Evaluation Of Communication Science Master Promotion Program In The Pandemic Situation Of Covid 19


  • Christina Rochayanti
  • Edwi Arief Sosiawan
  • Basuki Agus Suparno
  • Puji Lestari




promotion, covid 19, master of communication science, evaluation


A promotion strategy during a pandemic by utilizing communication technology is the right solution. The UPN Yogyakarta Master of Communication Study Program has developed a promotional strategy by improving the website which has not been maximized, both in terms of appearance, menu completeness, data recording, interactive, and the person in charge of management. The research objective is to evaluate communication technology-based promotion programs during the Covid 19 pandemic. This research method uses the Analysis and Evaluation of Website Platform and Infrastructure. The results showed that the media developed by MIKOM Masters such as Instagram, website, and email with the upnyk.ac.id domain had been used by the admin for promotional activities for new student registration, the introduction of the new color of the MIKOM logo for new branding, namely purple. In addition, the response of prospective new students is quite good and wide-reaching. Disseminate registration information outside Java and increase the number of registrants. UPNVYK MIKOM alumni also often use the tag feature on their @mikomupnyk Instagram account to just interact or create engagement with MIKOM. Utilization of technology during a pandemic also requires the development of media to other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and the strengthening of admin human resources who master IT and have a clear schedule in its management


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