Risk Journey Management on Travel Routes in Indonesia


  • Rukman Rukman Road Transport Safety Polytechnic
  • Yogi Oktopianto Road Transport Safety Polytechnic
  • Iqbal Maulana Road Transport Safety Polytechnic
  • Anton Budiharjo Road Transport Safety Polytechnic
  • Sutardjo Sutardjo Road Transport Safety Polytechnic




Safety, Blackspot, Road and Road Equipment .


In the last three years (2018 – 2020), on the tourist route of the Subang - Lembang road section, West Java, there have been 193 traffic accidents that caused a death toll of 28 people. The geographical condition of the Subang - Lembang road section is mountainous and gorge, so there are many climbs, descents, and bends. The purpose of this study is 1) to find out accident-prone points (blackspots), 2) to know the safety defense of road infrastructure and road equipment, and 3) to know the characteristics of vehicles involved in traffic accidents. This study used the method of several parameters of the number (rate) of accidents with data representing the condition, potential, and characteristics of accidents, road geometrics, and harmonization of the road equipment. The results showed three (3) points prone to traffic accidents (blackspots), namely on the Tangkuban Perahu - Cicenang, Ciater, and Cijambe - Gunungtua road segments. The highest infrastructure safety deficiency in the Ciater and Tangkuban Perahu – Cicenang segments (climbs and derivatives of emen) gradient conditions exceed the technical standard of 70%-100% with a gradient measurement result of 15.48% with a risk value of 500 and a Very Dangerous Risk (SB) category. Bend radius aspect with a measuring result of 19.45% with a risk value of 180 risk categories Quite Dangerous (CB). Meanwhile, other aspects are curve visibility, lane width and shoulder of the road, warning and prohibition signs, and inadequate guardrails or road user safety fences so that they have the potential for traffic accidents at these road points with a risk value of 320 and are in the Hazard category (B). Vehicles involved in traffic accidents are heavy and common types of vehicles.




How to Cite

Rukman, R., Oktopianto, Y., Maulana, I., Budiharjo, A., & Sutardjo, S. (2022). Risk Journey Management on Travel Routes in Indonesia. RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology, 2(2), 99–108. https://doi.org/10.31098/cset.v2i2.563