Tailings Dam Conceptual Design with Geomechanical Material Properties Approach to Determine Safety Criteria


  • Oktarian Wisnu Lusantono Faculty of Mineral and Technology, Univeritas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta
  • Aldin Ardian PT Studio Mineral Batubara, Mining Consultant, Yogyakarta
  • Istifari Husna Rekinagara




Geotechnical conditions as one of the conditions considered in the design and planning of tailings dams are strongly influenced by material conditions. The material condition is a parameter that will always be taken into account with stability. The material condition can be defined as a behavior that is based on the physical and mechanical properties of the material. By understanding the behavior of materials in a tailings dam construction, the risk of geotechnical failure can be controlled and minimized. This research was intended to study and investigate the behavior of material based on the geomechanical properties of the material used in a model. Generally, to determine the geomechanical properties of a material, several tests, both in-situ and laboratory tests, are required. Laboratory testing uses international standards such as ISRM (International Society of Rock Mechanics) and ASTM (American Standard Testing Materials). The research methodology used is descriptive quantitative research method. The studied parameter in this research is the geomechanical properties that influence the material on its conceptual design in terms of safety criteria (safety factor and probability of landslides) on the tailings dam embankment.




How to Cite

Lusantono, O. W. ., Ardian, A. ., & Rekinagara, I. H. . (2022). Tailings Dam Conceptual Design with Geomechanical Material Properties Approach to Determine Safety Criteria. RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology, 1(1), 368–377. https://doi.org/10.31098/cset.v1i1.398