Inspiration from an Admiring Role Model - Woo Sun Food Factory Company


  • Wu Kei-Chou Feng Chia University



food processing, transformation


This study investigates the evolution of an admiring food processing plant. Agriculture is once the foundation of Taiwan. Agriculture has a great influence on the food processing industry as well. As a result, as agriculture grows, the food processing industry also develops rapidly. Later on, processed food export becomes important to Taiwan’s economy. Meanwhile, the food processing industry is also influenced by the political and economic environment profoundly. Woo Sun Food Factory Company (Woo Sun) is one of the greatest food processing company in Taiwan. Through the four transformations, Woo Sun upgrades technologies and lowers production costs together with the sales cost. Through studying the case study of Woo Sun, a representative food processing company in the Taiwan food industry, we know that management, developing strategies, and manufacturing technology upgrade are extremely important.


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