Branding Strategy By Social Media Ads And The Implementation Of Intellectual Property Rights In Wonogiri Coffee SMES (UMKM)


  • Kartika Ayu Ardhanariswari
  • Ninik Probosari
  • Ari Wijayanti



Branding, Microfinance, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Intellectual Property Rights


In fact, many Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs/UMKM) are not yet aware of the importance of branding for competitiveness and not aware of the importance of protecting intellectual property rights and more focused on aspects of product sales. Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs/UMKM) play an important and strategic role in building the national economy. Seeing the fairly good conditions above, it turns out that the existence of Coffee MSMEs in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java still has several obstacles, namely in branding / promotional media and also protection of Trademark Intellectual Property Rights. Because it is very important for every Coffee MSME to have a strategy and approach that is clear and unique to an identity to be poured into branding through social media or other digital media. To strengthen coffee MSMEs in Wonogiri Regency, one of the important strategies to implement is to provide awareness dissemination of the importance of branding/brands for MSMEs and also assistance in branding through social media as the identity of MSMEs. Branding strategies need to be done in order to build the image and identity of the products produced by MSMEs that are able to influence consumers to have positive perceptions of the products, characters, abilities, appearance and offers that are being promoted. The last most important problem for MSME actors is that there is no awareness of the importance of legal protection regarding Intellectual Property Rights regarding Trademarks, Copyrights, and Industrial Designs. So there is a concern that the product is plagiarized by others or is prosecuted legally because there are products that have the same trademark.


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Mengenal Kopi Mengenal desa kopi di Wonogiri oleh Febria Silaen, 15 Oktober 2018, diakses pada 30 Maret 2020 via

Kopi Wonogiri, Potensi Kopi Lokal Berkualitas terbit 14 Maret 2019, diakses pada 30 Maret 2020° vis ragam/komoditas/ekonomi/kopiwonogiri-potensi-kopi-lokal-berkualitas

Strategi penggunaan media bagi UMKM, diakses pada 30 Maret 2020. melalui -ukm-tentang-media-sosial/





