Risk Behaviour and Youth Resilience-Based on Demographic Profile


  • Jungjungan Simorangkir Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Marina Letara Nababan Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • May Rauli Simamora Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Winarti Agustina Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung




Resiliency, risk behavior, and youth


Youth who has the ability to adapt and survive in difficult times have a high level of resilience. This study aims to look at the dominant Behavior of adolescents currently and the youth resilience based on gender, types of school, and school major. The sample in this study was 264 high school teenagers in Indonesia. This study used a quantitative method with two design which is a cross-sectional survey and comparative studies. The results showed some of the most risk behaviors seen by students were smoking (84.09%), fighting parents (68.49%), skipping school (60.23%), fighting teachers and school principals (55.68%), and fighting between students (54.17%). The risk behaviors that were rarely seen by teenage students were drugs (5.68%), free sex (4.55%). Stealing (43.18%) and excessive drinking (41.67%) have moderate popularity.  Also, there was no significant difference in resilience-based on gender, type of school, and school major. These studies provide an overview of schools of the importance of the availability of Counseling Guidance teachers in providing guidance services and resilience materials.


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