Promotion Media Literation MSMEs Housewives Babadan Banguntapan, Kab Bantul, In Yogyakarta


  • Dewi Novianti
  • Siti Fatonah



Promotion, new media, empowerment of housewives


During the Covid-19 pandemic, many entrepreneurs went out of business; many employees had to be laid off. With the existence of the Covid-19 pandemic, everything is limited. Economic activities are increasingly uncertain. However, this is an opportunity for housewives at RW17 Babadan, Banguntapan, Bantul Regency to help the family economy. One of them is the culinary business. The first problem is that these housewives experience difficulties selling due to their limited movement to offer their culinary works to consumers. Second, the understanding of media literacy in using social media as a new media is still lacking. Third, the understanding and ability to make messages are minimal through social media. Community service methods are discussion, focused group discussion, socialization, and media literacy training. The solution to this problem is to hold training and mentoring on understanding media literacy in carrying out sales promotion activities. Also, by holding skills training in documenting culinary products and in packaging messages through social media. The conclusion is that community empowerment by providing promotional media literacy makes them understand the benefits of using modern communication tools and new media. In the end, they were able to take advantage of smartphones to sell their products.


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Other sources:

Saugi Wildan, Sumarno Sumarno, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Volume 2 – Nomor 2, November 2015, (226 - 238) hal 2, 14/03/2015 Herdianto, 2020





