Analysis of Supporting Factors for Implementing the Open Innovation Strategy at the Regional Development Planning, Research, and Innovation Agency in Southeast Sulawesi
Strategy, Open Innovation, BAPPERIDAAbstract
Open Innovation is an approach that utilizes ideas, knowledge and external resources to increase innovation and organizational competitiveness. Through development and innovation at the regional level, local communities can be actively involved in the decision-making process, make real contributions, and experience the impact of development directly. This research aims to analyze the factors that support the implementation of the Open Innovation strategy at the Regional Development Planning, Research and Innovation Agency (called BAPPERIDA) in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research was conducted in 5 cities/regencies in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, namely Kendari City, North Konawe Regency, Bombana Regency, Kolaka Regency, and South Konawe Regency. Data analysis was carried out using a quantitative approach with instruments tests, namely the KMO and Bartlett's Test Anti Image Correlation, Communalities, Total Variance Explained and Rotate Image Matrix to analyze the factors that support the implementation of the open innovation strategy in BAPPERIDA cities/districts in Southeast Sulawesi. A questionnaire was distributed to 75 BAPPERIDA employees to obtain valid data regarding the implementation of the open innovation strategy. The findings of this research show that the implementation of open innovation at BAPPERIDA is supported by organizational policy factors, innovation culture, involvement of external parties, and knowledge management.References
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