Value Chain Analysis At Bank Sampah Bersinar In Bandung Regency As A Competitive Advantage Strategy


  • Galang Aji Pangestu Business Administration, Telkom University, Indonesia
  • Retno Setyorini Business Administration, Telkom University, Indonesia



value chain, SWOT analysis, value added, and competitive advantage


This study aimed to determine and analyze the value chain of waste management at Bank Sampah Bersinar in Bandung. The subjects in this study were the actors of the waste management value chain. In this study, there were three informants selected by purposive sampling and snow ball sampling methods. This study was conducted by using qualitative methods with the analysis method including value chains, SWOT analysis, value added and competitive advantage strategies. Based on the results of the discussion and analysis conducted in this study, it was found that in general Bank Sampah Bersinar only conducts basic value chain activities of waste management (input-process-output) without giving a higher value than the waste results obtained. For this reason, additional activities are needed to add more value to the treated waste. Furthermore, the results of the SWOT analysis revealed three main problems faced by Bank Sampah Bersniar namely distance or location, purchase price and public knowledge. The analyzed value chain improvement strategy is proved by the illustrations made, which indicates that it can increase waste value added from 6.86 percent to 74.36 percent.


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