Real-Time Assessment Software Development to Improve Learning Quality in Petroleum Engineering Department Using Computer Assisted Test Method


  • Herianto Herianto
  • Ratna Widyaningsih
  • Ristiyan Ragil Putradianto



Real-Time Assessment, Comprehensive, Computer Assisted Test


In the previous period, to determine the ability of petroleum engineering students in mastering the concept of the field of knowledge, in general, a comprehensive exam was used by writing papers and being tested. This method is considered ineffective because of the large number of plagiarism cases and many students who take more than one semester to complete. Therefore, a breakthrough was made by creating a new method, namely the Computer Assisted Test with Real-Time Assessment software. The purpose of the replacement of this method is that students can master three areas of expertise and can complete comprehensive courses in less than one semester. The first step in the process of replacing this comprehensive course method is done by spreading the old method satisfaction questioner and mastery of the group of experts with the old method. The second stage is to make a question bank made by a lecturer in the petroleum engineering department. The third stage is done by making Real-Time Assessment software. Then the question bank input that has been made into the RTA software is carried out. The final step is to simulate an exam with RTA software. Based on the results of the study, it is known that 75% of students are not satisfied with the old comprehensive system and 95% of students only master two or one of the three fields of expertise in the petroleum engineering department. This shows that the old method is no longer effective, so it is necessary to change the comprehensive method. Comprehensive test results with the method, namely the Computer Assisted Test with Real-Time Assessment software, show good results. Where in the third stage of the exam 95% of participants passed the exam and 96% of the question banks made were feasible to be tested.


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