Choice of Hospital Risk Management Strategy-Comparison between SARS and COVID-19


  • Shih-Nien Lee Feng Chia University
  • Tzu-Ching Weng Feng Chia University



Novel Coronavirus, Risk Management, Transformational Leadership.


This study explored the methods for hospitals to take corresponding measures to implement response measures from the perspective of epidemic crisis management. Through the analysis of the practical experience of each hospital, the crisis situation, the countermeasures, and the review of the hospital's rehabilitation methods. The research method is a case study method. The main sources of research data are interviews, internal hospital file data, and related journal articles and media reports. Research results: 1. This research explored the organizational behavior of the hospital and the strategic emergency points that it showed in the face of crisis. 2. "Transformative" leadership style, with timely and application-oriented management. 3. The implementation of epidemic prevention measures and response methods have gradually embarked on the right path from the chaos. 4. Faced with a shortage of anti-epidemic materials, hospitals have been working hard to deal with risk management. Based on the above findings, this research provides some policy recommendations for hospitals to mobilize and respond to similar viral diseases in the future so as to follow up with medical institutions for learning and reference.


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