Evaluation Of User Satisfaction Towards New Student Admission Website Quality
user satisfaction, website quality, equal web approachAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the quality of the IAKN Tarutung PMB website using the WebQual approach. The population in this study were users of the IAKN Tarutung PMB website, where the total sample was 201 respondents by using purposive sampling Webqual 4.0. Webqual 4.0 consists of 4 variables, namely Usability, Information Quality, Service Interaction Quality, and Overall. The research method used is a survey with a questionnaire based on Webqual 4.0. The results of the validity and reliability tests show that all questionnaire items are valid and reliable because they meet the requirements. The results of multiple correlation analysis also indicate a strong relationship between the independent and dependent variables in this study. Moreover, based on the data analysis that Webqual can be used to analyze the quality of several websites, both internal (intranet) and external websites. So the conclusion is usability, information quality, and service interaction is jointly influence user satisfaction.References
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