The Utilization of Signal Analysis by Using Short Time Fourier Transform


  • Indiati Retno Palupi Geophysics Engineering, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta
  • Wiji Raharjo Geophysics Engineering, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta



Signal Analysis is a part of geophysics work. It is important in analyse the character of signal or waveform in geophysics. In this paper the earthquake waveform is used as the example. One method to do this is used Short Time Fourier Transform. It adopts the basic concept of Fast Fourier Transform in the short period of time in waveform and at the same moment there is a convolutional process between the waveform and the mother wavelet and then resulting the spectrogram. Finally, the spectrogram will show the power spectrum or the magnitude of the amplitude in each time in the waveform. It relates with the energy of the earthquake. The result including three parameters, they are time, frequency and the spectrogram. It makes easier for the geophysicist to analyse the frequency changing in each time based on the spectrogram colour. Besides that, it can be used to identify the arrival time of P and S wave as the important information in calculate the hypocentre location of the earthquake.




How to Cite

Palupi, I. R., & Raharjo, W. (2022). The Utilization of Signal Analysis by Using Short Time Fourier Transform. RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology, 1(1), 30–36.