is medium, and Lampung Province is still low, (3) the dissemination rate of SALUD Bandung Regency is very high, Semarang is very high, and Lampung Province is still very low, (4) the implementation level of SALUD Regency Bandung and Semarang are very high, Lampung Province is high.




How to Cite

Hidayati, T. S. ., A., B. P. S. B. R. ., Hadi, S. ., & Siswanto, J. (2022). Effectiveness of Early Traffic Awareness Socialization Program (SALUD) Through Technical Guidance. RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology, 2(2), 215–221. https://doi.org/10.31098/cset.v2i2.575