The Influence of Service Quality and Social Media on Blood Donation Interest in Indonesian Red Cross South Sulawesi Province


  • Tetra Anestasia Putri Akademi Bakti Kemanusiaan Palang Merah Indonesia
  • Ayu Suraduhita Akademi Bakti Kemanusiaan Palang Merah Indonesia
  • Variena Intansari Akademi Bakti Kemanusiaan Palang Merah Indonesia
  • Ismail Ismail Akademi Bakti Kemanusiaan Palang Merah Indonesia


Service Quality, Social Media, Blood Donation


The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) is the only organization that has the authority to provide blood transfusion services. In 2021, the number of donors at the Indonesian Red Cross Blood Donation Unit, South Sulawesi Province, was 10,265 people, with 2,168 people taking blood from activities inside the building or around 21% and taking blood outside the building as many as 8,097 or around 79% (UDD PMI South Sulawesi Province, 2021) of the total population in South Sulawesi which reached 8,956,181 people, this proves that interest in blood donation is low (BPS, 2021). The demand for blood for blood transfusions is increasing. The minimum need for blood in Indonesia has reached around 5.1 million bags per year or 2% of the population, (WHO 2016). The Indonesian Red Cross Blood Donor Unit for South Sulawesi Province has not been able to meet the target of voluntary blood donations in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) requirement for voluntary donors of at least 2% of the population. This research aims to analyzing the influence of service quality and social media on interested in donating blood. The novelty of this research of Service Quality and Social Media on Interest in Blood Donation in the Indonesian Red Cross Blood Donation Unit, South Sulawesi Province in 2022. Using quantitative descriptive research using a questionnaire instrument with multiple linear regression method. The Service Quality and Social Media has a positive and significant effect on Interest in Blood Donation at UDD PMI South Sulawesi Province. Limitations of research is not measured from the many existing social media so it cannot be known which ones contributed the most of donors


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How to Cite

Putri, T. A., Suraduhita, A. ., Intansari, V. ., & Ismail, I. . (2024). The Influence of Service Quality and Social Media on Blood Donation Interest in Indonesian Red Cross South Sulawesi Province. Proceeding of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Innovation, 1(1), 369–374. Retrieved from