Evaluation of Usage Behaviour of IOT-Based Aquaculture Technologies


  • Mangaras Yanu Florestiyanto
  • Panji Dwi Ashrianto
  • Bambang Yuwono
  • Hidayatulah Himawan




Iot, Adopting Intention, Usage Behavior


The production of aquaculture products still needs to be increased to match marine products. One of the problems that cause cultivation fishery production is not optimal is that it has not utilized modern technology. Cultivators still use traditional methods and technologies in cultivation. One of the contemporary technologies that can support aquaculture is Automation Technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). This research will develop an IoT-based technology, which is a system to help fish maintenance management. This system is based on a static robot that will monitor the condition of pond water quality and feed the fish automatically, which can be controlled remotely by adopting an IoT architecture.Furthermore, an evaluation of cultivators/farmers regarding Adopting Intention (AI) of this technology. The evaluation model adopted the model proposed by (Kao et al., 2019). This model explores the direct influence of perceived usability, performance expectations, perceived technology usefulness, network externality, user creativity, and domain-specific information on intent and their indirect impact on user behavior.


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