Measuring The Effectiveness Of Influence In Digital Public Diplomacy


  • Iva Rachmawati
  • Frans Richard Kodong
  • Yuseptia Angretnowati



Digital Public Diplomacy, Measurement


Measuring the influence of public diplomacy is still often questioned in public diplomacy studies. Apart from not being easy to connect public diplomacy efforts and changes in perceptions or behavior, public diplomacy measures tend to require high costs research or evaluation. However, digital technology that brings public diplomacy practices into the virtual space impacts the way of public diplomacy evaluation or measurement. . This article offers an argument that the impact or influence of digital public diplomacy can also be measured even though there is no face to face meeting. By considering the agenda-setting, presence expansion, and conversation generating that is happening on Twitter belonging to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy, it is possible to measure how deep the mutual understanding, collaboration, and engagement are taking place. Without conducting surveys or interviews, the researcher could know the effectiveness of digital public diplomacy influence more quickly and cheaply.


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