About the Journal

RSF Conference Proceeding Series: Business, Management and Social Science provides practician, academician, and other relevant professionals throughout the world with the opportunity to exchanges and disseminates both theoritical and empirical for the advancement of:
a. Business includes Familiy business, creative business, Business model, Small medium enterprise (SME), digital business, Business economics, business administration and all areas in business.
b. Managemet includes all aspect in management science, organizational behavior, knowledge management, leadership, Management Information system, Risk management and others.
c. Social Science includes: Education, Law, Psychology, Art and all aspect in humanities.

P-ISSN: 2807-6699

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): ICPS
					View Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): ICPS
The 2023 International Conference of UNAIR Postgraduate School is a conference collaboration between UNAIR Postgraduate School and the Research Synergy Foundation (RSF). The virtual conference was held on September 5, 2023, with the Theme: Sustainable Development & Energy Resilience in Multidisciplinary Perspective. The conference aims to provide a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners worldwide to explore, discuss, and advance the understanding of sustainable development and energy resilience. 
Published: 2023-09-05


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