Hydrothermal Fluids-Rock Interactions in the Geothermal Area of the Ngebel Volcano Complex Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia


  • DF. Yudiantoro Geology Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
  • DR. Ratnaningsih Petroleum Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
  • P. Pratiknyo Geology Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Mahreni Mahreni Chemical Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
  • DS. Sayudi Geological Agency Yogyakarta
  • I. Paramitahaty Geology Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
  • H. Hamdalah Geophysical Engineering of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
  • M. Abdurrachman Geology Engineering Department of ITB Bandung
  • I. Takashima Geological Department of Akita University Japan
  • W. Ismunandar Magister Student of Geology Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
  • R. Muhammad Undergraduate Student of Geology Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
  • D.G. Sampurno Undergraduate Student of Geology Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta




The Ngebel geothermal area is morphologically in several volcanic cones arranged as lava domes, volcanic hills, and lake craters. Volcanic cones are composed of lava, pyroclastic falls, pyroclastic flows, volcanic cones such as Jeding Volcano, Kemlandingan Volcano, Manyutan Volcano, and Ngebel Volcano. The magmatism activity that occurs in this area is andesitic-dacitic and also forms a geothermal system. This geothermal system is estimated to produce 50 MWe. During the formation of a geothermal system, hydrothermal fluids interact with the surrounding rock. Based on the results of geological mapping, petrographic analysis, and analysis of rare earth elements. In general, the results of rock-fluid interactions show a decrease in the concentration of rare earth elements, both light and heavy REE elements, from andesite basaltic samples to cold water samples. However, an unexpected reduction from 10 times chondrite to 0.3 times chondrite from hot water to cold water. This research will contribute to the hydrothermal alteration process in the research area that previous researchers have never done and expect to provide new information about forming the geothermal system in the Ngebel Volcanic Complex area.




How to Cite

Yudiantoro, D. ., Ratnaningsih, D. ., Pratiknyo, P. ., Mahreni, M., Sayudi, D. ., Paramitahaty, I. ., Hamdalah, H. ., Abdurrachman, M. ., Takashima, I. ., Ismunandar, W. ., Muhammad, R. ., & Sampurno, D. . (2022). Hydrothermal Fluids-Rock Interactions in the Geothermal Area of the Ngebel Volcano Complex Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia. RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology, 1(1), 267–280. https://doi.org/10.31098/cset.v1i1.378