Coaching Communications Model For Improving Athlete Achievement


  • Edwi Arief Sosiawan
  • Tri Saptono



ideal model, coaching communication, athlete achievement


In general, the trainer's technical abilities must be mastered by the trainer. The reason is that those who become coaches are generally former athletes. They are also have training certificates from various training and coaching clinics. However, the ability to communicate in coaching is not necessarily fully mastered by most coaches. The purpose of this research was to add theoretical development about the study of sports coaching communication, especially in the process of athlete physical and mental training by using descriptive qualitative research approaches. The results showed that the coaching communication patterns developed in the training process and outside the training. The form of coaching communication during and outside training is generally face-to-face. The method used in coaching communication is to use lectures and demonstrations as well as to involve video media to further stimulate achievement motivation for each athlete. The approach taken in coaching communication is an open, family, and personal approach. The choice of coaching communication methods has been proven to be able to motivate and build athletes' self-confidence and athletes can accept and interpret the instructional messages conveyed and desired by the coaches. Suggestions and recommendations that can be given in this research are on the certification of trainers for each sports trainer.


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