Increasing Competitiveness of Bakpia SMEs through Improving Business Management and Production Processes


  • Sutrisno Sutrisno
  • Dyah Rachmawati L



Bakpia Roaster, Business Management, Green Bean Epidermis Peeler


UKM Bakpia 803 and UKM Bakpia 19 currently still carry out traditional business management. Currently, UKM Bakpia 803 does not yet have a peeler of mung bean epidermis, so to meet the need for peeled green beans, it is done by buying directly in the market which is expensive. Currently, UKM Bakpia 19 also does not have a representative bakpia roaster, the bakpia roaster that is currently owned has a small capacity. The purpose of this research is to improve business management at UKM Bakpia 803 and UKM Bakpia 803, to create a peeler tool for mung bean epidermis for UKM Bakpia 803, and to make bakpia roaster for UKM Bakpia 19. To improve business management at UKM Bakpia 803 and UKM Bakpia 19 conducted by holding business management training. To realize the mung bean epidermis peeler for UKM Bakpia 803 and the availability of bakpia roasting tools for UKM Bakpia 19 was carried out by designing the construction of a green bean epidermis peeler and a representative bakpia roaster. With the implementation of business management training, the business bookkeeping conducted by UKM Bakpia 803 and UKM Bakpia 19 will be better. With the realization of a representative green bean epidermis peeler and bakpia roaster, it has increased the production capacity and efficiency of bakpia production at UKM Bakpia 803 and UKM Bakpia 19, thereby increasing the business profits obtained.


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