Vehicle Accident Detection Monitoring System with Web Server and Telegram


  • Raka Pratindy Teknologi Rekayasa Otomotif, Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan, Indonesia



accident, telegram, internet of things, web server, crash location


Every year the number of vehicles in Indonesia is increasing; this is also directly proportional to the accidents that occur. With the increasing number of victims of vehicle accidents, serious handling is needed. The average number of accident victims who die in Indonesia is three people every hour due to road accidents. Therefore, serious and fast post-accident handling is needed to reduce the number of fatalities due to accidents. The tool's purpose is to maximize post-accident handling, so research is carried out to make an internet-based vehicle accident information tool. The tool that is made can detect the accident's location to speed up post-accident handling using the internet with the latest location information sent and photos of the driver's last condition after the accident. The research method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D) in designing internet-based vehicle accident information tools as a communication medium for sending data, telegram, social media applications, and web servers are used as vehicle monitoring simulations. The accident information system is designed to use a vibration sensor as a trigger and an accelerometer sensor to detect the degree of vehicle tilt. Tests were carried out on tools made and applied directly to vehicles by changing the slope of the vehicle as an accident simulation. The information tool can send the location and photos of the driver's current condition after the accident simulation is detected to telegram and the web server.




How to Cite

Pratindy, R. (2022). Vehicle Accident Detection Monitoring System with Web Server and Telegram. RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology, 2(2), 49–57.