Strengthening Marketing Communication Through Multimedia-Based Storytelling Assistance


  • Yenni Sri Utami
  • Oliver Samuel Simanjuntak
  • Agung Prabowo



Storytelling, marketing communication, visual content, multimedia technology


Storytelling-based multimedia can be used as an alternative marketing communications MSMEs craftsmen Batik " Sekar Arum " in Desa Wukirsari , sub-district Imogiri, Kabupaten Bantul. Assistance is aimed to build self-reliance and improve the confidence of members and officials of SMEs craftsmen Batik " Sekar Arum " to strengthen the marketing communication through storytelling -based technology multimedia. Through storytelling, the " Sekar Arum " Batik craftsman group UMKM can easily communicate the results of their products. Strengthening marketing through a story packed with photos, videos, animation as multimedia content makes potential customers not only more interested and easier to identify batik craft products, without having to come directly to workshops/exhibition events but to form deeper relationships so that they are loyal to SME Batik "Sekar Arum" businesses and products. Multimedia-based storytelling marketing techniques can provide several benefits, including a) Increasing a more loyal relationship with consumers; b) Reaching a wider marketing area, and c) Providing education on Batik products to consumers. The presentation of storytelling through multimedia technology provides an advantage because marketing content is more varied, including text, animation, or video. This variation of content increases the attractiveness of 'Sekar Arum' Batik, thus enhancing its image.


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