Status and Condition of Young Adults in Jakarta Regency Under the Influence of COVID-19: A Secondary Data Study
Status and condition, young adults, Jakarta Regency, Influence of COVID-19Abstract
The role of young adults aged can determine the current condition of the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19. There has been no report on the discharge status of young adults to date. An overview of the status and condition of the young adult is essential to report. A cross-sectional study was used, with the samples confirming COVID-19 cases in patients aged 18-25. They were the 384 patients without and with vaccination, respectively. Inclusion criteria are positive confirmed patients hospitalized for the first time, have been examined by PCR, and pregnant young adults being excluded; related factors were identified using multivariate analysis. Young adults as non-vaccinated patients and death in males 3 (21.4%), females 11 (78.6%), with 174 (47%) in males and 196 (53%) females of the cases recovered with three comorbidities. The initial symptoms in recovered patients were cough, fever, anosmia, cold, headache and sore throat. In vaccinated patients, the men who recovered were 181 (47.1%), women 203 (52.9%), and no one died. In non-vaccinated patients, there was a relationship between the discharged status of the patient and gender (OR = 2.314; 95% CI = 1.25 to 5.67; p =0.034) and anosmia (OR = 4.21; CI = 2.57 to 10.24; p = 0.017). This study reported that the initial symptoms felt in non-vaccinated and recovered young adult patients were cough, fever, anosmia, cold, headache and sore throat with three comorbidities, and those were associated with gender and anosmia.Downloads
How to Cite
Nugrohowati, N., Kristanti, M., Cita, B. N., Daulay, R., & Ananda, A. (2023). Status and Condition of Young Adults in Jakarta Regency Under the Influence of COVID-19: A Secondary Data Study. RSF Conference Proceeding Series: Medical and Health Science, 2(1), 7–16.