Proceeding of LPPM UPN “VETERAN” YOGYAKARTA CONFERENCE SERIES 2020 – POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE SERIES 2020-11-06T17:01:12+00:00 Dr. Hendro Widjanarko, SE., MM Open Journal Systems <p>The Proceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Political and Social Science (PSS) has published with registered number <strong>ISBN 9786236-896129</strong>. This proceeding is a collaboration conference program between Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “VETERAN” Yogyakarta (UPN Veteran Yogyakarta) and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF). The PSS Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of Engineering and Science. In addition, the PSS presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Political Science, International Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies, Policy Studies, Public Administration, Social Science, Tourism, Education, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, Sociology, Psychology, Business Administration, Communication Studies, Public Relations and Mass Communication. All articles to be published in this proceedings have undergone rigorous peer review by Conference Scientific review committees.</p> Climate Policies in Indonesia’s Development Agenda: Why a Carbon Tax is Marginalised 2020-10-27T13:48:08+00:00 Rakhmindyarto Rakhmindyarto <p>Drawing on the results of an exploratory qualitative study based on in-depth interviews involving government executives, politicians, business players, and non-government organisations (NGOs), this paper explores climate policies in Indonesia’s national development agenda, including whether a carbon tax could be one of the national priority policy goals. The results suggest that there is heterogeneity in how Indonesian key stakeholders perceive climate policies in Indonesia’s development agenda. Indonesian stakeholders are cognisant of the adverse impacts of climate change on social, economic, and environmental aspects. They also acknowledge that having clear and sound climate mitigation policies is required to achieve Indonesia’s ambitious GHG emissions reduction target. However, Indonesia’s development policy goals are focusing on economic growth, in particular boosting infrastructure investments, reducing poverty and inequality, and job expansion. This makes climate policies are compromised and has created conflicts between Indonesia’s development agenda and its commitment to deal with climate change issues. Overall, the study finds that climate policies are incompatible with Indonesia’s development agenda, therefore a carbon tax is placed at the bottom of the national policy goals.</p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 LPPM UPN “VETERAN” YOGYAKARTA CONFERENCE SERIES 2020 – POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE SERIES Globalization And Locality: Global Communication And Digital Revolution In The Borderless World Era 2020-10-27T13:48:08+00:00 Ariesani Hermawanto Melaty Anggraini <em><span lang="EN">Globalization is a phenomenon after the Cold War and continues in the era of the new millennium. It also has a direct impact on the community at the local level.</span><span lang="EN"> The citizens' activities are easier because everyone can always be connected through the global information network.</span><span class="Heading3Char"><span lang="EN"> </span></span><span class="tlid-translation"><span lang="EN">The approach used is related to the concept of glocalization, which means a global process which is then adapted by local.</span></span><span lang="EN">This paper focuses on the link between globalization and locality in an era of a world without borders.</span><span class="tlid-translation"><span lang="EN">The findings in this paper is the paradox impacts from the reciprocal reaction between global processes and local due to the development of communication and the digital revolution that have beneficial and unfavorable impacts</span></span></em> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 LPPM UPN “VETERAN” YOGYAKARTA CONFERENCE SERIES 2020 – POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE SERIES The Effect of e-Service Quality on e-Satisfaction: A Study in the Context of Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic 2020-10-27T13:48:09+00:00 Susanta Susanta Humam Santosa Utomo <p><em>During the Covid-19 pandemic, almost all universities conducted distance learning. Student responses to the implementation of online lectures need attention. Research on e-service quality on e-satisfaction in the context of pursuit is still very limited. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of e-service quality on e-satisfaction in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted on 1,212 students who had participated in online learning by distributing online questionnaires. The analysis tools used are SPSS and WarpPLS. The results of this study indicate that e-service quality has a significant positive effect on e-satisfaction. This finding is useful for universities as evaluation material in order to improve the online learning process.</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 LPPM UPN “VETERAN” YOGYAKARTA CONFERENCE SERIES 2020 – POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE SERIES Effect of Circuit Training, Interval Training and Body Mass Index For Increase the VO2 Max 2020-10-27T13:48:09+00:00 Trisaptono Trisaptono Sumintarsih Sumintarsih <em><span lang="IN">and low body mass index. 2) differences in the effect of the circuit training method and interval training on increasing the VO2 Max Ability of Volleyball Players. 3) the difference in the VO2 Max ability of Volleyball Players between the circuit training method for high body mass index and the interval training method for high body mass index. 4) the difference in the VO2 Max Ability of Volleyball Players between the low body mass index circuit training method and the low body mass index training interval training method. 5) the effect of the interaction between body mass index and training methods on increasing the VO2 Max Ability of Volleyball Players.</span><span lang="IN"> </span><span lang="IN">This study used a 2x2 factorial design experimental method. Population of Volleyball Club players Balangan Student Association, Sleman Yogyakarta. Total sample was 24 athletes. Data analysis techniques using ANAVA.</span><span lang="IN"> </span><span lang="IN">The results: 1) There is a difference in effect between the circuit training method with a mean of 2.716666667, interval training with a mean of 3.655833333, on the increase in the VO2 Max ability of the mean difference of 0.939166666. 2) There is a difference in the effect between low body mass index with a mean of 3.844166667, high body mass index with a mean of 2.528333333 on the increase in the ability of VO2 max selisish by a mean of 1.315833334. 3) There is a difference in the effect of circuit training on average low Body Mass Index 3.001666667, interval training for low Body Mass Index with a mean of 4.686666667 on the increase in VO2 Max ability, a mean difference of 1.685. 4) there is a difference in the effect of circuit training on high Body Mass Index with a mean of 2.431666667, interval training for Body Mass Index with a mean height of 2.626 on the increase in VO2 max, a mean difference of 0.193333333 5) Interaction between Body Mass Index and exercise methods 1.45530676.</span></em> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 LPPM UPN “VETERAN” YOGYAKARTA CONFERENCE SERIES 2020 – POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE SERIES The Shifting Of Masculinity Practice In The Global Political Constellation 2020-10-27T13:48:09+00:00 Sri Muryantini Istiana Rahatmawati Laila Hanifah <p class="BodyAbstract"><span lang="IN">Political masculinity is portrayed in ways that are full of aggression through the gun, war and the military. After World War II subsided and entered a new chapter of the Cold War, inter-physical wars began to be replaced by ideological wars between the west and east poles, communists and liberalists. Eventhough physical warfare has subsided, various countries still highlight the masculine character to show its extension through hegemony that leads to soft power. This study conducted information searches through literature studies and group discussion forums about global political masculinity which were then extracted in the form of qualitative descriptive research. The goal of this research is to determine the shift in the practice of masculinity in the global political constellation. The results showed that there has been a shift in the practice of masculinity in several countries due to several factors, one of the most significant is globalization. Globalization requires countries to open up and lessen arrogance in order to maintain national stability and its existance also strengthen bargaining position in the global political constellation all at once.</span></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 LPPM UPN “VETERAN” YOGYAKARTA CONFERENCE SERIES 2020 – POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE SERIES Empowerment of Women Farmers Group through Processing of Agricultural Products in Hargomulyo Village, Kokap, Kulon Progo Yogyakarta 2020-11-06T17:01:12+00:00 Suratna Suratna Adi Soeprapto Susanta Susanta Simon Pulung Nugroho <p><em>Kulon Progo is a district known as one of the centers for agricultural products in the Yogyakarta Special Region Province. Agricultural product processing efforts in Kulonprogo Regency still face challenges in terms of optimal community capacity and capabilities, especially as found in Hargomulyo Village, Kokap District. These Community Engagement Activities are intended for employment and increasing citizen participation, especially women in development through community empowerment. The Mekar Mandiri Women Farmera Group is a group of women farmer's wives or women in Hargomulyo Village who have activities in the agricultural sector in utilizing agricultural resources to work together to increase farm productivity and the welfare of its members. In carrying out its activities, the Mekar Mandiri Farmer Group has several obstacles: (1) Limited insight into developing agricultural business; (2) Limited skills in processing agricultural products; (3) Limited equipment for processing agricultural products. The solutions offered in Community Engagement activities are (1) training to broaden people's insights and capacity building, (2) facilitation of business equipment procurement, and (3) assistance in applying for home industry permits and trademarks. The conclusion that can be drawn from this community engagement activities are the development of an entrepreneurial spirit and increase the skill and ability of women farming groups member to process garden products (post-harvest).</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Suratna Suratna, Adi Soeprapto, Susanta Susanta, Simon Pulung Nugroho Misinformation and Disinformation of COVID-19 on Social Media in Indonesia 2020-10-27T13:48:09+00:00 Senja Yustitia Panji Dwi Asharianto <p><em>Infodemics in the COVID-19 pandemic situation biases information, and the community's need for the correctness of information becomes increasingly difficult to fulfill. Misinformation and disinformation circulate widely on social media, including instant chat applications. The research problem's formulation is how the contents of COVID-19 misinformation and disinformation that occurred on social media in Indonesia for the period January 20 - March 9, 2020. The research method used is quantitative with a content analysis approach. All misinformation and disinformation cases on social media are taken from cases that have been fact-checked by Mafindo (Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society) in a predetermined period. In total, there were 69 cases of misinformation and disinformation. As a result, there are three main conclusions in this study. First, false context and misleading content are the most common types of misinformation and disinformation. Second, the producers and distributors of these messages are individuals with Facebook and WhatsApp. Third, these findings indicate a tendency for the production and distribution of misinformation and disinformation messages to be carried out by individuals. The high accessibility of the community facilitates this to communication media.</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Senja Yustitia, Panji Dwi Asharianto Research Culture and Productivity Improvement Through Online Journal System Development and Optimization 2020-10-27T13:48:10+00:00 Dyah Rini Ratnaningsih Boni Swadesi Ristiyan Ragil Putradianto Anisa Novia Risky <p><em>The research conducted by lecturers and students at a university has a strong correlation with the quality of the institution.</em> <em>Unfortunately, the culture of writing and researching is still far from expectation. Meanwhile, some departments in the institution still manually collected the articles from the lecturer or researchers that takes big effort and time to produce a single volume of the journal. This research was conducted to improve research culture in the Petroleum Engineering Department by optimizing a well-known online submission system called Open Journal System (OJS) that has been used in several departments. OJS is configured and optimized based on lessons learned from existing journals so that it could ease the lecturers to submit and the reviewers to examine the articles. </em><em>The methodology in this research includes identifying existing problems and constraints, creating questionnaires that were distributed to lecturers and students, analyzing the results of the questionnaire and the obstacles, developing and introducing this system to students and lecturers</em><em>. From the questionnaire result, some problems were identified and subjected to be solved. At the end of the research, the lecturers gave good feedback to the online journal system for its simple view and easiness of publication.</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Dyah Rini Ratnaningsih, Boni Swadesi, Ristiyan Ragil Putradianto, Anisa Novia Risky Creating Agricultural Product Innovations and Business Development: A Case in Farmer Women Group 2020-10-27T13:48:10+00:00 Endah Wahyurini Humam Santosa Utomo <p><em>The Covid-19 pandemic implies a decrease in family income, resulting in social problems such as unemployment and poverty. This study aims to describe the process of creating product innovation carried out by groups of women farmers by using the land around the house to grow vegetables and the challenges they face. The study was conducted on a group of female farmers in Bantul, Yogyakarta using a qualitative analysis approach. Data collection techniques used observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. The results of this study indicate that the crisis conditions and knowledge play an important role in the creation of innovation in agriculture. The diverse knowledge of the members creates new product and service innovation ideas. Universities, local governments, and industry play a role in encouraging the creation of innovation and the formation of joint ventures so that members get economic benefits. The women farmer groups have grown their roles, not only as social organizations but also in business organizations.</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Endah Wahyurini, Humam Santosa Utomo Social Media Literacy For Housewives In Kanoman Maguwoharjo Village, Sleman, Yogyakarta 2020-10-27T13:48:10+00:00 Dewi Novianti Siti Fatonah <pre><em><span lang="EN">Social media is a necessity for everyone in communicating and exchanging information. Social media users do not know the boundaries of age, generation, gender, ethnicity, and religion. However, what is interesting is the user among housewives. This study took the research subjects of housewives. Housewives are chosen as research subjects because they are pillars or pillars in a household. If the pillar is strong, then the household will also be healthy. Thus, if we want to build a resilient and robust generation, we will start from the housewives. A healthy household starts from strong mothers too. This study aims to find out the insights of the housewives of Kanoman village regarding the content on smartphones and social media and provide knowledge of social media literacy to housewives. This study used a qualitative approach with data collection techniques using participant observation, interviews, focus group discussion (FGD), and documentation. The results of the study showed that previously housewives had not experienced social media literacy. Then the researchers took steps to be able to achieve the desired literacy results. Researchers took several steps to make them become social media literates. They become able to use social media, understand social media, and even produce messages through social media.</span></em></pre> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Dewi Novianti, Siti Fatonah Urban Farming With The Biopharmaceutical Crops To Develop Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (Msme) Of Healthy Beverages Production 2020-10-27T13:48:10+00:00 Tuti Setyaningrum Sari Virgawati Maftuh Kafiya <p><em>Recently, it is quite difficult to find an area for cultivation in the city, therefore, the backyard area in every family house in the city is also used as a farming area known as the urban farming system. The Farmer Group in the city of Yogyakarta, namely the Wijaya Kusuma Farmer Group (WK), has developed this urban farming system in their home yards by growing vegetables and fruits. With the COVID pandemic, they plan to cultivate empon-empon, herbal plants which have benefits to increase the body immunity or known as biopharmaceutical crops. Meanwhile, the Lombok Ijo Farmer Group (LI), which is in the same area as the WK, is more oriented towards making a healthy beverage from empon-empon. However, in this pandemic situation, the price of raw material for herbal drink has increased significantly. In this case, a collaboration between those two farmer groups is needed by utilizing the empon-empon cultivation produced from the WK to meet the raw material needs for herbal drinks produced by the LI. To ensure that both farmer gro ups reach good quality products and able to meet the standards for developing SMSE, it needs to assist in cultivation, post-harvest processing, until product packaging, and marketing by training. </em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Tuti Setyaningrum, Sari Virgawati, Maftuh Kafiya Evaluation Of Learning Process Based On Outcomes-Based Education (Obe) In Study Program Of Accounting Faculty Of Economics And Business UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta 2020-10-27T13:48:10+00:00 Sri Astuti Zuhrohtun Zuhrohtun Kunti Sunaryo <p><em>This study aims to evaluate the success of the learning process in the Accounting Study Program at UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta. The success of the learning process can be seen from the learning outcomes. This study was conducted in order to prepare an educational curriculum using the OBE approach. This study is survey research conducted on students of the Accounting Study Program at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. The number of respondents is 106. The instrument used in exploring the depth of the survey results is the Learning Outcomes (LO) which will be used in the preparation of the new curriculum “Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka”. The questionnaire instrument will be used as a basis for measuring the success of the LO which is formulated in the Curriculum Guide for Accounting Study Program of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. LO is the ability to communicate and write; problem-solving skills; ethical reasoning skills; ability to work with teams; the soul of defending the country.</em><em> </em><em>Based on the survey results, the following results were obtained: the students' communication and writing skills are still lacking; the ability to solve the problem of the students is still lacking; students' ethical reasoning skills are quite good; the ability to work with the team is still lacking; the spirit of defending the country is still lacking. The results of this survey can be used as an input in developing the MBKM curriculum. </em><em></em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Sri Astuti, Zuhrohtun Zuhrohtun, Kunti Sunaryo Visiting peaceful Maghilewa: Culture and Nature as The Potentials of Community-Based Tourism 2020-10-27T13:48:10+00:00 Eny Endah Pujiastuti Sriyono Sriyono Adi Soeprapto Simon Pulung Nugroho <p><em>Currently, there is a rapid growth of demand for cultural tourism and there is a growing trend of cultural interest as a tourism product in the world. Indonesia has a lot of cultural and historical heritage with a multicultural population and serves as an integral part of the world's cultural heritage. In order to have an impact on the economy, this cultural heritage must be managed properly. Therefore there needs to be a study on the cultural heritage tourism model by balancing the interests between the tourism industry and heritage preservation as the main agenda to get a mutually sustainable relationship in cultural heritage tourism. The objectives in research are to; 1) knowing the potential of the Maghilewa traditional village as a cultural tourism destination, 2) knowing the feasibility of the traditional village as a cultural heritage destination, 3) formulating the steps that will be taken to prepare the traditional village as a cultural heritage destination. This research is a qualitative descriptive study to get an overview of the potential and feasibility of cultural tourism villages and the steps to make traditional villages into cultural tourism destinations. The results showed that the traditional village of Maghilewa was feasible to be developed into a cultural heritage destination. In developing the traditional village of Maghilewa, it is feasible as a cultural heritage destination, it requires a lot of support from the community, local government, and academics. The steps that must be taken are to build synergy between stakeholders in order to build the capacity of the Maghilewa Traditional Village community and encourage the Regional Government to implement comprehensive policies in participatory tourism development by prioritizing the conservation of local culture. </em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Eny Endah Pujiastuti, Sriyono Sriyono, Adi Soeprapto, Simon Pulung Nugroho Content Analysis of the Controversy Over the Communication of Government Policies in Handling Covid-19 in Online Media 2020-10-27T13:48:11+00:00 Panji Dwi Ashrianto Edwi Arief Sosiawan <p><em>The Coronavirus (Covid-19) has hit almost all countries in the world. Cases of Covid-19 sufferers continue to grow. The impacts are also multidimensional, from economic to social. It is not easy for governments to deal with this global spreading pandemic. During the Covid-19 epidemic, controversy arose in the public space regarding government discourse and policies in dealing with Corona and its effects. These various controversies occurred due to the inadequate public understanding of the policies for handling Covid 19. The government is considered stuttering in responding to the situation and shows a failure to deliver good communication to the public. The research problem's formulation is: What is the content of controversy and polemic over government policies in handling COVID-19 from March 2020 to May 2020 in online media</em><em>. The research method used is quantitative with a content analysis approach. There are three policy contents analyzed, which are sourced from the three news media portals most accessed in Indonesia based on the Alexa website ranking. As a result, there are three main conclusions in this study. First, in communicating government policies, the president is still at the forefront of delivering systems. Second, the guidelines issued by the government are mostly macro policies dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. Third, the impact resulting from government policies' communication on handling the Covid-19 epidemic has caused chiefly controversy.</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Panji Dwi Ashrianto, Edwi Arief Sosiawan Revitalization Of Batik Tulis Giriloyo Small Business After The Covid-19 Pandemic Through The Storytelling Approach 2020-10-27T13:48:11+00:00 Agung Prabowo Yenni Sri Utami Oliver Samuel Simanjuntak <p><em>Batik Giriloyo is the oldest written batik center in Yogyakarta. The Batik Giriloyo tradition has a strong emotional connection with the Kraton Yogyakarta tradition due to the development of the courtiers who guarded the tombs of the kings in Imogiri. This historical background makes the Batik Giriloyo motifs have a strong market in a storytelling marketing platform. So far, sales of Batik Giriloyo have relied on direct sales. However, the Covid-19 outbreak caused sales to decline. Changes in consumer behavior will have a permanent impact on sales not anticipated. Changes in consumer social behavior will change their shopping behavior. Reduced contact (less contact) will be a threat. For information technology to be the preferred way of selling, several studies have stated that technology will be useful in supporting the sustainability of people's lives. On the other hand, technology is less able to persuade. This research tries to make a promotional model based on storytelling by utilizing technology 4.0 as a marketing medium. The method used is the exploratory method. Exploration is used to find potential stories in Batik Giriloyo. The results show that the Batik Giriloyo motif has various background stories that are very philosophical. Starting from the philosophy of Javanese Culture, Environmental Philosophy, and history.</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Agung Prabowo, Yenni Sri Utami, Oliver Samuel Simanjuntak Branding Strategy By Social Media Ads And The Implementation Of Intellectual Property Rights In Wonogiri Coffee SMES (UMKM) 2020-10-27T13:48:11+00:00 Kartika Ayu Ardhanariswari Ninik Probosari Ari Wijayanti <p><em>In fact, many Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs/UMKM) are not yet aware of the importance of branding for competitiveness and not aware of the importance of protecting intellectual property rights and more focused on aspects of product sales. Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs/UMKM) play an important and strategic role in building the national economy. Seeing the fairly good conditions above, it turns out that the existence of Coffee MSMEs in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java still has several obstacles, namely in branding / promotional media and also protection of Trademark Intellectual Property Rights. Because it is very important for every Coffee MSME to have a strategy and approach that is clear and unique to an identity to be poured into branding through social media or other digital media. To strengthen coffee MSMEs in Wonogiri Regency, one of the important strategies to implement is to provide awareness dissemination of the importance of branding/brands for MSMEs and also assistance in branding through social media as the identity of MSMEs. Branding strategies need to be done in order to build the image and identity of the products produced by MSMEs that are able to influence consumers to have positive perceptions of the products, characters, abilities, appearance and offers that are being promoted. The last most important problem for MSME actors is that there is no awareness of the importance of legal protection regarding Intellectual Property Rights regarding Trademarks, Copyrights, and Industrial Designs. So there is a concern that the product is plagiarized by others or is prosecuted legally because there are products that have the same trademark.</em><em></em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Kartika Ayu Ardhanariswari, Ninik Probosari, Ari Wijayanti Evaluation Of Communication Science Master Promotion Program In The Pandemic Situation Of Covid 19 2020-10-27T13:48:12+00:00 Christina Rochayanti Edwi Arief Sosiawan Basuki Agus Suparno Puji Lestari <em><span lang="EN-GB">A promotion strategy during a pandemic by utilizing communication technology is the right solution. The UPN Yogyakarta Master of Communication Study Program has developed a promotional strategy by improving the website which has not been maximized, both in terms of appearance, menu completeness, data recording, interactive, and the person in charge of management. The research objective is to evaluate communication technology-based promotion programs during the Covid 19 pandemic. This research method uses the Analysis and Evaluation of Website Platform and Infrastructure. The results showed that the media developed by MIKOM Masters such as Instagram, website, and email with the domain had been used by the admin for promotional activities for new student registration, the introduction of the new color of the MIKOM logo for new branding, namely purple. In addition, the response of prospective new students is quite good and wide-reaching. Disseminate registration information outside Java and increase the number of registrants. UPNVYK MIKOM alumni also often use the tag feature on their @mikomupnyk Instagram account to just interact or create engagement with MIKOM. Utilization of technology during a pandemic also requires the development of media to other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and the strengthening of admin human resources who master IT and have a clear schedule in its management</span></em> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Christina Rochayanti, Edwi Arief Sosiawan, Basuki Agus Suparno, Puji Lestari Village-Level Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) on Solid Waste Management in Penampang, Sabah 2020-10-27T13:48:12+00:00 Siti Yasmin Badrum Mohammad Tahir bin Mapa <p><em>There </em><em>Exploring the levels of knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of the citizen is an initial step towards designing comprehensive and participative solid waste management strategies, programs, and policies. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to capture the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) on solid waste management from a total of 107 respondents in Penampang Proper Village, Penampang, Sabah, Malaysia. The study determined the relationship of the independent variables (year of birth, gender, education, and employment) with the dependent variables (KAP) using the Kruskal Wallis correlation test. Relationships were tested at 0.05 levels of significance and Spearman Rho correlation was used to test the relationship between the KAP variables at 0.01 levels of significance. It was found out that most respondents have excellent levels of KAP but none of the independent variables has a significant relationship to the KAP levels. However, the respondents' year of birth and educational level has a significant relationship to their practice level. Spearman Rho test also reveals that knowledge and attitude have a positive correlation with each other. The findings, therefore, may be useful to assist local campaigners in planning message materials, platforms and input to further increase citizen participation</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Siti Yasmin Badrum, Mohammad Tahir bin Mapa Zoom As A Tool For Online Learning 2020-10-27T13:48:12+00:00 Indriati Retno Palupi Wiji Raharjo <p><em>There Change the design of the studying process in University during the covid-19 pandemic from face to face to online learning needs some tools to support it. Some tools coming with their own advantages and disadvantages. One of them is Zoom. It becoming tools liked by many lecturers and college students because easy installation process and complete features although it is not free and easy to hack. Nevertheless, internet access is still becoming a big problem in online learning. A mix between two tools of online learning is one of the solutions, for example, zoom and google classroom application. Zoom is used for virtual communication in online learning but it does not provide features for sending the assignment. Otherwise, google classroom provides features to send and receipt some assignments, and it can save the quote on the internet. Both of them will complete each other to support all needs in online learning.</em><em></em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Indriati Retno Palupi, Wiji Raharjo The Effect of Digital Marketing Capability Against Marketing Performance with Innovation as mediation (Study on Batik SMEs during the Covid-19 Pandemic) 2020-10-27T13:48:13+00:00 Humam Santosa Utomo Susanta Susanta <p><em>There The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on SMEs in Bantul, Yogyakarta. During a pandemic, SMEs rely on digital marketing to access consumers. This study aims to examine the effect of digital marketing capabilities on innovation capabilities, the influence of digital marketing capabilities on marketing performance, and innovation capabilities on marketing performance. The research was conducted on SMEs that produce batik at the Giriloyo batik center and the Wijirejo batik center, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Respondents of this study believe 81 SMEs were selected by cluster sampling. The research instrument used a questionnaire and the data were processed using SPSS and WarpPLS. The results of this study found that digital marketing capabilities have a significant effect on innovation capabilities, digital marketing capabilities have a significant effect on marketing performance, and innovation capabilities have a significant effect on marketing performance. The results of this study are useful for SMEs to improve their digital marketing capabilities and the government to participate in providing technical training related to online sales.</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Humam Santosa Utomo, Susanta Susanta Real-Time Assessment Software Development to Improve Learning Quality in Petroleum Engineering Department Using Computer Assisted Test Method 2020-10-27T13:48:13+00:00 Herianto Herianto Ratna Widyaningsih Ristiyan Ragil Putradianto <p><em>In the previous period, to determine the ability of petroleum engineering students in mastering the concept of the field of knowledge, in general, a comprehensive exam was used by writing papers and being tested. This method is considered ineffective because of the large number of plagiarism cases and many students who take more than one semester to complete. Therefore, a breakthrough was made by creating a new method, namely the Computer Assisted Test with Real-Time Assessment software. The purpose of the replacement of this method is that students can master three areas of expertise and can complete comprehensive courses in less than one semester. The first step in the process of replacing this comprehensive course method is done by spreading the old method satisfaction questioner and mastery of the group of experts with the old method. The second stage is to make a question bank made by a lecturer in the petroleum engineering department. The third stage is done by making Real-Time Assessment software. Then the question bank input that has been made into the RTA software is carried out. The final step is to simulate an exam with RTA software. Based on the results of the study, it is known that 75% of students are not satisfied with the old comprehensive system and 95% of students only master two or one of the three fields of expertise in the petroleum engineering department. This shows that the old method is no longer effective, so it is necessary to change the comprehensive method. Comprehensive test results with the method, namely the Computer Assisted Test with Real-Time Assessment software, show good results. Where in the third stage of the exam 95% of participants passed the exam and 96% of the question banks made were feasible to be tested.</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Herianto Herianto, Ratna Widyaningsih, Ristiyan Ragil Putradianto Response To The Need Of Students Of Geological Engineering Of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta University, Based On Online Learning Support Academic Facilities Survey During COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-10-27T13:48:13+00:00 RM Basuki Rahmad Yody Rizkianto M Gazali Rachman <em><span>COVID-19 pandemic, which is now happening worldwide, has a massive impact on many parts of our daily life. One of the affected aspects is education. The education system during the COVID-19 pandemic should fit the health protocol, which has been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Both students and lecturers are demanded to keep conducting the learning process virtually in their own houses by online learning. However, online learning support facilities used in UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta University are still lacking and not centralized yet; thus, every department needs to prepare their needs autonomously. Geological Engineering Department surveyed supporting facilities needs as an essential preparation of the online academic system. The survey was conducted through an online form and was filled by 273 respondents who are active students of the Geological Engineering Department, (1) UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta University. Almost 85% of the respondents expect learning information system which covers attendance list, announcement, and online interactive media, which is mobile-based in order to be easy to access and use. Based on the result of the survey, Geological Engineering Department is planning to produce an Android-based app with an attendance list and social media features inside. The social media feature is able to be used by students and lecturers to interact with one another, especially discussing online learning</span></em> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 RM Basuki Rahmad, Yody Rizkianto, M Gazali Rachman Small Business Communication Strategy in Facing Crisis 2020-10-27T13:48:13+00:00 Muhammad Edy Susilo Prayudi Prayudi <p><em>Crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a worldwide crisis. Various sectors of life are affected by this crisis, including small businesses. This research reveals how the producer of Batik "Dewi Kunthi" Sleman, Yogyakarta, which is a micro-enterprise, survives the crisis. Researchers used qualitative methods by digging data in depth from critical sources, making observations, and looking for relevant literature. This research used Paul Argenti's concept in overcoming crises and Harold Lasswell's</em><em> Model of Communication. The results showed that the group experienced frustration when hit by a crisis. None of the consumers bought their product, and the production process stopped for nearly two months. However, they seemed to have the toughness to face a crisis. They not only used the steps suggested by Argenti in dealing with the crisis but also went beyond it. Dewi Kunthi Batik Group diversifies its products and intensifies communication both internally and externally.</em><em></em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Muhammad Edy Susilo, Prayudi Prayudi Coaching Communications Model For Improving Athlete Achievement 2020-10-27T13:48:13+00:00 Edwi Arief Sosiawan Tri Saptono <p><em>In general, the trainer's technical abilities must be mastered by the trainer. The reason is that those who become coaches are generally former athletes. They are also have training certificates from various training and coaching clinics. However, the ability to communicate in coaching is not necessarily fully mastered by most coaches. The purpose of this research was to add theoretical development about the study of sports coaching communication, especially in the process of athlete physical and mental training by using descriptive qualitative research approaches. The results showed that the coaching communication patterns developed in the training process and outside the training. The form of coaching communication during and outside training is generally face-to-face. The method used in coaching communication is to use lectures and demonstrations as well as to involve video media to further stimulate achievement motivation for each athlete. The approach taken in coaching communication is an open, family, and personal approach. The choice of coaching communication methods has been proven to be able to motivate and build athletes' self-confidence and athletes can accept and interpret the instructional messages conveyed and desired by the coaches. Suggestions and recommendations that can be given in this research are on the certification of trainers for each sports trainer.</em><em></em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Edwi Arief Sosiawan, Tri Saptono Strengthening Marketing Communication Through Multimedia-Based Storytelling Assistance 2020-10-27T13:48:14+00:00 Yenni Sri Utami Oliver Samuel Simanjuntak Agung Prabowo <p><em>Storytelling-based multimedia can be used as an alternative marketing communications MSMEs craftsmen Batik " Sekar Arum " in Desa Wukirsari , sub-district Imogiri, Kabupaten Bantul. Assistance is aimed to build self-reliance and improve the confidence of members and officials of SMEs craftsmen Batik " Sekar Arum " to strengthen the marketing communication through storytelling -based technology multimedia. Through storytelling, the " Sekar Arum " Batik craftsman group UMKM can easily communicate the results of their products. Strengthening marketing through a story packed with photos, videos, animation as multimedia content makes potential customers not only more interested and easier to identify batik craft products, without having to come directly to workshops/exhibition events but to form deeper relationships so that they are loyal to SME Batik "Sekar Arum" businesses and products. Multimedia-based storytelling marketing techniques can provide several benefits, including a) Increasing a more loyal relationship with consumers; b) Reaching a wider marketing area, and c) Providing education on Batik products to consumers. The presentation of storytelling through multimedia technology provides an advantage because marketing content is more varied, including text, animation, or video. This variation of content increases the attractiveness of 'Sekar Arum' Batik, thus enhancing its image.</em><em></em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Yenni Sri Utami, Oliver Samuel Simanjuntak, Agung Prabowo Mapping Of Village Tourism Potential In The Framework Of Implementing Community-Based Tourism 2020-10-27T13:48:14+00:00 Meilan Sugiarto Herri Sofyan Herlina Jayadianti Rudi Wibowo <p><em>There Improvements in the local economy, especially for the poor through open and sustainable tourism management, are believed to be achieved through the empowerment of the tourism sector. Mapping the potential of village tourism in the Triharjo village area is one of the essential things. Identification and mapping of village tourism potential needed in order to implementation community-based tourism (CBT). This research aims to identifying and mapping the potential of village tourism in order to produce a profile of village tourism potential and identify opportunities for developing village tourism potential. The object of this study is Triharjo village, Pandak District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach. Collecting data in this study used several research instruments, such as in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), observations, and document studies. Based on research finding while the communities and local governments of Triharjo village recognize that not all village tourism potentials are well managed. The results of the mapping of village tourism potential provide them that the involvement of local communities in the planning and management of a village tourism potential is needed and have a positive impact on the longterm. The empowerment of the local economy, especially the poor, is believed to be achieved through the empowerment of the tourism sector. Community-based tourism emphasizes community ownership and active participation, provides education to local communities, promotes and protection of culture and the environment.</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Meilan Sugiarto, Herri Sofyan, Herlina Jayadianti, Rudi Wibowo Conflict Dynamics Of Protectionism Policy Trading Of Biofuel Commodities Between Indonesia And The European Union 2020-10-27T13:48:14+00:00 Rudi Wibowo Ratnawati Ratnawati <p><em>The dynamics of the conflict in bio-fuel commodity trade policies was triggered by the conflict of economic interests between Indonesia and the European Union. A series of steps for negotiation and diplomacy were taken by the government and Indonesian business actors to negotiate and resolve these problems by holding talks with important (state) actors in Europe</em>.</p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Rudi Wibowo, Ratnawati Ratnawati The Role of Transformational Leadership in Community Empowerment in the Digital Business Era 2020-10-27T13:48:14+00:00 Hastho Joko Nur Utomo Eny Endah Pujiastuti Rifki Indra Perwira Heru C. Rustamadji <p><em>The role of transformational leadership in digital business still requires more in-depth research. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the role of transformational leadership in the recovery of the home industry in the region or society based on community empowerment and digital business. This study used a qualitative approach using observation and an in-depth interviewer. This research was conducted in a public organization, namely RW 13 Kelurahan Panembahan, Kraton DIY District. The results showed that the role of leadership in running and supporting public organizations (RW) through digital business transitions is very important to restore the economy of society in general and the home industry in particular. The contribution of this research is to enrich the literature that examines transformational leadership in the context of digital business and community empowerment. Suggestions for further research are to do more research on transformational leadership in digital business development for both business organizations and public organizations.</em><em></em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Hastho Joko Nur Utomo, Eny Endah Pujiastuti, Rifki Indra Perwira, Heru C. Rustamadji Evaluation of Usage Behaviour of IOT-Based Aquaculture Technologies 2020-10-27T13:48:14+00:00 Mangaras Yanu Florestiyanto Panji Dwi Ashrianto Bambang Yuwono Hidayatulah Himawan <p><em>The production of aquaculture products still needs to be increased to match marine products. One of the problems that cause cultivation fishery production is not optimal is that it has not utilized modern technology. Cultivators still use traditional methods and technologies in cultivation. One of the contemporary technologies that can support aquaculture is Automation Technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). This research will develop an IoT-based technology, which is a system to help fish maintenance management. This system is based on a static robot that will monitor the condition of pond water quality and feed the fish automatically, which can be controlled remotely by adopting an IoT architecture.</em><em>Furthermore, an evaluation of cultivators/farmers regarding Adopting Intention (AI) of this technology. The evaluation model adopted the model proposed by (Kao et al., 2019). This model explores the direct influence of perceived usability, performance expectations, perceived technology usefulness, network externality, user creativity, and domain-specific information on intent and their indirect impact on user behavior.</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Mangaras Yanu Florestiyanto, Panji Dwi Ashrianto, Bambang Yuwono, Hidayatulah Himawan Increasing Competitiveness of Bakpia SMEs through Improving Business Management and Production Processes 2020-10-27T13:48:14+00:00 Sutrisno Sutrisno Dyah Rachmawati L <p class="Default"><em><span lang="IN">UKM Bakpia 803 and UKM Bakpia 19 currently still carry out traditional business management. Currently, UKM Bakpia 803 does not yet have a peeler of mung bean epidermis, so to meet the need for peeled green beans, it is done by buying directly in the market which is expensive. Currently, UKM Bakpia 19 also does not have a representative bakpia roaster, the bakpia roaster that is currently owned has a small capacity. The purpose of this research is to improve business management at UKM Bakpia 803 and UKM Bakpia 803, to create a peeler tool for mung bean epidermis for UKM Bakpia 803, and to make bakpia roaster for UKM Bakpia 19. To improve business management at UKM Bakpia 803 and UKM Bakpia 19 conducted by holding business management training. To realize the mung bean epidermis peeler for UKM Bakpia 803 and the availability of bakpia roasting tools for UKM Bakpia 19 was carried out by designing the construction of a green bean epidermis peeler and a representative bakpia roaster. With the implementation of business management training, the business bookkeeping conducted by UKM Bakpia 803 and UKM Bakpia 19 will be better. With the realization of a representative green bean epidermis peeler and bakpia roaster, it has increased the production capacity and efficiency of bakpia production at UKM Bakpia 803 and UKM Bakpia 19, thereby increasing the business profits obtained.</span></em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Sutrisno Sutrisno, Dyah Rachmawati L Strategic Family Communication On The Covid-19 Pandemy Through Heart-To-Heart Communication 2020-10-27T13:48:15+00:00 Puji Lestari Eko Teguh Paripurno <p><em>The spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia caused anxiety to families, so there was no effective family communication in the event of a disaster. This research aims to find a strategic family communication model in addressing COVID-19 through heart-to-heart communication. This research method uses descriptive qualitative with in-depth interview data collection techniques, focus group discussions, and simulation of Gending Dhandang Gula Corona. The subjects of this study were families affected by COVID-19 in Ngandong Village. The results of this study found a model of strategic family communication in dealing with COVID-19 through heart-to-heart communication. Heart-to-heart communication affects a positive spirit, the soul influences positive feelings, feelings influence positive thoughts, thoughts affect positive attitudes, and attitudes influence positive behavior. Positive behavior makes a disaster-resilient family. Disaster resilient families are developed by applying heart-to-heart communication. The contribution of this research in the form of family strategic communication models and policies in addressing COVID-19 through heart-to-heart communication</em>. </p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Puji Lestari, Eko Teguh Paripurno Measuring The Effectiveness Of Influence In Digital Public Diplomacy 2020-10-27T13:48:15+00:00 Iva Rachmawati Frans Richard Kodong Yuseptia Angretnowati <p><em>Measuring the influence of public diplomacy is still often questioned in public diplomacy studies. Apart from not being easy to connect public diplomacy efforts and changes in perceptions or behavior, public diplomacy measures tend to require high costs</em><em> research or evaluation. However, digital technology that brings public diplomacy practices into the virtual space impacts</em><em> the way of public diplomacy</em><em> evaluation or measurement. . This article offers an argument that the impact or influence of digital public diplomacy can also be measured even though there is no </em><em>face to face meeting. By considering the agenda-setting, presence expansion, and conversation generating that is happening on Twitter belonging to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy, it is possible to measure how deep the mutual understanding, collaboration, and engagement are taking place. Without conducting surveys or interviews, the researcher could know the effectiveness of digital public diplomacy influence more quickly and cheaply</em>.</p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Iva Rachmawati, Frans Richard Kodong, Yuseptia Angretnowati Community-Based Disaster Risk Management Model for Covid-19 in Tembi Hamlet 2020-10-27T13:48:15+00:00 Eko Teguh Paripurno Purbudi Wahyuni Nandra Eko Nugroho Gandar Mahojwala Tatang Elmi Wibowo <em><span lang="EN-GB">Covid-19 Pandemic arrived in the fifth month of Timbulharjo Village, Sewon District, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Until now there are still fewer alternative activities of villagers in responding. Some villages have carried out prevention activities. This research was conducted to see the practice of community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) by the independence of locals in their initiatives to deal with Covid-19. This research uses a qualitative - participatory approach with Participatory Action Research (PAR). Collaborative community action and effectively managing the local resources help citizens' solve their problems and become a model for developing Mitra Desa. The ongoing process stimulates the independence of the people and becomes a place for local initiatives that are in line with local resources in dealing with Covid-19</span></em> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Eko Teguh Paripurno, Purbudi Wahyuni, Nandra Eko Nugroho, Gandar Mahojwala, Tatang Elmi Wibowo Promotion Media Literation MSMEs Housewives Babadan Banguntapan, Kab Bantul, In Yogyakarta 2020-10-27T13:48:15+00:00 Dewi Novianti Siti Fatonah <pre><em><span lang="EN">During the Covid-19 pandemic, many entrepreneurs went out of business; many employees had to be laid off. With the existence of the Covid-19 pandemic, everything is limited. Economic activities are increasingly uncertain. However, this is an opportunity for housewives at RW17 Babadan, Banguntapan, Bantul Regency to help the family economy. One of them is the culinary business. The first problem is that these housewives experience difficulties selling due to their limited movement to offer their culinary works to consumers. Second, the understanding of media literacy in using social media as a new media is still lacking. Third, the understanding and ability to make messages are minimal through social media. Community service methods are discussion, focused group discussion, socialization, and media literacy training. The solution to this problem is to hold training and mentoring on understanding media literacy in carrying out sales promotion activities. Also, by holding skills training in documenting culinary products and in packaging messages through social media. The conclusion is that community empowerment by providing promotional media literacy makes them understand the benefits of using modern communication tools and new media. In the end, they were able to take advantage of smartphones to sell their products.</span></em></pre> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Dewi Novianti, Siti Fatonah The Potencies of Cave Geo-Ecotourism Development in Tanjungsari District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region 2020-10-27T13:48:15+00:00 Sari Bahagiarti Kusumayudha Muhammad Faizal Zakaria Bambang Prastistho Istiana Rahatmawati Tuti Setyaningrum <p><em>Tanjungsari is one of the districts in the Gunungsewu Geopark area, Gunungkidul Regency. Since Gunungsewu was declared as a Global Geopark Network area by Unesco, the tourism sector in this area has grown rapidly. Tanjungsari District does not want to be left behind in developing the tourism sector. Therefore it is necessary to trigger the development of tourism. In this district, there are several caves that have the potential to be developed, including Cave Bentar, Cave Cabe, Cave Tritis, Cave Grengseng, and Cave Pakubon, which have their own uniqueness and appeal in terms of morphology, endokarst, and legends. The development of these potential places is expected to be able to improve the economic sector and the welfare of the surrounding community. In order for the caves in Tanjungsari District to be able to compete, the concept of development must be different and not yet developed in other places, namely cave geo-ecotourism. In connection with the above-mentioned matters, research, studies, and feasibility studies are conducted on the potential development of cave geo-ecotourism. The activities carried out include mapping the distribution of geomorphology, geological structures, subsurface conditions, underground water availability using the ERT geoelectric method, and cave tracking. The results of this study are a cave map and an inventory of the potential of the cave.</em></p> 2020-10-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Sari Bahagiarti Kusumayudha, Muhammad Faizal Zakaria, Bambang Prastistho, Istiana Rahatmawati, Tuti Setyaningrum