The Relationship between the Level of Satisfaction of Blood Delivery Workers with Five Dimensions of Service Quality at UDD PMI Bekasi Regency in 2023


  • Cita Reast Wulansari Akademi Bakti Kemanusiaan Palang Merah Indonesia
  • Aris Setyawan UDD PMI Bekasi Regency


Blood Delivery, Blood Service, Blood Distribution.


(1) Hospital Blood Bank (BDRS) is one of the health service facilities to meet the needs of blood transfusions of patients but does not rule out the possibility that blood stocks in BDRS are not available so they require assistance from the Indonesian Red Cross Blood Donor Unit (UDD PMI) in meeting the blood needs of patients. UDD PMI Bekasi Regency is carried out almost every time, regardless of the time and weather at that time. Blood collection is usually done by special officers from the hospital. This officer is what connects the chain of blood requests BDRS to UDD PMI Bekasi Regency, where later the officer will carry out blood retention and memory. (2) This research aims to determine the level of ability to use five dimensions quality services to have reliability, response, empathy, and blood transmission in UDD PMI District Bekasii. (3) Methodology This study by distributing questionnaires to 52 blood delivery officer respondents, data processing using data analysis of satisfaction index and ordinal logistic regression, namely simultaneous tests, partial tests, and model conformity tests (Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness-of-fit Test). (4) The results of this study show that the level of satisfaction of blood delivery officers is based on five dimensions of satisfaction with UDD PMI district services. Bekasi has very satisfactory criteria.


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How to Cite

Wulansari, C. R., & Setyawan , A. (2024). The Relationship between the Level of Satisfaction of Blood Delivery Workers with Five Dimensions of Service Quality at UDD PMI Bekasi Regency in 2023. Proceeding of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation, 1(1), 567–575. Retrieved from