RSF Conference Series: Business, Management and Social Sciences <p>RSF Conference Proceeding Series: Business, Management and Social Science provides practician, academician, and other relevant professionals throughout the world with the opportunity to exchanges and disseminates both theoritical and empirical for the advancement of:<br />a. Business includes Familiy business, creative business, Business model, Small medium enterprise (SME), digital business, Business economics, business administration and all areas in business.<br />b. Managemet includes all aspect in management science, organizational behavior, knowledge management, leadership, Management Information system, Risk management and others.<br />c. Social Science includes: Education, Law, Psychology, Art and all aspect in humanities.</p> <p><strong>P-ISSN: </strong>2807-6699<strong><br />E-ISSN: </strong>2807-5803</p> Research Synergy Press en-US RSF Conference Series: Business, Management and Social Sciences 2807-6699 An Analysis of Psychosocial Conditions of Government Employee: A Case Study at BPPK <p><strong>Introduction</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: This study aims to describe these psychological conditions and to determine what kind of psychosocial circumstances at BPPK have been successful in achieving the annual organizational KPI. </span><strong>Background Problems</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: The organization must consider the employees' psychosocial condition since these may affect their performance and productivity. To achieve BPPK organizational performance, government employees will need psychosocial in a stable condition. </span><strong>Novelty</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: No psychosocial research on government employees have ever been conducted in Indonesia utilizing the COPSOQ III. The assessment examines a wide range of psychosocial factors, such as personality, interpersonal relationships, leadership, work-individual interfaces, social capital, offensive behaviours, demands at work, organizational structure, and job content. </span><strong>Research Methods</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: This study uses quantitative methods and a deductive approach to collect data with cluster sampling, then analysed with descriptive and inferential statistics. </span><strong>Finding</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: The psychosocial condition of BPPK’s employee was generally in favourable condition. But there were 14 dimensions scattered over 7 domains that BPPK should be concerned. For central tendency, most COPSOQ III dimensions showed that the respondents' conditions were very good and good as opposed to poor and very poor. Moreover, on variability, there is a wide diverse range of data available from the COPSOQ III questionnaire. </span><strong>Conclusion</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Even though the annual organizational KPI is fulfilled, BPPK still has to be cognizant of the psychosocial state of its employees, especially employees with poor or very poor. BPPK must continually implement directives and policies that consider changing trends in the workplace that support healthy psychological circumstances.</span></p> <p><br><br></p> Taufan Dedy Nurtanto Henndy Ginting Copyright (c) 2023 Taufan Dedy Nurtanto, Henndy Ginting 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 1 10 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.682 Women's Empowerment in Fulfilling the Affirmative Quota of Election Supervisors <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research discusses how the affirmative quota of women in the election supervisory body in Indonesia is following the regulation of laws and regulations No. 7 of 2017 concerning general elections. The problem in this study is still the finding of quotas of women as election supervisors that are not in accordance with the law on elections. This research uses a qualitative method using primary data from the Kulon Progo district election supervisory body. And secondary data from various source documents such as laws and regulations, journals, books, and other research reports. The results of this study found that there is still women's representation in the election supervisory body in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province. The findings of the non-fulfillment of the 30 percent women's quota are in the Election Supervisory Body of Yogyakarta City, the District Supervisors of Wates, Sentolo, Girimulyo, Samigaluh, and Kalibawang Districts. And at the village election supervisor level in Wates, Sentolo, Girimulyo, Samigaluh, and Kalibawang sub-districts. This finding is certainly an evaluation of how the process of implementing the recruitment of election supervisors in fulfilling the 30 percent women's quota has not been carried out at various levels of election supervisory institutions, especially in Bawaslu Kulon Progo Regency. And has implications for studies on gender quotas and women's empowerment as election supervisors.</span></p> Ricky Santoso Muharam Ari Pradhanawati Fitriyah Fitriyah Supratiwi Supratiwi Arif Hidayat Copyright (c) 2023 Ricky Santoso Muharam, Ari Pradhanawati, Fitriyah, Supratiwi, Arif Hidayat 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 11 18 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.685 Market-Based Instruments for Environmental Management: A Comparative Analysis <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Market-Based Instruments (MBIs) have emerged as effective tools for environmental management, aiming to align economic decisions with environmental goals through the application of market principles and economic incentives. This paper presents a comprehensive review and comparative analysis of different MBIs, including Emissions Trading Schemes (ETS), Environmental Taxes, Subsidies and Grants, Tradable Permits, and Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES). The analysis examines the characteristics, effectiveness, and implications of each instrument, drawing insights from case studies and scholarly literature. Findings reveal that ETS and environmental taxes directly target emissions, while subsidies and grants promote environmentally friendly activities. Tradable permits enable efficient resource management, and PES programs compensate for the maintenance of ecosystem services. The choice of instrument depends on the specific context and environmental challenges, with a combination of instruments offering comprehensive environmental management strategies. The research provides valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners in designing effective environmental policies and contributes to the ongoing dialogue in the field of environmental economics.</span></p> Ariq Idris Annaufal April Lia Dina Mariyana Anjar Priyono Copyright (c) 2023 Ariq Idris Annaufal, April Lia Dina Mariyana, Anjar Priyono 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 19 23 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.686 The Impact of The Islamic Brotherhood on Financial Performanc <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Brotherhood, both in the context of personal relationships among men and within the organization itself, plays a vital role in personal growth, support, and knowledge-sharing. Job satisfaction is a crucial factor in employee well-being and organizational success shown by the financial performance, influenced by various factors such as pay, relationships, and work-life balance. Therefore it is important to understand the impact of Islamic Beotherhood in job satisfaction. This research review of corporate financial performance was conducted by reading and analyzing 25 peer-reviewed journal articles. This study hopefully will fill the gap about the impact of Islamic Brotherhood on Financial Performance.</span></p> April Lia Dina Mariyana Ariq Idris Annaufal Abdul Moin Copyright (c) 2023 April Lia Dina Mariyana, Ariq Idris Annaufal, Abdul Moin 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 24 30 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.687 The Process of Recognizing Indigenous Communities and Establishing Customary Forests in North Tapanuli <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Indigenous people are communally entitled to customary forests and are referred to as having customary rights. There are structural inequalities and the distribution of land that the government hands over to large corporations rather than to Indigenous People. This study focused on (1) How is the process of recognizing customary law communities and establishing customary forests in the Toba Batak community in the North Tapanuli Regency after the Constitutional Court's decision Number 35/PUU-IX/2012 and how the interactions of various regulations implemented? (2) How do regulations interact when they are used as the basis for recognizing indigenous people and establishing their customary forests? (3) Why are customary rules and state policies still used in the process of resolving forest claim conflicts in issuing decrees for establishing customary forests? This research was conducted by collecting data through field observations, in-depth interviews, and gathering relevant data and documents. This study is expected to provide a better understanding of the process of customary identification and the establishment of customary forests in North Tapanuli, as well as provide input to the government and relevant stakeholders to enhance the protection and sustainability of customary rights and the management of customary forests in the region.&nbsp;</span></p> Rytha Tambunan Copyright (c) 2023 Rytha Tambunan 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 31 37 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.688 Motives of Environmental Coverages by North European Mass Media: The Role of Three Nordic Countries on Combating Plastic Waste <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For the three Nordic countries (Norway, Denmark and Sweden), forming public perceptions about the importance of environmental issues needs to be done. The role of the media function as a government policies controlling system is needed to influence the public/masses toward a better policy in environment. The purpose of this study is to find out why the media in Northern Europe are more concerned about environmental issues, especially in EU and the problem of plastic waste. The method used here is qualitative-descriptive with a comparative approach. The results show that the main reason for the three Nordic countries in voicing environmental criticism through the media is because their country's territory is directly adjacent to the sea zone, it is their main industrial base so that plastic waste pollution becomes a big threat to them. Mass media in Nordic countries can have a stronger role in influencing government policies related to plastic waste and often urge the government to implement more sustainable measures in plastic waste management. Mass media in can also act as a powerful</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">information disseminator in addressing the urgency of plastic waste management to the public.</span></p> Mohammad Farras Fauzi Henny Saptatia Drajati Nugrahani Copyright (c) 2023 Mohammad Farras Fauzi, Henny Saptatia Drajati Nugrahani 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 38 45 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.689 The Role of Organizational Culture in Promoting Sustainability Practices in Educational Organizations <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This review paper investigates the relationship between organizational culture and sustainability practices at educational organizations by examining the impacts of communication, innovation, motivation, involvement, and empowerment on sustainability practices. Results reveal that organizational culture significantly influences sustainability practices, with communication, innovation, motivation, involvement, and empowerment being critical factors. In contemporary times, there is an increasing expectation for organizations to enhance their economic, social, environmental, and technological performances, as well as to make meaningful contributions to both local and global communities. Moreover, a positive correlation emerges between organizational culture implementation and sustainability accomplishment. Organizations face expectations to enhance performance while contributing to communities. Experts agree that organizations seeking sustainability must evaluate and transform fundamental values and beliefs while fostering a consistent, shared culture. However, empirical research on the features of such a culture and its contribution to sustainability integration is limited. This review paper underscores robust and integrative sustainability practices and their connection to an organization's culture, serving as a basis for future research.</span></p> Mohammed N Al Mansoob Ahmed Al Qubati Dian Ekowati Copyright (c) 2023 Mohammed N Al-Mansoob, Ahmed Al-Qubati, Dian Ekowati 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 46 52 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.690 The Role of Relationship Factor and Institutional Factor on Link and Match Performance in Indonesia’s HEI <p>The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact that institutional elements have on the effectiveness of links and matches by focusing on relationship aspects. PLS-SEM is a type of statistical analysis that is used to check hypotheses. According to the findings of the investigation, the type of mediation that took place was full mediation. According to these findings, higher education institutions (HEI) must not only pay attention to institutional aspects but also pay attention to relationship factors in order to increase link and match performance. This is despite the fact that relationship elements are vital. The aspect of the dispute that requires the most focus from HEI is one that involves fighting. HEI must be capable of keeping disagreements between partners to a minimum, and when they do arise, they must be resolved to everyone's satisfaction. According to the findings of this study, higher education institutions (HEIs) need to develop robust internals, which must be supported by robust partnerships, in order to achieve good link and match performance.</p> Vanessa Gaffar Sulastri Sulastri Nono Supriatna Lili Adi Wibowo Heny Hendrayati Wenda Wahyu Christiyanto Tika Annisa Koeswandi Copyright (c) 2023 Vanessa Gaffar, Sulastri, Nono Supriatna, Lili Adi Wibowo, Heny Hendrayati, Wenda Wahyu Christiyanto, Tika Annisa Koeswandi 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 53 59 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.691 The Determinants of Network Capability and Born Global Performance, Insight from SMEs In Emerging Country <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In recent year, the new digital era provides a wider opportunity to tap the worldwide market, facilitate trade, and ease the transaction process without borders. However, companies need to acknowledge and be able to seize these opportunities in entering the global market.&nbsp; This work examines the influence of entrepreneur orientation, Cultural intelligence, and social capability on network capability. Besides, this work further extends to investigate the impact of network capability on born global performance. The Dynamic Capability Theory was used as a foundation of the present conceptual framework.&nbsp; This study surveyed 75 born global firms, the sample of this study consist of 300 employees and founders. The Structural equation Modelling found that entrepreneur orientation, cultural intelligence, and social capital are important factors that have a positive influence on network capability. Besides, the findings found that network capability foster born global performance. The findings can be used as a guide for startups and entrepreneurs to explore global opportunities and give a competitive advantage in exploring foreign markets.&nbsp; Furthermore, this work provides a significant contribution to the literature and the limitation of the study set a venue for future research agenda.&nbsp;</span></p> Marjan Yakuttinah Rakotoarisoa Mamirina Fenitra Copyright (c) 2023 Marjan Yakuttinah, Rakotoarisoa Mamirina Fenitra 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 60 66 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.692 Employee Engagement and Productivity Mediate the Impact of Transformational Leadership and OCB on The Board of Commissioners of Bawaslu’s Performance <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The success and performance of an organization are determined by the quality of its human resources. An organization can achieve success through good performance, which begins with improving the quality of human resources. The purpose of this research is to understand the impact of each variable. The sample used in this study is nonprobability sampling with purposive sampling techniques. Therefore, the researcher can select samples based on specific criteria, namely the commissioners of the East Java Regional Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu Jawa Timur), with 65 respondents. There are many results from this study that support the hypothesis, only Employee Engagement does not have a significant effect. This causes the variables through Employee Engagement to have no significant effect.</span></p> Anditya Sentana Maulana Jusuf Irianto Copyright (c) 2023 Anditya Sentana Maulana, Jusuf Irianto 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 67 76 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.693 Implementing the Role of The Ngos in Curricular and Societal PPKn Through Political Literacy in Indonesia <p>The importance of political literacy in improving people's understanding of political education, citizens' rights and obligations, and being able to actively participate in the democratic process. In this context, NGOs have the potential to contribute to developing political literacy that is more effective and has a wider impact. Although Civics is an integral part of the curriculum, the challenge of teaching democratic values and effective political participation can still be implemented by NGOs as a form of curricular and societal Civic education. Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter, PPKn (Civic Education) is a Nawa Cita (government program) mandate proclaimed by President Joko Widodo about carrying out a character revolution. Civic education also concerns the personality or morals of students because the current generation is the golden generation who will become leaders in 30 years. The research in this paper aimed to find out the role of NGOs related to political literacy in society through education and advocacy strategies. The research method used was qualitative with data collection techniques of observation, documentation, and structured, open, and in-depth interviews with informants selected by purposive sampling. The findings were based on the results of research conducted for six months from January to June 2023 with limitations in regional coverage. The political literacy program was declared successful in demonstrating the role of NGOs with the strategy of conducting political literacy training, providing easy-to-understand political information, holding public discussions, inviting people to get involved in the political process, and establishing partnerships with government institutions and civil society. Political literacy activities have a positive impact on participants although it is not seen and impacted directly by the entire community. As a conclusion, through political literacy, NGOs can help people become politically literate, less susceptible to political issues, and more open in their political thoughts and actions.</p> Riya Anjarsari Copyright (c) 2023 Riya Anjarsari 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 77 85 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.694 Sustainable and Development Energy Resilience in Multidisiplinary Prespective <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Energy is one of the things that greatly affects human life, many operational processes and energy development planning that need to be updated because there have been many problems in the form of delays in energy access to several billion people around the world. In order to achieve succession in SDG's seventh point, namely affordable and clean energy and the thirteenth point, namely climate action, in sustainable energy development, these two points become the main reference for further energy developments to be implemented. Therefore, researchers through this study try to discuss Sustainable and Development Energy Resilience In Multidicpinary Prespective, with the aim of deepening views related to the importance of studying sustainable energy development and security in a multidisciplinary perspective, namely social perspective, economic perspective, and environmental perspective (climate change mitigation). By presenting a literature review of previous studies related to the elements discussed in this study, it is hoped that the objectives and results of this research can provide a fairly good theoretical contribution in sustainable and development energy resilience. The results of this study state that if stakeholders consider energy and refer to Chester (2010) related to the components that need to be considered in energy development, namely availability, accessibility, affordability and community acceptance. So if the four components are maintained and considered properly, then the energy needs of the global community can be met sustainably.&nbsp;</span></p> Ony Anwar Harsono Copyright (c) 2023 Ony Anwar Harsono 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 86 92 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.695 The Impact of Sustainable Development Goals on Collaborative Entrepreneurship and Creating Transformational Leaders Towards Sustainable Business Models <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The 2019 Coronavirus pandemic has revealed a world where the status quo no longer holds, reigniting the social debate on sustainability. Many people are becoming aware of the planet's vulnerability to natural disasters resulting from our current way of life and business practices. Due to these climate emergencies, climate change's impact could cost corporations $1 trillion in the next five years.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In 2015, The 193 United Nations General Assembly member states witnessed and endorsed the '2030 Development Agenda' titled 'Transforming Our World.' The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interconnected global goals set by the United Nations to serve as a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all." The question then arises, what should be done?</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to determine how Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) inspire collaborative and transformational leaders within the organization, thereby creating Sustainable Business Models. The empirical data for this study was collected from 327 respondents from various industries in Indonesia. According to this study, the UN’s SDGs are ineffective motivators for developing a Sustainable Business Model. However, business process sustainability becomes evident when collaborative actions and transformational leaders are utilized as intermediaries.</span></p> Catherine Wijaya Yosman Bustaman Soebowo Musa Copyright (c) 2023 Catherine Wijaya, Yosman Bustaman, Soebowo Musa 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 93 101 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.696 Evaluation of Human Resources Pillars in Industry Readiness Index to Transform towards Industry 4.0 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Developed countries have implemented Industry 4.0 in the process and manufacturing industry sectors. Industry 4.0 transformation will positively impact the industry and the country. Indonesia introduced a guide for the industry in transforming to Industry 4.0 in its action for Making Indonesia 4.0. The Indonesia Industry 4.0 Readiness Index (INDI 4.0) is presented to assist the industry in carrying out transformations, with the pillar of human resources as the highest parameter. It is necessary to conduct an early evaluation of the industry to introduce INDI 4.0. This research aims to evaluate the level of industry readiness in transforming to Industry 4.0. The method in this study used a survey of Small and Medium Industries (SMI=IKM) in Bogor City. Three SMIs were selected for interviews according to INDI 4.0 guidelines and Toolbox Industrie 4.0. The evaluation results using the INDI 4.0 guidelines show that SMI A has a higher level of readiness, followed by SMI C and B. In line with the results of the INDI 4.0 assessment, Toolbox Industrie 4.0 also has the same results. SMI A has a higher level of readiness, followed by SMI C and B. In Toolbox Industrie 4.0, there is no element of assessment for human resources due to cultural differences between Germany and Indonesia, which still require special attention for human resources.</span></p> Andita Sayekti Fendy Suhariadi Nuri Herachwati Copyright (c) 2023 Andita Sayekti, Fendy Suhariadi, Nuri Herachwati 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 102 112 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.697 Unleashing the Potential: An Integrated Analysis of Human Resource and Marketing Strategies in Empowering East Java's Tourism SMEs <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study examines the implementation of human resource management (HRM) and marketing strategies in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within East Java's tourism sector. The imperative for examination arises from the observation that tourism SMEs in Indonesia have not yet fully regained their pre-COVID-19 pandemic level of recovery. There is also a lack of holistic research of HRM and marketing strategies implementation in SMEs in the tourism sector in East Java. The research involves 1320 respondents from 440 tourism SMEs and utilizes the Path Analysis method. The findings highlight significant relationships between spiritual marketing, innovation culture, quality of work life, and rewards within SMEs. These factors positively influence the market orientation of SMEs, facilitating the development of products and services that meet market demands, enhance customer experiences, and foster competitive advantage. Additionally, the study reveals that the interplay of spiritual marketing, innovation culture, quality of work life, and rewards directly impacts individual performance, consequently leading to enhanced overall SME performance, as measured by marketing performance.This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge in business research, offering valuable insights into the current dynamics of tourism SMEs in the region. Moreover, it provides strategic solutions to address the decline in tourist arrivals post the COVID-19 pandemic.</span></p> Adya Hermawati Abimanyu Tuwuh Sembhodo Copyright (c) 2023 Adya Hermawati, Abimanyu Tuwuh Sembhodo 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 113 119 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.698 Transformational Leadership and Performance in Bank UMKM Jawa Timur <p>This study aimed to determine the significance of the influence of transformational leadership style on performance. The level of influence of transformational leadership on performance in a company differs from one company to another; therefore, researchers want to apply and see the implementation of the influence of transformational leadership in banks, namely in Bank UMKM Jawa Timur (East Java MSME Bank). In addition to transformational leadership, innovation also plays an important role because without innovation, the applied transformation cannot run well, and the expected performance cannot run as expected. This study also aims to see the effect of transformational leadership on branch performance in Bank UMKM Jawa Timur. This study uses a quantitative approach by examining branch performance achievements. The study results also show that companies, especially banks, need to implement a transformational leadership style strategy and a willingness to innovate. Practically, this research means that without good leadership who is willing to change according to the surrounding circumstances and is willing to develop and implement good innovations, it is highly likely that a company will be successful in achieving performance and maintaining corporate sustainability. With these innovations, performance will increase as well as sustainability from the company or banking will be stronger. Moreover, what is more important is that the optimization of services to customers will be better maintained, and customers will not move to other companies or banks.</p> Yudhi Wahyu Maharani Copyright (c) 2023 Yudhi Wahyu Maharani 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 120 129 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.681 Utilizing Technology Management for Effective Cattle Management <p>This research explores the opportunities presented by integrating sensors, big data, and machine learning technology within the global cattle farming industry. The primary objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of technology management in advancing cattle management practices on a global scale. Data was collected from 554 ranchers, with 386 respondents having a minimum of five years of cattle management experience. Rigorous analysis was conducted to examine the impact of technology management, particularly focusing on sensors, big data, and machine learning, on various aspects of effective cattle management. The findings demonstrate the significant importance of technology management and Machine Learning in cattle farming. The study reveals strong correlations between technology management practices and all sub-factors of effective cattle management, including productivity, cost, and health. The research results suggest a substantial positive influence of technology management on enhancing effective cattle management, supported by a 95% confidence level. Furthermore, the study recommends Thailand as an attractive destination for foreign investment in the beef industry, highlighting the pivotal role of artificial intelligence technology in realizing this potential.</p> Sai Seng Harn Copyright (c) 2023 Sai Seng Harn 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 130 140 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.683 Empowering Leadership in Emancipated School Program: A Systematic Literature Review <p>The emancipated school program policy is still 3.56% of the total schools in Indonesia. The role of the school principal in implementing an empowering leadership style is the main key to increasing the quantity and quality of schools involved in the emancipated school program. This study aims to analyze the empowering leadership of school principals in implementing the emancipated school program as a form of commitment to implementing national policies on education. The method used in this research is a systematic literature review with the PRISMA model. Data analysis followed the procedures in PRISMA by using an internationally indexed article database, namely Scopus. The results of this study indicate that the empowering leadership of school principals is needed in pro-actively encouraging the involvement of educational institutions that are led to participate in the emancipated school program. In addition, the empowering leadership style in honing the ability of leaders to carry out the role as a motivator for the entire school community can foster self-efficacy, trust in leaders, perceived organizational support, organization-based self-esteem, vigour, affective commitment, organizational status, job satisfaction, job well-being, as well as knowledge-sharing behaviour from the entire school community. Thus, the national education policy regarding the focus on emancipated school programs such as digitizing schools, data-based planning, learning with a new paradigm, and strengthening human resources in schools can run well.</p> Syunu Trihantoyo Nuri Herachwati Rudi Purwono Fendy Suhariadi Ian Firstian Aldhi Copyright (c) 2023 Syunu Trihantoyo, Nuri Herachwati, Rudi Purwono, Fendy Suhariadi, Ian Firstian Aldhi 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 141 149 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.658 Organizational Change Capability and Performance A Social Entreprise At Lazismu Cilacap <p>This research analyses how the Learning and Innovation Capability and Managerial Cognitive Capability affect Organizational Change Capability and how Organizational Change Capability affects Financial Performance at Lazismu Cilacap. Based on the report on the realization of the zakat collection by Lazismu Nasional, which was recorded in 2019 until mid-2020, it was IDR 239.003 billion. Of the total 2020 national zakat potential of IDR 233.84 trillion, only IDR 8 trillion or 3.5 percent has been collected. OCC at Lazismu Cilacap represents a broad and dynamic organizational capability that allows companies to adapt legacy capabilities to new threats and opportunities to create new capabilities. This research uses a quantitative approach using a survey. Data was collected by conducting a questionnaire to 31 amil at Lazismu Cilacap and analyzed by SPSS 26. The results showed that Learning, Innovation Capability and Managerial Cognitive Capabilities significantly affect organizational change capability. Future research is expected to be able to reach a wider social enterprise not only at the Lazismu Cilacap institution but can expand coverage to the province and national level.</p> Dinar Apriyanto Badri Munir Sukoco Mohammad Fakhruddin Mudzakkir Copyright (c) 2023 Dinar Apriyanto, Badri Munir Sukoco, Mohammad Fakhruddin Mudzakkir 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 150 158 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.659 The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Work Engagement: The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction Hetty Murdiyani Suryanto Suryanto Seger Handoyo Copyright (c) 2023 Hetty Murdiyani, Suryanto Suryanto, Seger Handoyo 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 159 166 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.660 Clarifying Relationships Among Work-Family Conflict, Employee Well-Being, Perceived Organizational Support, and Job Satisfaction <p>Overall, job satisfaction has a broad and positive impact on individuals and organizations. Satisfied employees tend to focus more on their tasks, which can improve the overall quality of work. This study aims to explore the relationship between work-family conflict (WFC) and job satisfaction through the mediating role of employee well-being and examines the role of moderation perceived organizational support in the relationship of WFC to employee well-being. The research method used is quantitative research, using surveys to collect the required data. The sample used was 97 banking employees considering using SEM-PLS as a data analysis technique. The results reported that WFC contributed negatively to job satisfaction. Meanwhile, employee well-being successfully mediates the WFC relationship with job satisfaction. Finally, POS was found to be able to moderate WFC's relationship to employee well-being.</p> Muzakki Muzakki Nuri Herachwati Copyright (c) 2023 Muzakki Muzakki, Nuri Herachwati 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 167 178 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.661 Green Work Engagement: A Literature Review <p>Green Work Engagement represents a concept denoting the extent of employee involvement and active participation in sustainable initiatives within their workplace. In this context, employee engagement encompasses a resolute commitment to advocate for sustainable practices to mitigate detrimental effects on the environment, society, and various societal facets. The primary objectives of Green Work Engagement encompass: (1) identifying influential factors contributing to employee participation in sustainable practices, encompassing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, organizational dedication, participation in decision-making, and supportive work environment elements; (2) analyzing the degree of employee engagement in sustainable practices and its correlation with organizational performance, including aspects such as productivity, efficiency, and innovation; (3) assessing the ramifications of employee participation in sustainable practices on their satisfaction and well-being, encompassing job satisfaction, talent retention, and burnout rates; and (4) elucidating the implications of Green Work Engagement on environmental continuity, comprising the reduction of adverse environmental impacts, enhancement of sustainability policies, and elevation of the company's reputation concerning sustainability matters. The research methodology employed in this article is a literature review. Notably, Green Work Engagement or engagement focused on environmentally friendly practices, significantly and positively influences employee performance within an eco-conscious context. Given this, it is advised that company management intensify efforts to enhance Green Work Engagement by fostering a greater understanding among employees about the company's commitment to environmental consciousness.</p> Marini Marini Seger Handoyo Sukadiono Sukadiono Copyright (c) 2023 Marini Marini, Seger Handoyo, Sukadiono Sukadiono 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 179 185 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.662 Mitigating Carbon Emissions in Maritime Operations: A Case Study of Bakungan Port <p>Baramulti Suksessarana, Tbk. (PT. BSSR), a mining company in Batuah Village, Kutai Kartanegara, operates a port facility in Bakungan Village powered entirely by electricity supplied by PLN. This energy source drives the crusher unit, OLC, and BLC (identified as significant energy users in the port area) and supports additional activities, such as office operations and control rooms. PT BSSR, having joined the B20 movement that emphasizes "Energy, Sustainability &amp; Climate," supports PT PLN's program targeting a reduction of 900 million tons of carbon emissions per year. Our research, therefore, centers on energy conservation and carbon emission reduction. PT BSSR inventoried all electrical energy-consuming units, compiled an electricity usage history, and created a baseline for consumption. A linear regression equation correlating energy consumption (kWh) with crushing product (MT) was derived from this baseline, establishing a benchmark for future conservation.</p> <p>We aimed to reduce the CO2e/MT Ratio or Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Bakungan Port area from 0.44086 kg CO2e/MT to 0.3837 Kg CO2e/MT. Initiatives included implementing sensor monitoring and CCTV to prevent large rock entry, minimizing electrical "Start-Stops," conducting regular inspections and maintenance, and executing other conservation programs. The research led to a successful reduction in Greenhouse Gas/Carbon Emissions by 0.025e/MT, equivalent to 101.11 Tons of CO2e per year. This equates to a reduction of 0.169 kWh/MT or 680.689 kWh annually, yielding a cost saving of Rp 220.06/MT or a total of Rp 883,988,533 per year.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Wikarno Agus Sri Yusriani Joni Pambelum Fajriyah Melati Sholihah Stefly J. A. Rozet Copyright (c) 2023 Wikarno Agus, Sri Yusriani, Joni Pambelum, Fajriyah Melati Sholihah, Stefly J. A. Rozet 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 186 195 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.663 The Effect of Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy on The Performance of MSMEs Batik Wonogiren (Case Study on Batik MSMEs in Wonogiri Regency) <p>This study examines the effect of financial inclusion and financial literacy on the performance of Batik Wonogiren MSMEs. Wonogiren Batik comes from Wonogiri district, Central Java, Indonesia. The sample used in this study was 90 Wonogiren Batik MSMEs as respondents. The data collection method uses probability sampling techniques with questionnaires. The processed data was analyzed using multiple linear analysis techniques through the &nbsp;SPSS software program version 25.0 for Windows. The results of this study show that financial inclusion and financial literacy positively affect the performance of Batik Wonogiren MSMEs.</p> Sari Widati Gustita Arnawati Putri Rheysitta Dyah Arfiani Copyright (c) 2023 Sari Widati, Gustita Arnawati Putri, Rheysitta Dyah Arfiani 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 196 207 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.664 Organizational Health: A Literature Review of Antecedent and Consequences <p>Organizational Health (OH) is the ability of an organization to effectively manage tensions arising from diverse and competing values. This research explores the factors influencing OH and their impacts on organizational performance. This literature review aims to provide a valuable contribution to understanding the factors that affect organizational health, both in terms of antecedents (cause) and consequences (impact). By identifying and analyzing the contributions of previous research, it is expected to provide more comprehensive and in-depth insights. The study adopts a library research method, analyzing various reference sources and research results from the last five years. The methodology involves content analysis of relevant sources to comprehensively understand OH. The results reveal that OH is associated with superior organizational performance and financial success. Antecedents, such as organizational commitment, organizational justice, and transformational leadership, significantly impact OH. The results and discussions cover the definition of OH, antecedents (organizational commitment, organizational justice, and transformational leadership), and consequences (competitive advantage, goal alignment, and change capacity) of OH. Competitive advantage is achieved through the organization's unique core competencies, providing sustainability and market advantage. Goal alignment, facilitated by the Balanced Scorecard approach, enhances organizational performance by focusing on customer orientation, financial metrics, internal processes, and people development. Additionally, change capacity is crucial in driving and sustaining organizational health, requiring a focus on cultural aspects and readiness for change.</p> David Raditya Soehartono Nuri Herachwati Fendy Suhariadi Copyright (c) 2023 David Raditya Soehartono, Nuri Herachwati, Fendy Suhariadi 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 208 215 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.665 20 Years of Performance in Police Organization: A Bibliometric Analysis <p>As one of the institutions in the public sector that engages directly with the community, the police play a significant role in providing services, security, and order following its obligations and functions. This research aims to map the topic of organizational performance in the public sector, particularly in the police, in numerous scientific studies. This research is a quantitative study with a descriptive methodology. Documentation techniques and literature studies were obtained through the Scopus database with the keyword "police performance." At the initial stage of the search, 73 articles related to "police performance" were found in the last 20 years, from 2003-2023. The analysis in this study was carried out using bibliometric techniques, which included the authors and articles published, citations, institutions, and countries that participated in the research development. Besides that, the analysis was also carried out using Vos Viewer software. The results of this study indicate that there are 265 keywords connected to the keyword "police performance" articles, with the highest number of publications in 2015 with 9 articles and in 2019 with 8 articles. In 2017 and 2022, with 6 articles, then the country with the most published articles is the United Kingdom with 10 articles, while the countries with the lowest contribution are Brazil, Indonesia, Israel and Spain, with 3 articles. Beside that, the institution with the most contributions is the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with three documents. The author with the most citations related to "police performance" is Jon M. Shane, with a total of 219 citations then social sciences is the most frequently used subject, 59 documents or 52.7%. Finally, these results show that the most used keys in the last 20 years related to the keyword "police performance" are performance, police performance, police, police legitimacy, and job performance, while the least used keywords are creative leadership, procedural justice, crisis intervention, and citizen satisfaction.</p> Agung Kurnia Putra Juansih Juansih Mohammad Fakhruddin Mudzakkir Copyright (c) 2023 Agung Kurnia Putra, Juansih Juansih, Mohammad Fakhruddin Mudzakkir 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 216 226 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.666 The Role of Transformational Leadership in Increasing Career Commitment in Lecturers at Private Universities: Literature Review <p>This study aims to determine the transformational leadership role of rectors or academic leaders towards increasing the career commitment of lecturers, especially in private universities. So far, especially on private campuses, career commitment related to academic rank management is very low, even though through this academic rank level can describe the quality of the learning process. To obtain an overview of the role of academic leadership in improving the career of lecturers, this study uses a review of the current literature. This literature review shows several factors influencing career commitment, including career mobility, work commitment, personality, self-esteem, and stigma. So that low career commitment in private universities cannot always be solved only by applying certain leadership patterns. However, on the other hand, this transformational leadership, in some cases, can improve the implementation of better campus governance, create comfort for academic staff, maintain worker motivation and encourage academic service innovation.</p> Sayidah Aulia Ul Haque Eko April Ariyanto Koko Sri Mulyo Fendy Suhariadi Copyright (c) 2023 Sayidah Aulia Ul Haque, Eko April Ariyanto, Koko Sri Mulyo, Fendy Suhariadi 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 227 232 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.667 Newcomer Proactive Work Behavior: A Scoping review <p><strong>Abstra</strong><strong>ct</strong></p> <p>In contrast to long-term employees, newcomers require more effort to adapt to unfamiliar settings within the firm. Newcomers who exhibit proactive behaviour will be more motivated, prepared, and effective at work. Conducting a scoping review of the literature on newcomer proactive work practices is the goal of this study. The search was conducted in Scopus, Web of Science, and Ebscohost databases. As a result, twenty-one articles were obtained, which were then analyzed; the data were extracted and synthesized by the objectives of the scoping review conducted, namely explaining (1) factors that have been researched that can affect the newcomer's proactive work behaviour, and (2) what are the impacts of newcomer proactive work behaviour. The conclusion is that (1) There are internal factors, such as personality and self-efficacy, and external factors, such as leaders' role in improving proactive employee behaviour. (2) Several things that are the impact of newcomer proactive behaviour, namely social adjustment, well-being, learning, engagement, intention to leave the organization, its role in making innovations, task mastery, role clarity, social integration, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work performance, and proactive outcomes.</p> Pratista Arya Satwika Fendy Suhariadi Copyright (c) 2023 Pratista Arya Satwika, Fendy Suhariadi 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 233 242 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.668 Realizing an Inclusive City in Banjarmasin Based on Disability Community with Local Government Synergy <p>Banjarmasin has affirmed its commitment to realizing the City of Inclusion through the Inclusion City Roadmap 2018 as a locomotive and advocacy driver for regional development based on inclusion and equality for all its citizens. This research aims to provide a comprehensive picture of inclusive cities in Banjarmasin. The research also explores the synergy between the government, disability groups, and the community in achieving inclusive cities. Guided by the Banjarmasin Inclusion City Roadmap, this research targeted two groups of key informants drawn by purposive sampling, namely the Regional Work Units (SKPD) that deal with disability issues on behalf of the local government and disability organizations and communities. The study results show that the Banjarmasin City Inclusion Roadmap is tangible evidence of strong political will from the local government to realize the city of inclusion. In its implementation, there is an element of synergy that cannot be underestimated. The synergy between the city government and disability communities and organizations is good enough but needs to be nurtured and improved. Furthermore, understanding, responsiveness, and synergy among SKPDs within the Banjarmasin city government must be improved so that existing programs are interrelated and sustainable. The findings further show that disability communities and organizations, in their work programs, target cooperation with other community organizations, such as Nahdatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, and non-governmental state institutions, such as Indonesia General Election Commission and Election Supervisory Board, to help socialize elections at the disability level. The disability community is actively involved in political, social, and community activities to prove its existence as an integral part of society.</p> Ellisa Vikalista Hardi Warsono Copyright (c) 2023 Ellisa Vikalista, Hardi Warsono 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 243 252 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.669 Trends in Digital Financial Literacy Research on the Indonesian Millennial Generation: A Systematic Literature Review <p>The primary objective for the millennial generation in Indonesia in the Digital Age is to increase digital financial literacy about financial technology services. This study intends to look into key data from numerous studies addressing digital financial literacy for Indonesia's millennial population. The millennial generation in Indonesia is highlighted in this study's systematic literature review of the contents of many studies from the Scopus and Google Scholar databases between 2020 and Mid-2023. According to this study, peer-reviewed articles that are primarily focused on national-level research are the most often undertaken sort of research. Due to their visualization in bibliographic mapping, the identified keywords for Indonesia's millennial young generation are still hardly ever researched. The number of studies on digital financial literacy for the millennial generation in Indonesia has grown during the last two years. Among the many studies, quantitative research design is the most popular. The most favourite subject areas for study concentration are financial technology and financial behaviour. Several recommendations have been made in light of the study's findings for future research concentrating on digital financial literacy, particularly for Indonesia's millennial age. These suggestions range from aggressively boosting the number of international research publications to enhancing the range of research designs with a wider topic area.</p> Adam Nurkholik Copyright (c) 2023 Adam Nurkholik 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 253 263 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.670 Green Financing Scheme for Supporting Women in Energy Transition <p>This paper examines transitioning from a traditional capital system to a more modern and sustainable financing system. Green financing or green microfinance is one of the efforts to provide opportunities for micro-scale businesses initiated by women to start businesses in the energy sector. Green financing is considered part of financial inclusion, providing business financing schemes oriented towards ecological conservation values. This research considers the context of opportunities and potential obstacles women face in accessing green financing. A literature study was conducted to describe microfinance schemes by drawing closer to efforts to mainstream gender and efforts to transition to a more sustainable financial system. At least several stages need to be passed to transition the financial system toward a more gender-friendly and sustainable direction. First, it is important to socialize the awareness-raising program on green entrepreneurship for women more massively. Second, steps to develop the capacity of women entrepreneurs should be accompanied by preparing business proposals to apply for bank financing, which is part of financial literacy education. Business mentorship programs from the government for women who have micro-scale businesses are also needed. Such technical assistance interventions will be the beginning of preparation for micro-enterprises to start consistently opening a sustainable business. This paper finds that the green financing strategy will ultimately help transition business models that seek to integrate efforts to save the ecology with business schemes, including developing a gender-friendly sustainable business ecosystem.</p> Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi Tunjung Wijanarka Copyright (c) 2023 Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi, Tunjung Wijanarka 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 264 270 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.671 Analyzing The Role of Information Technology in Improving Human Resource Quality <p>Technology has affected various human resources (HR) aspects in organizations and companies. This study aims to identify and analyze the role of information technology in improving the quality of human resources in the context of an organization or company. This study used a qualitative descriptive analysis method. Data collection techniques used keywords, information technology, and HR performance. The data were then analyzed through data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that IT plays a role in information technology in improving the quality of human resources as a medium for learning, collaboration, skills training, performance measurement, and competency management. Thus, information technology plays an essential role in improving the quality of human resources in organizations.</p> Siti Asiyah Anggraeni Fendy Suhariadi Fiona Niska Dinda Nadia Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Asiyah Anggraeni, Fendy Suhariadi 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 271 279 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.672 Adapting the Supportive Work Environment Measurement Tool: Assessing Organizational Support in Generation Z <p>A supportive work environment is an environment that makes employees feel comfortable working and supports employee retention. A supportive work environment in the workplace consists of a desirable climatic environment, healthy and mutually constructive relationships between colleagues and superiors and available organizational support. A supportive work environment has four dimensions: perceived climate, peer group interaction, supervisory support, and organizational support. Using instruments with different cultural backgrounds requires an adaptation process so that the measurement results are valid and reliable. Still, until now, there has yet to be any research on the adaptation of supportive work environment measurement tools in Indonesia. This study aimed to obtain and test the standardized Indonesian version of the supporting work environment instrument. The adaptation process is carried out using the International Test Commission 2016 reference. The analysis model used is the Structural Equation Model / SEM; it can be concluded that according to theory, the dimensions of perceived climate, peer group interaction, supervisory support, and perceived organizational support have a good fit model with several omitted adjustments. It is explained that the resulting model can describe the actual conditions but with a few notes to consider.</p> Shanty Komalasari Segar Handoyo Nuri Herachwati Copyright (c) 2023 Shanty Komalasari, Segar Handoyo, Nuri Herachwati 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 280 288 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.673 Malondialdehyde Levels in Blood Serum of Wistar Rats After Exposure to Panoramic and Cephalometric Radiation (Experimental Laboratory Research) <p><strong>Background: </strong>Panoramic and cephalometric radiographs are used in dentistry, especially orthodontics, sometimes accompanied by periapical examination. Behind the benefits of using radiography, there are disadvantages for the body, which cause changes in the normal cell arrangement, detected by increased levels of Malondialdehyde (MDA) in blood serum. <strong>Purpose:</strong> This study was to determine differences in blood serum MDA levels of wistar rats a few days after exposure to panoramic and cephalometric radiation. <strong>Materials and Methods</strong>: This study used 35 male Wistar strain Rattus norvegicus, weighing 200-250 grams, aged 3-4 months, in good physical health. Animals are divided into five groups. Group K did not do fixation and was not given radiation exposure; groups K1, K2, K3, and K4 underwent fixation were given radiation exposure, MDA levels were measured, groups K1, K2, K3, K4, day 1, 3, 5 and 7 after radiation exposure. MDA levels were measured by the thiobarbituric acid method using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 532nm. <strong>Results:</strong> <strong>&nbsp;</strong>There was a significant increase MDA levels in K1 (45.2704 <u>+</u> 2.08684). Significant decrease of MDA levels occurred in K<sub>2</sub> (34.7747 <u>+</u> 7.90103), K<sub>3</sub> (18.1266 <u>+</u> 5.33797), and K<sub>4</sub> (12.0494 <u>+</u> 1.91399). <strong>Conclusion</strong>: There was an increase in MDA levels after radiation exposure, and MDA decreased significantly from the third to the seventh day after radiation exposure. However, MDA levels have not returned to normal.</p> Emy Khoironi Syamsulina Revianti Nora Lelyana Yessy Andriani Fauziah Copyright (c) 2023 Emy Khoironi, Syamsulina Revianti, Nora Lelyana, Yessy Andriani Fauziah 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 289 293 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.674 Closed Management System: Factors and Its Relationship to Students’ Academic Performance: Basis for Classroom Management Program <p>Education has been a crucial aspect of social and economic development. As a result, countries invest immensely in their education systems for the students that will foster and learn different things. The study aims to explore the factors of a closed management system and how they affect students' academic performance towards effective classroom management at Qingdao Vocational College of Aviation Technology in China. Using a descriptive research design with a quantitative approach using PLS-SEM, the researcher surveyed 341 respondents using the purposive sampling technique. The findings indicate that well-being significantly affects academic performance. The moderating effect of demographic profiles on factors and academic performance is observed. Notably, there is a research gap regarding the influence of the closed management system on students’ academic performance, particularly in China. Existing studies mainly focus on political and cultural variables influencing the educational system rather than specific mechanisms like the closed management system. This study fills the gap by providing a systematic and empirical analysis of the impact of the closed management system on the student's academic performance. Today, there are limited studies on the impact of the closed management system on students ‘academic performance, especially in China. Existing studies concentrate on the political and cultural variables that influence the educational system rather than focusing on a particular mechanism. Thus, this aspect requires a systematic plan to manage the closed management system's impact on the student's academic performance.</p> Jingkun Liu Rovena I. Dellova Copyright (c) 2023 Jingkun Liu, Rovena I. Dellova 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 294 304 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.675 The Resilience of Micro and Small-Scale Entrepreneurs <p>Entrepreneurs often face significant work challenges, such as financial issues, managing team members, external shocks, and rapidly changing business trends. Therefore, it is not surprising that resilience as a concept is needed by entrepreneurs in order to ensure the sustainability of their businesses. The purpose of this study is to describe the level of resilience among entrepreneurs, particularly in small and micro enterprises. A total of 143 entrepreneurs in the Jabodetabek area were part of the study, of which 83 were entrepreneurs in the culinary sector, and 60 were entrepreneurs in other sectors. Measuring Entrepreneurial Resilience uses an adapted Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) version. Based on the analysis, the majority of those participating were found to exhibit moderate resilience. Higher levels of resilience were found among entrepreneurs with longer tenure. This study may have implications for further research and interventions that are effective in improving entrepreneurial resilience.</p> Puti Archianti Widiasih Fendy Suhariadi Seger Handoyo Copyright (c) 2023 Puti Archianti Widiasih, Fendy Suhariadi, Seger Handoyo 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 305 311 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.676 The Role of Dynamic Managerial Capabilities of School Principals on School Performance through Networking Capabilities and Spiritual Motivation <p>This study was conducted in the educational settings of the East Java Integrated Islamic School Network (JSIT), encompassing Kindergarten to High School levels. This study examines the impact of dynamic managerial ability, spiritual motivation, and networking ability on school performance across all East Java Integrated Islamic School Network levels. To achieve the research objective, a mixed-methods approach involving quantitative and qualitative interviews was employed. Empirical evidence revealed that the Principal's Dynamic Managerial Ability significantly influences School Performance. Furthermore, Spiritual Motivation has a notable impact both on the Principal's Dynamic Managerial Ability and directly on School Performance. In contrast, while Networking Ability does not significantly affect the Principal's Dynamic Managerial Ability, it does have a marked influence on School Performance. Additionally, Spiritual Motivation and Networking Ability significantly affect School Performance mediated by the Principal's Dynamic Managerial Ability.</p> Kholid Kholid Bagong Suyanto Fiona Niska Dinda Nadia Copyright (c) 2023 Kholid Kholid, Bagong Suyanto, Fiona Niska Dinda Nadia 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 312 318 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.677 Knowledge Sharing: Antecedent and Consequences Literature Review <p>Knowledge dissemination is a core component of Knowledge Management (KM) that profoundly influences the efficacy of KM initiatives. Numerous scholarly research underscores the pivotal role of KM and its procedures in affording organizations a competitive advantage. External entities such as consumers, vendors, advisors, rivals, or newly-inducted employees' previous employers can be sources of knowledge. With the increasing emphasis on a knowledge-driven economy, disseminating knowledge has emerged as a high-efficiency organizational behaviour. Rapidly transmitting and sharing knowledge, compared to one's competitors, is perceived as a crucial competitive benefit. This article seeks to consolidate prior research insights regarding the influencers and consequences of knowledge dissemination within firms. This review was orchestrated in a tripartite manner: establishing a review methodology, undertaking the review, and elucidating the review findings. Cultivating a culture that values knowledge dissemination is critical to optimized knowledge management. Earlier research has delved into knowledge dissemination through lenses like technological, organizational, and individual behavioral facets. The precursors to knowledge dissemination encompass Technology, Behavioral and Motivational aspects, Incentive Mechanisms, Organizational Configuration, and Corporate Culture. Evidence-based research implies that knowledge dissemination exerts a spectrum of effects across individual, group, and organizational echelons. At the singular level, it influences efficacy, educational acquisition, innovation, and mental implications. In a group context, it affects group efficacy, innovative tendencies, and the overall environment. On an overarching scale, the knowledge exchange among staff members plays a role in determining organizational outcomes.</p> Annisa Silfia Rudi Purwono Nuri Herachwati Copyright (c) 2023 Annisa Silfia, Rudi Purwono, Nuri Herachwati 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 319 330 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.678 Career Adaptability as A Mediator Between Thriving at Work and Career Engagement in Teacher’s Late Career Florentina Yuni Apsari Seger Handoyo Suryanto Suryanto Copyright (c) 2023 Florentina Yuni Apsari, Seger Handoyo, Suryanto Suryanto 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 331 339 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.679 The Effect of Perceived Benefits and Participation on Resistance to Change, With Organization-Based Self-Esteem Moderation <p><strong>Background - </strong>This study involves PT Bank XYZ RO VI Surabaya as the object of research, in which PT Bank XYZ RO VI Surabaya is in an effort to fulfil the change plan. In addition, this study also wants to see the effect of OBSE moderation on participation in resistance to change.</p> <p><strong>Purpose - </strong>This study aims to analyze resistance to change based on multidimensional concepts (i.e. thoughts, feelings, and thoughts) with participation and perceived benefits as antecedents.</p> <p><strong>Design/Methodology - </strong>A quantitative approach was employed in this study, in which a survey was employed as a collecting data procedure through questionnaires. The designed questionnaires were distributed to 196 employees as research respondents. In addition, PLS-SEM was employed as a method of research analysis.</p> <p><strong>Findings - </strong>The results showed that participation and benefits perceived as antecedents could predict all components of resistance to change (i.e., cognitive, affective, and behavioural). In addition, this study also shows that OBSE can moderate the relationship between participation and two components of resistance to change (i.e. cognitive resistance and affective resistance). Finally, this study also offers several implications, both theoretically and practically.</p> <p><strong>Research limitations -</strong> This research only focuses on one aspect, namely the individual level. In the future, research can use two levels: individuals and organizations.</p> <p><strong>Originality/value – </strong>Research on resistance to change has focused only on one aspect. Not much research on resistance to change focuses on a process starting from thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. In this study, resistance to change is considered as a process.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Gandi Aswaja Yogatama Dian Ekowati Nuri Herachwati Copyright (c) 2023 Gandi Aswaja Yogatama, Dian Ekowati, Nuri Herachwati 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 340 348 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.680 Improving Innovative Behavior and Empowerment Psychology Influenced by Emotional Intelligence in Each Individual LATSAR Participant <p>The success of government management and development depends largely on competitive human resources. Of course, this competitive ASN role must be able to fulfill its role as a political enforcer and official. Before being granted civil service status, government agencies must provide comprehensive education and training to foster ethics, honesty, enthusiasm and a drive for nationalism. They are expected to be political enforcers, officials, and unifiers of the country. In order to serve the community, ASNs must be compassionate and concerned about others, which are the hallmarks of people with high emotional intelligence. Hopefully, this research will form an adaptive bureaucracy, leave the status quo, and respond to the needs of the times. It will change how government, public services, and development function according to strategic needs and can be used as material for consideration in preparing training materials based on the needs of each region, especially in research on new ASNs in ASN Kab. Bangkalan. This study was conducted with 33 LATSAR participants from the Bangkalan district. The results showed that emotional intelligence had a positive impact on resilience. In turn, resilience factors can increase innovative behaviors and psychological empowerment behaviors. This study demonstrates that leadership factors can mediate increases in innovative behavior.</p> Dewi Ratih Pascarini Fendy Suhariadi Copyright (c) 2023 Dewi Ratih Pascarini 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 349 358 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.684 Entrepreneurial Intention in the Context of College Students in Jakarta: An Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Mediation <p><em>Approximately 80% of university graduates in Indonesia express a preference for pursuing employment within private enterprises as employees rather than embarking on entrepreneurial ventures. According to Hu &amp; Ye (2017), developed countries have a 20% entrepreneurial success rate, greater than the other countries, which only have a 10% success rate. Based on the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (KemenKopUKM), only 3.47 percent of Indonesians are entrepreneurs. This study aims to investigate whether Proactive Personality has&nbsp;a direct and indirect effect on Entrepreneurial Intention among undergraduates and whether Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy acts as a mediator in this relationship. Data collection in this study used an online questionnaire distributed to students currently studying at public and private universities in the Greater Jakarta area. The data will be processed using SmartPLS software. The results show that a person's proactive attitude positively impacts their intention to start a business. Additionally, the relationship between a Proactive Personality and Entrepreneurial Intention is positively mediated by Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy. The study can contribute to the body of research on the direct or indirect effects of Entrepreneurial Intention, Proactive Personality, and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy. In addition, the findings of this study provide an essential contribution for the universities to develop self-development strategies for students to increase their interest in starting to build a business.</em></p> Qorina Hanni Fauziyah Christian Haposan Pangaribuan Copyright (c) 2023 Qorina Hanni Fauziyah, Christian Haposan Pangaribuan 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 359 366 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.699 Bibliometrics Analysis of The Entrepreneurial Leadership on The Small Medium Enterprises <p><em>Current entrepreneurial leadership is crucial for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in general. Furthermore, it can be emphasized that leadership is highly necessary for business development. Leadership is defined as the ability of an individual with authority to utilize power according to their capacity as a leader, the strength, and the identity of a product to face highly dynamic business competition. Based on this foundation, the study aimed to determine the position of Entrepreneurial Leadership in SMEs within the scope of research using bibliometric techniques. The research method used was descriptive quantitative. Bibliometric analysis was conducted on the research data using bibliometric techniques. Bibliometric indicators were applied to evaluate bibliographic data, including total authors and published articles, citations, institutions, and countries participating in research development. Additionally, documentation techniques and literature studies obtained from Scopus and Google Scholar databases were utilized. The findings of this research reveal the identification of a keyword network connecting one study to another, including the most frequently used keywords as well as the least utilized keywords by researchers. In this study, "entrepreneurial leadership" is among the least commonly employed keywords in research related to innovation or SMEs development.</em></p> Sutama Wisnu Dyatmika Bagong Suyanto Erna Setijaningrum Tony Susilo Wibowo Copyright (c) 2023 Sutama Wisnu Dyatmika, Bagong Suyanto, Erna Setijaningrum, Tony Susilo Wibowo 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 367 376 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.700 Analysis of the Effect of Entrepreneurship Education, Family Environment and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intention <p>Issues of entrepreneurial intentions often center on challenges related to the self-efficacy of entrepreneurs and the support provided by the family environment for entrepreneurship education among university students. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of entrepreneurship education, family environment, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intention among undergraduate students at private universities in Surabaya. An inferential research design was used in this study. Because the data was obtained at one point in time, this research is cross-sectional. The scientific study was conducted on a sample of undergraduate students from private higher education institutions in Surabaya. These participants were selected due to their involvement in entrepreneurial activities. In this study, 377 students agreed to participate and completed the questionnaire. Entrepreneurship education and the family environment have a strong beneficial impact on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial ambition. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy is able to influence entrepreneurial intention in a favorable and substantial way. This research examined the impact of entrepreneurship education and family environment on entrepreneurial intention but did not look at entrepreneurial behavior, particularly how people start new businesses. As a result of the findings of this study, future research will provide a conceptual framework for evaluating entrepreneurship education providers across the board. This research intends to use a mixture of environmental and internal characteristics to assess entrepreneurial propensity.</p> Novianto Eko Nugroho Suryanto Suryanto Jusuf Irianto Copyright (c) 2023 Novianto Eko Nugroho, Suryanto Suryanto, Jusuf Irianto 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 377 390 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.701 Evaluation of 20 CODIS Core STR Loci For Touch DNA Analysis <p>The DNA profile is a combination of STR alleles loci as a result of template DNA amplification. The FBI has defined 20 core STR loci for human identification in forensic cases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the twenty CODIS core STR loci to be a reference in DNA touch examination. Nine donors with three shedder statuses, high, intermediate, and low, were holding the sample while tying two types of ropes, porous and non-porous. The touch sample is then sampled using two techniques on each rope: double swab and tape lift. DNA was extracted and quantified by real-time PCR technique to determine the concentration of DNA obtained from each treatment. Twenty-four STR loci of the DNA were amplified, and the fragments were analyzed by capillary electrophoresis. Two PCR cycles were chosen to determine the effect of adding cycles on the concentration of DNA that was not successfully amplified. The results of this study indicate that the quantity of touch DNA has a greater influence on the success rate of STR amplification. Each allele on 20 STR CODIS Loci failed to amplify from touch DNA concentration below 0.0625 ng/µl. It is shown that the longer the target allele at each locus, the easier it is for allelic drop-out to occur. However, the optimal STR locus length for DNA testing is under 200 nucleotides.</p> Vira Saamia Ahmad Yudianto Muktiningsih Nurjayadi Novitasari Novitasari Abdul Hadi Furqoni Racy Youngest Ajeng Tiara Parji Saputri Ade Maysaroh Riski Suranto Copyright (c) 2023 Vira Saamia, Ahmad Yudianto, Muktiningsih Nurjayadi, Novitasari Novitasari, Abdul Hadi Furqoni, Racy Youngest, Ajeng Tiara Parji Saputri, Ade Maysaroh, Riski Suranto 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 391 396 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.702 How To Retent Important Managerial Talents Toward Company Succession Plan: Fact From Systematic Training System On Talent Management Based In Multi Branches Manufacture <p>In various literatures, it is stated that HR training and development has a positive influence on the condition of HR in a company. This study aims to analyze and find a formula for the supervisor-level HR training and development system in the talent management-based position succession process at PT. Centralsari Primasentosa (Cleo). In the existing literature, there is very little discussion regarding the HR training and development system within the scope of talent management-based job succession. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Using this method, the author conducted a field study in the form of in-depth interviews with Cleo's HR Manager and a number of managers who have successfully gone through all stages of the succession process, namely in the form of training and development. The research results show that the supervisor level HR training system as talent at Cleo is different depending on the category of each talent in the talent pool. The training focus for the 4 talent categories is arranged based on a gap table with reference to the talent pool where there are aspects of performance and potential that are integrated from corporate values so that supervisors do not receive the same training focus depending on their position in which category. Exclusively, the company focuses on face-to-face training for future star and ready talent categories, while for moderate talent and not ready talent through online methods. The research results also show that the method of developing talent apart from the training method is in the form of CMC (Connecting Mobile Cleo) and Representative, where the two programs are applied the same for all talent categories both future star, talent ready, talent moderate, and talent not ready.</p> Mochamad Nasiruddin Suryanto Suryanto Nuri Herachwati Copyright (c) 2023 Mochamad Nasiruddin, Suryanto Suryanto, Nuri Herachwati 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 397 403 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.703 The Role of Family and School Support on Gen Z Leadership Capability Through PsyCap <p>As a generation that will later become a substitute leader for the current leader, Gen Z is the hope of the nation, especially for Indonesia, which is predicted to experience a demographic bonus in 2045. The article aims to look at the influence of the specific environment, school, family, and PsyCap as individual capital in influencing Gen Z leadership capabilities. We see Gen Z not only from prospective workers but also individuals who are prepared since early stage. This is the reason why we chose junior high school students to study. The results of the study found that school had a significant effect on PsyCap. However, the role of school and family in leadership capabilities through PsyCap mediation is not yet clear. Future research can examine using other scales to measure the desired variable so that the reliability of the influence of one variable on another variable appears.</p> Reni Astuti Copyright (c) 2023 Reni Astuti 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 404 409 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.704 Influence of Sustainable Construction for The Environment and Social Community <p>Sustainable construction is the way the construction industry develops to achieve sustainable development goals, taking into account environmental, socio-economic, and cultural preservation. Sustainable construction requires in-depth study, a synergy between various methods and approaches with technology exploration, and planning that prioritizes community welfare. This study aims to examine in depth implementation of sustainable construction in construction work discuss comprehensively benefits of sustainable construction for environmental and social sustainability. This type of research is normative juridical with a descriptive-analytical approach discussing existing legal symptoms and problems and testing their awareness of laws and legal norms. The results of this study show that the implementation of sustainable construction in construction work is applied through the concept of green construction or green building as a development that pays attention to environmental aspects, efficient use of energy and resources in the building cycle from the planning, implementation, and use of construction products. The benefits of sustainable construction for the environmental and social sustainability of the community include: reducing carbon emissions and resource efficiency, maintaining the continuity of the carrying capacity and accommodating capacity of the environment, reducing social inequalities or disparities in society, supporting cultural interactions and local wisdom, and moving the wheels of the national economy.</p> Triono Eddy Agustina Agustina Sagita Purnomo Copyright (c) 2023 Triono Eddy, Agustina Agustina, Sagita Purnomo 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 410 417 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.705 Assessing The Public Trust in The Indonesian National Police: A System Dynamics Model Approach <p>The importance of public trust in the police cannot be overstated, as it underpins social order, public safety, and the rule of law. Nevertheless, INP is facing its most difficult challenge yet after some senior police officers were involved in premeditated murder and drug trafficking. Therefore, it is necessary to provide an evaluation to improve public trust in the Indonesian National Police. This study aims to analyze the sustainability framework for enhancing public trust in the Indonesian National Police (INP). This research uses a descriptive statistical, qualitative approach with system dynamics modeling. The research was conducted between February to May 2023 with eight experts, including academicians and practitioners. The study findings project that INP public trust has a value of 3.567. Based on the scenario predicting 3.575 in 2027, indicating a medium trust status (level 3). However, there will be a slight decline in INP public trust from 2022 to 2025, followed by a gradual increase from 2025 to 2027, remaining within the medium trust range of 3.558. The repairing of public trust in INP is influenced by various dynamic and uncertain internal and external factors. Despite efforts to improve responsiveness, trustworthiness, and empathy, there is no significant positive trend observed in INP public trust, with only a marginal increase from 3.557 to 3.558 in medium trust level. Thus, the need to implement an accelerated strategy to improve trust becomes very important.</p> Agni Shanti Mayangsari Asep Irpan Rosadi Juansih Juansih Copyright (c) 2023 Agni Shanti Mayangsari, Asep Irpan Rosadi, Juansiah Juansih 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 418 427 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.706 Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Literature Review and Future Research <p>Sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) is very important for companies in analyzing the quality of human resources and the company's environment that continues to change. Besides that, SCA is also able to provide short-term revenue increases and product advantages to customers. This research aims to map the topic of SCA in various scientific fields by visualizing it into a landscape map to see its development and novelty using bibliographic data. Thus, the novelty of research related to strategic management from previous studies can be known with certainty. This research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. Documentation and literature studies in this study were obtained through the Scopus database with the keyword "sustainable competitive advantage". Bibliometric techniques were used for analysis and processed using Vosviewer software. The results of this study indicate that from 2017-2023, there are 205 articles related to the keywords used, the results of the Vosviewer analysis show 168 keywords that are connected to the keywords used, keywords that are widely used related to the keywords in this study are SCA, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Innovation, while keywords that are rarely used are SME, Supply Chain, Competitive Strategy, these rarely used keywords can be used as a choice of future research topics.</p> Arizal Liwafa Bagong Suyanto Zuyyinna Choirunnisa Copyright (c) 2023 Arizal Liwafa, Bagong Suyanto, Zuyyinna Choirunnisa 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 428 439 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.707 The Leadership Is Given Factors: Fintech Impact in Rural Bank Performance <p>The small business enterprise sector (SME) has a significant role in the development of the national economy. However, the existence of small businesses is inseparable from a number of problems they face, namely the problem of capital and the difficulty of access to sources of financing from formal financial institutions, especially banks, and the small opportunity to get business opportunities. Rural Banks have a very important role in overcoming capital problems faced by businesses in Indonesia so researchers are motivated to conduct research on Rural Banks in applying financial technology. The Sources of data in this study come from observations and interviews conducted using semi-structured interviews to obtain the necessary information on whether the directors of Rural banks are able to adapt to fintech. With this research, it will answer how the application of fintech will improve the performance of Rural banks through aspects of individual performance and Rural bank performance itself.</p> Rico Tedyono Muhammad Madyan Iman Harymawan Copyright (c) 2023 Rico Tedyono, Muhammad Madyan, Iman Harymawan 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 440 445 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.708 Women Academic Voices on Organisational Climate Leader's Views in Malaysia's Public Universities <p>Higher education institutions in Malaysia should be able to provide an ecosystem that is conducive to the career development of women's leadership. Diverse and inappropriate leadership styles make a female leader less effective when appointed to a leadership position. Furthermore, when the organizational climate of the university is not supportive and positive toward women leaders' development, it demotivates them from assuming leadership. As a result, the type of organizational climate deemed appropriate is required.The goal of this study is (i) to investigate the dimensions of organisational climate among women academic leaders &amp; (ii) to examine the link between organisational climate and transformational leadership. This study used a mixed method, which is a sequential exploratory design involving six informants from top management and 365 respondents from middle management in 20 public universities. Atlas Ti version 23 and SEM PLS version 4 are being used to analyze data. The findings of the study reveal that the organizational climate is perceived as supportive and constructive by women in academic careers. The thematic analysis also listed 12 themes and dimensions for the organizational climate construct. The research findings also found that the organizational climate and transformational leadership are positively correlated. This research also listed several initiatives that need to be taken by university management to improve the organizational climate and empower women's leadership, especially involving women academic leaders. This research also fulfills the SDG5 agenda regarding women in leadership and decision-making at the top management level.</p> Salmiwati Othman Aida Hanim A. Hamid Mohd Izham Mohd Hamzah Copyright (c) 2023 Salmiwati Othman, Aida Hanim A. Hamid, Mohd Izham Mohd Hamzah 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 446 452 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.709 Organizational Change in Banking: Potential and Future Research Opportunities <p>This research aims to map the topic of organizational change in various scientific fields, especially in the banking sector. The research method used is quantitative with a descriptive approach.The research data were analyzed using bibliometric techniques. Documentation techniques and literature studies in this study were obtained through the Scopus database with the keywords used in the search in the Scopus database, namely "organizational change" and "banking" since 2000-2023, the subject area is limited to"business, management and accounting", "economic, econometric and finance", document type "article", source type "journal", language "English". Journal articles found in the initial stage of the search were 80 articles, then 42 articles were excluded because they were irrelevant and could not be fully accessed, and 38 articles could be used in the study. Analysis in this study was carried out using Vosviewer software. The results of this study indicate the existence of a network of keywords between one study and another. Further, the results of this study indicate that "organizational change" is one of the most frequently used keywords in previous studies. However, "organizational change" in the banking sector is still not widely done. Only 38 relevant articles are related to "organizational change" in the banking sector. Furthermore, it can be explained that the keywords identified, namely 208 keywords with 18 clusters, and the nine least common keywords in research related to "organizational change" in the banking sector are organizational change, banking sector, leadership, savings banks, knowledge management, readiness for change, and communication. This research has limitations because it only uses the Scopus database to analyze research topics, indicating that many studies with related topics have not been comprehensively mapped. Future research needs to conduct Bibliometric analysis using a wider database such as Google Scholar, Scient Direct, JSTOR, PubMed, Emerald Insight or Directory of Open Access Journals.</p> Wahyu Eko Pujianto Rudi Purwono Nunuk Dyah Retno Lastuti Copyright (c) 2023 Wahyu Eko Pujianto, Rudi Purwono, Nunuk Dyah Retno Lastuti 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 453 466 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.710 The Influence of Authentic Leadership and Organizational Culture on Performance through Satoria Pharma's Employee Satisfaction <p>The quality of human resources (HR) determines the success of an organization, both large and small. HR plays a role in planning, implementing and controlling the organization. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether there is an influence: 1) authentic leadership on satisfaction; 2) organizational culture on satisfaction; 3) authentic leadership on employee performance; 4) organizational culture on employee performance; 5) satisfaction not on employee performance; 6) authentic leadership on performance through employee satisfaction; and 7) organizational culture on performance through employee satisfaction. The study was conducted using probability sampling, with data collected from respondents consisting of employees at various levels and departments at Satoria Pharma. Using Slovin's calculation, the sample was found to be 75 respondents taken from a total of 300 employees. The research used a quantitative approach with the following results: 1) authentic leadership affects satisfaction; 2) organizational culture affects satisfaction; 3) authentic leadership affects employee performance; 4) organizational culture affects employee performance; 5) satisfaction has no effect on employee performance; 6) authentic leadership has no effect on performance through employee satisfaction; and 7) organizational culture has no effect on performance through employee satisfaction. The results of this research shed light on the factors that impact employee satisfaction and organizational performance in the pharmaceutical industry. The practical implication of this study highlights the significance of cultivating genuine leadership and fostering a positive company culture. Managers and professionals within pharmaceutical companies should prioritize the qualities associated with authentic leadership, such as providing a clear vision and guidance, practising integrity, actively listening to and empathizing with employees, and fostering a sense of unity in the workplace. Furthermore, companies should strive to establish an organizational culture that places value on positive corporate ethics, encourages and supports employee growth and development, and promotes social norms that align with these values. By implementing authentic leadership and creating a good organizational culture, pharmaceutical companies like Satoria Pharma can improve employee satisfaction and overall organizational performance.</p> Enge Christina Jusuf Irianto Copyright (c) 2023 Enge Christina, Jusuf Irianto 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 467 476 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.711 The Role of Bhabinkamtibmas for The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) In Indonesian <p>In order to raise awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia, the government needs support to achieve the 2030 vision. One form of support is increased security by the National Police, especially for members of Bhabinkamtibmas. This effort aims to facilitate the realization of 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a target of 3,169 by 2030. This study used the literature review method. Data collection techniques are carried out by exploring journals and other information relevant to the study. The results showed that there are several influential roles of Bhabinkamtibmas in providing a sense of security to community members against high crime as a result of the high poverty rate in Indonesia. In addition, strengthening the role and function of Bhabinkamtibmas in realizing SDGs in Indonesia is determined by the large level of public awareness of the importance of order in the local environment. The next research that can be done is that researchers can conduct a literature review to examine the role of state security devices in participating in the other 17 pillars of SDGs, and researchers can conduct research with field research methods to get more comprehensive results.</p> Asep Irpan Rosadi Agni Shanti Mayangsari Juansih Juansih Copyright (c) 2023 Asep Irpan Rosadi, Agni Shanti Mayangsari, Juansih Juansih 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 477 485 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.712 Organisational Image's Moderating Effect on Cynicism and Turnover Intentions in Public Sector Employees <p>This study examines the relationship between organizational cynicism and the intention to leave an organization, emphasizing the moderating role of corporate image. The research explores how organizational cynicism impacts an employee's desire to leave, focusing on how the organization's image might influence this relationship. This study fills a gap by specifically analyzing the interplay of these elements, especially among public sector employees in Indonesia. In this study, the perceived external prestige was an indicator of organizational image. A survey was conducted with 80 public sector employees from a government agency in a district in Indonesia to collect data for this study. Social exchange theory served as the theoretical framework of the investigation. The data were then analyzed using Moderated Regression Analysis to determine the regression coefficients, followed by a two-way interaction ANOVA test. According to the data, cynicism is a major predictor of the desire to leave the organization, and organizational image helps mitigate the link between cynicism and intention to leave. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by shedding light on the influence of adverse workplace perceptions on employees' intentions to leave their employers, particularly in public sector firms. Notable because it analyzes the interplay between these variables, this study stands out. Prior research has not investigated all three components concurrently in the manner proposed by the model.</p> Riana Budiyanti Rudi Purwono Hendro Margono Teofilus Teofilus Copyright (c) 2023 Riana Budiyanti, Rudi Purwono, Hendro Margono, Teofilus Teofilus 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 486 493 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.713 The Effect of Social Support on Women-Inclusive Leadership Mediated With Personal Growth Initiative <p>Women's leadership has drawn the interest of researchers in recent years. More women are entering the workforce and achieving positions as leaders on small teams or in specific work divisions. Women leaders, as an overall characteristic of leadership, must be able to manage their teams to achieve organizational objectives. The significance of inclusive leadership in building an organizationally diverse atmosphere and promoting participative leadership techniques will allow women to reach their full leadership potential. The goal of this study is to discover how social support and personal growth initiatives enable women's inclusive leadership to promote women's leadership in organizations. This research was conducted by survey to 30 work teams, with a total responder of 90 participants. Research findings show that social support and personal growth initiatives support the emergence of women-inclusive leadership. that will encourage more effective women leadership.</p> Wenan Setyo Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 Wenan Setyo Nugroho 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 494 501 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.714 The Contexts of Academic Pressure: Narrative Review <p>Academic pressure is the pressure experienced by individuals related to academics. There are many contexts of academic pressure resulting from previous studies. The purpose of this research is to comprehensively explore and analyze the causes and impacts of academic pressure in many contexts. This research is important to do because currently there are increasing demands from an academic that must be understood by stakeholders to mitigate the emergence of negative impacts. The researcher conducted an article search using the keyword "academic pressure". Apart from keywords, researchers limit articles to English only. The article search was conducted on June 21 2023, and is limited to the year of publication between 2012 and 2023. The articles are articles sourced from the Scopus and Google Scholar databases. Researcher used narrative synthesis to summarize the evidence. The results of the review show that academic pressure has two major contexts, namely, students and lecturers. The antecedents and consequences of academic pressure on students and lecturers have also been discussed. A review of academic pressure can be a valuable contribution to stakeholders in determining and providing academic targets for students and lecturers. In addition, the results of this review of academic pressure can be a trigger for other researchers to study academic pressure in more depth related to the dimensions of academic pressure.</p> Laili Qomariyah Dian Ekowati Mohammad Fakhruddin Mudzakkir Copyright (c) 2023 Laili Qomariyah, Dian Ekowati, Mohammad Fakhruddin Mudzakkir 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 502 514 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.715 Organizational Strategy in Supporting National Food Security in Pamekasan Regency <p>Food is a basic human need that must always be satisfied. Getting food is a human right. The Food Security Act also clarifies and strengthens the achievement of food security, achieving food self-sufficiency through food independence, and food security. Today, the spread of foot-and-mouth disease in livestock can cause economic damage, as it reduces meat and milk production and makes animal trade difficult. The aim of this study is to identify strategies implemented by municipalities to support national food security during outbreaks of bovine foot and mouth disease. The type of study is descriptive qualitative, and this study focuses on the strategy of Pamekasa Regency Food Security and Agriculture Service in dealing with outbreaks of bovine foot and mouth disease and outlining the strategies of the government with five indicators namely objectives, environment, direction, action or action and learning. Purposive sampling with observation, interview, and documentation methods is used as a technique to determine informants to obtain information. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and inference. The results of research using indicators of organizational strategy, namely the goal indicator is still not good inequality in providing free vaccinations in each region. The environmental indicator has been running well, but the direction indicator has not been running well because not all farmers know the directions on how to bring in cattle from outside the region. The action indicator has not been maximized in leveling communication, information, and education, and the learning indicator has been running well.</p> Ach. Resa Fachrizi Sri Pantja Madyawati Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto Copyright (c) 2023 Ach. Resa Fachrizi, Sri Pantja Madyawati, Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 515 519 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.716 Entrepreneurial Decision-Making of Born-Digital Companies Using An Effectuation Lens <p>In order to examine how born globals in developing economies create global possibilities in a digital global business environment, this paper will reply to requests for papers in the field of international entrepreneurship. This study's goal is to use effectuation theory to analyze how digital businesses develop prospects in international marketplaces. This study is based on numerous case studies from two Indonesian game firms and qualitative data. By offering insights into the decision-making logic utilized by international entrepreneurs in born-digital enterprises, this study contributes theoretically to the literature on IE. The results also support further study in this field and improve our understanding of born globals.</p> Novika Candra Astuti Copyright (c) 2023 Novika Candra Astuti 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 520 527 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.717 Financial Health Indicators that Affect Return on Assets of Indonesian Guarantee Institutions <p>The amount of outstanding claims increased, and the Financial Service Authority, known as Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) had regulations to make them keep their performance financial health. The institution also needs to improve its financial performance, which may be affected by financial health. This research aims to find out and analyze the influence of financial health indicators on financial performance. The type of this research is classified as quantitative associative research. The study used secondary data of guarantee institution statistics that includes financial highlight, financial position, comprehensive income, investment portfolio, and operational performance of guarantee institutions for 78 months, from January 2016 to June 2022. This study used multiple linear regression analysis with analytical tools Eviews version 12. The indicator of financial health was using Early Warning System (EWS) and gearing ratio. EWS is proxied through the solvency margin ratio, adequacy of capital funds, incurred loss ratio, and liquidity ratio, while financial performance is proxied through return on asset. The result of this study shows that solvency margin ratio, adequacy of capital funds, and liquidity ratio affect financial performance, while incurred loss ratio and gearing ratio do not affect financial performance.</p> Azizah Akbariani Ahmad Asrid Juniar Copyright (c) 2023 Azizah Akbariani Ahmad, Asrid Juniar 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 528 535 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.718 Identification of Dynamic Capability and Personal Competency to Develop Innovative Performance <p>The New Public Management Paradigm required the management of public sector organizations to transform by prioritizing the principles of competition, performance, and responsiveness in every bureaucratic behavior so that it could stimulate an increase in organizational performance results to become more effective and efficient. Seeing the demands for public administration reform, of course, the desires and demands of the community for the creation of public sector organizations that had high governance performance was increasing where this indicated the low performance of public sector management as an effort to achieve increased flexibility of public sector organizations in facing global challenges. This study aimed to identify dynamic management capability and personal competency to develop innovative performance. This study used a qualitative approach with a literature study method, a literature study consisting of detailed investigations, data collection of certain period of time, phenomena, and contexts to analyze the context and processes related to the theoretical issues being studied intrinsically from the literature used. This study concluded that there were cognitive dynamic capability and personal competence that must be possessed by public organizations to increase innovative performance in effective governance, namely thinking again, thinking ahead, and thinking across. These three factors encouraged transformational changes in governance that led to the formation of dynamic capabilities of Government/public sector organizations facing global challenges.</p> Budi Basuki Fendy Suhariadi Zuyyina Choirunnisa Copyright (c) 2023 Budi Basuki, Fendy Suhariadi, Zuyyina Choirunnisa 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 536 542 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.719 Unraveling the Interplay of Learning Agility, Burnout, and Executive Function in Fostering Agile Leadership among Millennial Leaders <p>In the rapidly evolving business landscape, agile leadership, especially among millennial leaders, has become pivotal. However, a comprehensive understanding of how Learning Agility, Burnout, and Executive Function interact to shape this leadership style is still limited, with burnout potentially impeding agile leadership development. This study aimed to elucidate the interplay between Learning Agility, Burnout, Executive Function, and their collective contribution to Agile Leadership among millennial leaders. We selected 121 millennial leaders from five different companies for this purposeful study. Utilizing Model 8 in Process Macro Hayes, we tested four hypotheses to evaluate the relationships between Learning Agility (LA) and Agile Leadership (AL), the mediating role of Executive Function (EF), the moderating effect of Burnout, and the conditional indirect impact of EF at various burnout levels. The results revealed a significant positive correlation between Learning Agility and Agile Leadership when Burnout was extremely low (p &lt; 0.01). Still, this relationship was not significant at neutral and high burnout levels. While executive function emerged as a crucial mediator, it did not significantly mediate the Learning Agility-Agile Leadership relationship. Burnout was found to moderate this relationship, accounting for an additional 4.96% of the variability in Agile Leadership (p &lt; 0.01), I would write p&lt;.01). The overall model explained 17.18 (17.2) % of Agile Leadership variability (F = (6.0150 =) 6.02, (p = 0.0002), p&lt;.001). However, the conditional indirect effects of Learning Agility on Agile Leadership were not statistically significant at different burnout levels. It can be concluded that Burnout is a significant moderator variable between Learning Agility and Agile Leadership among millennial leaders, emphasizing the need for Burnout reduction strategies to optimize the influence of Learning Agility on Agile Leadership. Future research is required to fully understand the mediating role of Executive Function in this relationship.</p> Lucia Trisni Widhianingtanti Fendy Suhariadi Seger Handoyo Gilles van Luijtelaar Copyright (c) 2023 Lucia Trisni Widhianingtanti, Fendy Suhariadi, Seger Handoyo, Gilles van Luijtelaar 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 543 551 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.720 Consequences of Re-Enacting GBHN (Guideline for State Policy) in National Development Indonesia <p>The research titled "Consequences of Reimplementing the GBHN in National Development Indonesia" delves into the implications of reintroducing the GBHN (Guideline for State Policy) in the context of national development. The GBHN, a strategic policy framework about The 1945 Constitution, is the written Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. It was previously utilized to guide Indonesia's development initiatives but was later abolished. This study aims to comprehend the potential outcomes of its reinstatement. Through a comprehensive legal analysis, the research explores the historical background, legal framework, and socio-economic impact of re-enacting the GBHN. By examining comparable case studies and conducting in-depth interviews, the study investigates the possible benefits, challenges, and transformative aspects of returning to the GBHN system. The research contributes valuable insights into the legal and developmental dimensions of policy-making, shedding light on the intricate interplay between policy formulation, governance, and national progress.</p> Isyrofah Amaliyah Achmad Novianto Sanjaya Millah Aldillah Achmad Copyright (c) 2023 Isyrofah Amaliyah Achmad, Novianto Sanjaya, Millah Aldillah Achmad 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 552 558 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.721 Human Resource Development on The Technical Competence of Middle Manager and Employees in The Era of Globalization: A Literature Review <p>The development of globalization triggers the important role of human resources in organizations. Human resources was a concern and an important issue for the existence of the organization, including middle managers, to manage the capacity building process. Humans have to adapt, be competent, and have a competitive advantage because of globalization's demand, so the organization must improve human resource competencies through learning in order to face globalization. Competence refers to the characteristics that underlie behavior that describe the motive, personal characteristics, self-concept, value, knowledge, and skills of someone who is a superior performer. The competencies were defined there are self-competence, team, changes, communication, and ethics. The study aimed to analyze the global human resource development process, especially for middle managers who are responsible in terms of capacity building programs. The study design used a literature review for the last five years' article publication. PRISMA diagram was used for article selection for the title, abstract, full text, and methodology of the articles. The keywords there are Development AND Human AND Resource AND Competencies. The five databases are Scopus, Google Scholar, ProQuest, PubMed, and Science Direct. The period of article publication included is between 2019 to 2023. Data analysis used the descriptive approach. The 15 articles were selected for this literature review. Manager and leadership: Performances management, building a performance culture, competency-based superior performance, and then competencies related to finances, leadership, and communication. The other side also indicated the competencies related to the technical, strategic, and team building professional. Otherwise, the networking aspect results in an organization with effectiveness, transformational leadership, and supervision. Staffing: Productivity, adaptability and flexibility, employee performance, cognitive ability and density of work experience, continuous learning, quality of work life, competitive advantage, work discipline, Work motivation Based on the above literature review, we concluded that more articles were detected and discussed about the manager and leadership development and staff development to increase the competencies in the work.</p> Joao Maia Falih Suaedi Erna Setijaningrum Copyright (c) 2023 Joao Maia, Falih Suaedi, Erna Setijaningrum 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 559 568 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.722 Creative Industry Development Strategy for Innovation in East Java Province <p>These changes are considered to be despite having good skills, and supply chain managers still face challenges and regulations. Alterations in consumer attitudes today due to the pandemic are considered fast and unpredictable. The purpose of this study was to determine the elements that affect the effectiveness and viability of the creative industries for inventiveness in East Java Province. It is known that the plan of development does not only provide information, commodities available, money, and innovation, but also has the value of developing knowledge, knowing a map of strengths, and applying efficiency along with values. When deciding on different solutions, the SWOT analysis uses the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) method as a strategic focus analysis. Findings from the SWOT analysis produced five different approaches were considered, and the QSPM analysis was used to get the overall attractiveness scores. The analysis's findings give the highest total value on the importance of the availability of potential resources with a value of 15,862, second through sixth, respectively, namely the need to understand market changes quickly (14,840), build partnerships (14,646), standardized and sustainable products (14,123), and develop principles efficiency for competitiveness (12,288). The recommendations given are resource potential and quick response to market demand, in addition to the other three factors that must be considered in the development strategy for innovation in the creative industries<em>.</em></p> Adisty Riska Hardianti Ahsin Daroini Subagyo Subagyo Gesty Ernestivita Copyright (c) 2023 Adisty Riska Hardianti, Ahsin Daroini, Subagyo, Gesty Ernestivita 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 569 577 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.723 Implementation of Organizational Agility Model in Improving Sustainable PHEIs Competitive Advantage: Narrative Literature Review <p>In the rapidly evolving landscape of higher education, Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs) face multifaceted challenges in pursuing Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA). This narrative literature review delves into the implementation of the Organizational Agility (OA) model within PHEIs to enhance their competitive edge. The study aimed to comprehensively explore and assess the potential of OA in fostering sustained competitiveness among PHEIs. This review critically examined articles from the Scopus and Google Scholar databases through a narrative synthesis approach. Conducted in 2023, the systematic search employed the keyword "Organizational Agility" and encompassed English-language publications dating from 2012 to 2023. The selected articles were meticulously analyzed in alignment with the research objectives.</p> <p>The synthesis of the reviewed literature underscores the paramount significance of OA for PHEIs striving to attain SCA. The findings highlighted various dimensions of OA—strategic agility, structural flexibility, process adaptability, cultural agility, technological readiness, and human resource agility—as instrumental in enhancing the competitiveness of PHEIs. The capacity for strategic flexibility empowers swift adaptation to volatile market conditions, while structural adaptability facilitates the alignment of internal structures with external exigencies. Process adaptability enables effective responses to shifts in academia, technology, and market dynamics. Cultural agility fosters innovation and collaboration, while technological readiness and human resource agility provide essential tools and skilled personnel to leverage emerging technologies and navigate fluid environments.</p> <p>In conclusion, this narrative review underscores OA's pivotal role in fortifying SCA among PHEIs. By embracing diverse dimensions of OA, PHEIs can adeptly navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and realize sustainable competitiveness. The synthesis of findings elucidates that OA is a multifaceted approach propelling PHEIs to excel within the ever-evolving higher education landscape. This research points towards promising avenues for future inquiries, urging deeper exploration into specific OA dimensions, empirical investigations, and cross-cultural applicability.</p> Chriestine Ayu Ashari Nuri Herachwati Copyright (c) 2023 Chriestine Ayu Ashari, Nuri Herachwati 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 3 578 588 10.31098/bmss.v3i3.725