Learning Strategies in Elementary Schools During COVID-19 Pandemic in North Sulawesi
Learning strategies, elementary school, COVID-19 pandemicAbstract
The psychological impact of physical distancing experienced by teachers and students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The quality of teacher and student relations in learning interactions does not proceed as usual. Various learning strategies strived for teachers to remain productive and professional in carrying out their duties as a teacher and educator. Teacher strategies adapted to the places and conditions of each region has its uniqueness. The learning strategy undertaken by the teacher is influenced by the family spirit that is the hallmark of the Indonesian nation's culture. This study aims to explore the experience of elementary school teachers and analyze the level of participation and supporting factors and constraints experienced by teachers, in implementing learning strategies for elementary school students during COVID-19 pandemic in North Sulawesi. A total of ten teachers who live in rural areas and five teachers who live in urban areas narrate their experiences related to learning strategies in this pandemic period. Teachers in rural areas are more involved than teachers in urban areas, because the number of elementary schools in North Sulawesi is mostly in rural areas. Data was collected using semi-structured interview techniques and analyzed using narrative content analysis. The results of the analysis found that the learning strategy by visiting students directly at home is done by teachers in rural areas because of the shorter distance and relatively short travel time to visit students' homes. Whereas the strategy carried out by teachers in urban areas was more dominant carried out by utilizing virtual facilities through interactions via smartphones and learning with internet-based applications.References
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