Proceeding on International Conference of Science Management Art Research Technology <p>The Proceeding on International Conference of Science Management Art Research Technology (IC-SMART) has published with registered number ISBN 978-602-5902-77-2. This proceeding is a collaborative program between Ikatan Dosen Republik Indonesia (IDRI) with Research Synergy Foundation and RSF Press. The IC-SMART Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of science management, Art Research and Technology. In addition, the IC-SMART presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Management Science, Business, Economic, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Art, Social science, Applied science, Natural science, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology, Technology Commercialization, Technology Management, Engineering, Cultural Studies, Education, Accounting. All articles to be published in this proceedings have undergone rigorous peer review by Conference Scientific review committees.</p> en-US <h3>Copyright Notice<span style="font-size: 10px;"> </span></h3><p>1. Author and Manuscript</p><ul><li>The author whose name appear in the above statement is declaring that he/she is the author of the stated manuscript</li><li>All of the authors, if any, has already aware of this agreement and give consent for the mentioned name to act on their behalf</li></ul><p><br />2. 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Note: All of the figures, tables, illustrations, or any other materials that will be inserted in the manuscript need to be in high quality</li><li>Should the author decided to alter the manuscript format, the fee will be charged and bore by authors</li></ul><p>The Author give “Yayasan Sinergi Riset dan Edukasi” (here forth known as RSF Press) the unlimited right to publish the contribution identified above, without any restraints, in any form, at any time, directly or through others, to reproduce, transmit, archive, lease/lend, sell and distribute the contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, revision and version (digital and hard), including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, audiograms, videograms, electronic form (offline, online), or any other reproductions of similar nature, including publication in the aforementioned book or any other book, as well as, the usage for advertising purposes. RSF Press will ensure that the Author’s name(s) is/are always clearly associated with the manuscript, and the publishers will not make any substantial change to the manuscript without consulting the author and ask for their consent. RSF Press is also entitled to carry out editorial changes in the contribution with the sole purpose of enhancing the overall organization and form of the contribution.</p><p>The Author retains the rights to publish the contribution in his/her own web site and thesis, in his/her employer’s web site and to publish a similar or revised version elsewhere, as long as it is clearly stated that the contribution was presented first RSF Press and the corresponding DOI is associated with the contribution.</p> (Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih​) (Santi Rahmawati) Mon, 12 Oct 2020 12:37:31 +0000 OJS 60 Analysis of the Effect of School Governance and Total Quality Management on the Effectiveness of Vocational School-based Entreprise <p><em>Recently, the Indonesian government is focusing on improving the quality and effectiveness of Vocational High Schools (SMK) as mandated in Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2016 concerning SMK Revitalization. One manifestation of efforts to improve the quality of education is by transforming SMK into a vocational school-based enterprise. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the effectiveness of Vocational school-based enterprise management through the implementation of School Governance (SG) and Total Quality Management (TQM). This study used a quantitative approach using descriptive statistics and PLS-SEM analysis. The data was obtained by distributing questionnaires to students, teachers, principals, and committees in 25 vocational school-based enterprises in East Java and DKI Jakarta. The results show that the modeling was valid, consistent, and good modeling. In addition, it is found that SG and TQM had a positive and significant effect on improving the effectiveness of the management of vocational schools with R2 by 92.2%.</em></p> Arie Wibowo Khurniawan, Illah Sailah, Pudji Muliono, M Syamsul Maarif, Bambang Indriyanto Copyright (c) 2020 Arie Wibowo Khurniawan, Illah Sailah, Pudji Muliono, M Syamsul Maarif, Bambang Indriyanto Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Blackbox Testing Using Fuzzy Clustering Based on Boundary Value Analysis on The Text Opinion Mining Application in Traditional Culture Arts Presentation <p><em>The success of organizing a traditional work of art cannot be separated from the important role of data and information obtained from the public in general, and viewers or art connoisseurs in particular. This information is an indicator that can be used to measure the amount of public attention to traditional arts, which is an effort to promote traditional cultural arts. Data and information related to traditional artworks were obtained from filling out the instruments that were distributed to the public online to produce an opinion form that contained a complete description with a discussion containing the aesthetic of the artwork. Opinion data is needed as a measure of progress and preservation of a work of art. The linguistic measurement of opinion can be solved using fuzzy methods in a cryptic form that can be weighted. In this study, the authors tested the audience opinion text mining application on the presentation of traditional cultural artworks using fuzzy clustering using the functional testing method (Black box testing). Through this test will be discussed related to the menu or module to produce information.</em></p> Anis Zubair, Elta Sonalitha, Salnan Ratih, Bambang Nurdewanto, Kukuh Yudhistiro, Irfan Mujahidin Copyright (c) 2020 Anis Zubair, Elta Sonalitha, Salnan Ratih, Bambang Nurdewanto, Kukuh Yudhistiro, Irfan Mujahidin Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 EOQ Inventory Model with Carbon Emission Consideration: A Literature Review <p><em>This paper presents a literature review on economic order quantity (EOQ) models that consider carbon emissions. This research aims to analyze the studies about the determination of the optimum re-order amount by implementing EOQ, which considers the carbon emission, published in international journals. It is done by a systematic review process covering publication from 2010 until 2019. This research identifies the key elements of EOQ models under the carbon emission policy investigated in the literature. This research categorizes or groups investigated articles based on the elements. It also presents the main characteristics of the concerning articles with annual publication distribution and the most studied sector. This research is expected to facilitate researchers by identifying and offering several topics, opportunities for the sake of future studies. </em></p><em>The data consists of English articles published in Scopus indexed journals. The research collected, ordered, and reviewed articles from 893 publications. About 29 relevant articles were then analyzed as they met the scope of this research. The findings showed the most promoted matters in developing the EOQ model with carbon emission problems still assumed the types of deterministic demands. This article found some gaps that have not been investigated.</em> Bellachintya Reira Christata, Yosef Daryanto Copyright (c) 2020 Bellachintya Reira Christata, Yosef Daryanto Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Development Of Life-Based Curriculum Model Designs In The Global Era <p><em>The curriculum as a learning planning document, which is then applied and implemented in a certain period, must always be updated so that it can keep up with the times, the development of science and technology, and the development of people's rapidly changing lives. No exception has been implemented by the Educational Technology Study Program (TEP), Faculty of Education (FIP) State the University of Malang. The Educational Technology Study Program has succeeded in implementing the curriculum renewal process by compiling a doctoral program curriculum (S3), which is based on the philosophy of life-based learning. By applying the research and development (R&amp;D) method, this study aims to develop a life-based curriculum model design in the global era for doctoral programs. The research and development (R&amp;D) method follows the ADDIE stages. The results of research and development are in the form of a model design that is described in chart form. The descriptions of the explanations for each component in the chart are systemic and systematic. Through the design of this curriculum model, it is hoped that it can become a guide for administrators of the educational technology (TEP) study program doctor so that during the course, the development of content knowledge and content pedagogy can be developed according to the life-based learning philosophy that characterizes the design of the curriculum model. </em></p> Dedi Kuswandi, Punaji Setyosari, Hutkemri Hutkemri, Nunung Suryati, Tutut Chusniyah, Risma Chulashotud Diana, Eko Saputra Nurdiansa Copyright (c) 2020 Dedi Kuswandi, Punaji Setyosari, Hutkemri Hutkemri, Nunung Suryati, Tutut Chusniyah, Risma Chulashotud Diana, Eko Saputra Nurdiansa Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The Potential of CO2 Injection on Enhanced Oil Recovery Method for Oil Fields in Indonesia <p><em>Indonesia is one of the countries that have large oil and gas reserves. So far, primary and secondary oil recovery can only produce around 20%-40% of reservoir reserves in Indonesia, so there is a large amount of oil potentially remaining in reservoirs. One of the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods is CO2 injection because there are many sources of CO2 gas in oil fields in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the CO2 injection mechanism method, which can make hydrocarbon fluid miscibility and increase the recovery factor of oil wells. The methodology in this study is a literature review that discusses oil field data in Indonesia. Screening criteria use several parameters, including reservoir pressure and minimum miscibility pressure. Field data is then calculated and predicted using simulations. From the results of the simulation, calculations carried out there are six oil field areas that have the potential for CO2 injection in an effort to improve oil recovery, namely in the East Kalimantan, West Java, and South Sumatra areas, with recovery factors ranging from 50% - 90% of the original oil in place (OOIP). ). CO2 flooding has a good potential to be implemented in oil fields in Indonesia because there are many sources of CO2, easy to obtain, very good for increasing production rates in reservoirs with heavy and light oil content, and can reduce the results of environmental pollution from gas emissions.</em></p> Rini Setiati, Gilbert Soenarjo, Ixora Karundeng, Vicky Dimas Widoseno Copyright (c) 2020 Rini Setiati, Gilbert Soenarjo, Ixora Karundeng, Vicky Dimas Widoseno Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Monitoring of The Fertility Ambon Bay Using Aqua MODIS Satellite Imagery After Launching of Save Ambon Bay Program <p><em>Ambon Bay pollution had become a problem when in 1994, there was an algae bloom, which caused 34 people to get sick, and 3 of them died from eating shellfish that had been contaminated with poison from toxic phytoplankton. Since then, various mass media have reviewed and commented on the quality of the Ambon Bay waters. The highlight of the Ambon Bay pollution occurred when in November 2012, the Director-General of Marine Affairs and Small Islands (KP3K) of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) at that time, Eko Radiyanto, personally admitted that he was concerned about the pollution that occurred in Ambon Bay. Since then, the program "Kalesang Teluk Ambon or Save Ambon Bay" has been launched. The problem that has arisen is how the condition of the fertility of Ambon Bay since the save ambon Bay program was launched to date. The purpose of this study was to monitor the fertility of the Ambon bay in the last eight years since the Save Ambon bay program was launched. Monitoring was carried out from 2013 to 2020 by utilizing remote sensing technology by processing Aqua Modis satellite image data to determine the value of chlorophyll-a distribution as an indicator of water fertility. The results showed that in the first year of the Ambon Bay save the program, there was an increase in the fertility of Ambon Bay from 0.39 to 0.90 mg / m3, but after that, there was a decrease from year to year except in 2020, fertility increased dramatically from 0.31 to 1.00 mg / m3.</em></p> Rina Luciane Manuhutu, Samy Junus Litiloly, Rina Latuconsina, Luwis H. Laisina, Sefnath Johanes Wattimena Copyright (c) 2020 Rina Luciane Manuhutu, Samy Junus Litiloly, Rina Latuconsina, Luwis H. Laisina, Sefnath Johanes Wattimena Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity and Role Overload on Auditor Performance (Empirical Study at the BPK Representative Office of the Republic of Indonesia in Maluku Province) <p><em>This research is motivated by a decrease in auditor performance caused by problems that occur in the auditors' work environment. This study aims to determine the effect of role conflict, role ambiguity, and role overload on auditor performance. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The population in this study were the auditors of BPK RI Representatives of Maluku Province, which also became the sample. Data collection techniques through distributing questionnaires to 50 respondents auditors of BPK RI Representatives of Maluku. Data analysis techniques using multiple regression. The test results show that role conflict has a negative and significant effect on the performance of the auditors, which shows that the more role conflicts the auditor gets, the lower his performance. Role ambiguity variable has no effect because role ambiguity can make someone uncomfortable at work, which in turn will affect the auditor's performance. Meanwhile, the role overload variable has no effect, indicating that excessive work pressure with limited time will make the auditor's performance not optimal in his work.</em></p> Yuyun Yuniarti Layn, Rita J.D. Atarwaman Copyright (c) 2020 Yuyun Yuniarti Layn, Rita J.D. Atarwaman Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Locus of Control on The Performance of Government Organizations with The Internal Auditor Empowerment Variable as a Moderation Variable <p><em>As an organization in the public sector, local governments must have a performance that leads to the interests of the public at large, thus encouraging the government to always be responsive to the development of their environment so as to provide the best service, transparency, and quality behavior, as well as good job distribution to the government. This study aims to test the effect of locus of control on the performance of government organizations empirically and to empirically test the empowerment of internal auditors for moderating the relationship between locus of control and the performance of government organizations. The population used in this study is the internal government auditors or Auditor Functional Officials who work at the Inspectorate Office of Maluku Province and Ambon City. The respondent in this study were 60 respondents, consisting of supervisory auditors, first, young, and middle. The results of data processing indicate that the locus of control has a positive effect on organizational performance. The effect of the control locus construct was positive (0.608) and significant at 0.000 (5,633 &gt; 1,661). The results of data processing indicate that the empowerment of internal auditors moderates the relationship between locus of control and organizational performance. The effect of the LOC*PAI interaction construct is positive (0.635) and significant at 0.001 (3.542 &gt; 1.661).</em></p> Dwi Kriswantini, Christina Sososutiksno Copyright (c) 2020 Dwi Kriswantini, Christina Sososutiksno Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Designing Assessment Model of Quality Management Maturity in Manufacturing Industry with TQM Approach <p><em>The design of performance assessment and measurement models is an important factor for any organization in an effort to achieve the expected goals in the future and as a tool to assess the success of the company. One of the most important performance measures is quality management. An assessment model that can be used to measure the performance of quality management is the Quality Management Maturity (QMM) Model. Until now, there has been no research related to the design of the QMM assessment model in the manufacturing industry sector. Until now, research related to the QMM Model only examines the construction industry sector, and the number is still relatively small. Even though, according to the 2020 Statistical Yearbook of Indonesia sources, the industrial sector that provides the largest contribution to Indonesia's national income in 2019 is the manufacturing industry sector. Therefore, the aim of this study is to design a QMM assessment/conceptual model in the manufacturing industry sector by identifying variables related to quality management. In this study, a literature study approach was used by examining ten journals that have a relationship with quality management. The results showed that the QMM model consisted of several levels, each of which was built by a number of quality management variables. Based on the results of the analysis of all available literature, the results of the variables at each level are obtained, namely at level 1 consisting of 2 variables, namely corporate-level quality and project level quality. Whereas at level 2, project quality level variables are divided into two variables, namely product quality and service quality. At level 3, corporate-level quality is divided into two variables, namely external management and internal management. In addition, at level 3, product quality is divided into two variables, namely physical quality and perceived quality. Meanwhile, at level 4, each variable result from level 3 is further divided into a number of variables. In external management, there are six variables, in internal management, there are 28 variables, seven variables in physical quality, four variables in perceived quality, and 19 variables in service quality.</em></p> Teguh Prabowo, Singgih Saptadi, Purnawan Adi W Copyright (c) 2020 Teguh Prabowo, Singgih Saptadi, Purnawan Adi W Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Improving Mathematical Reasoning Ability Through Guided Discovery Methods Assisted By Autograph Software <p><em>This study aims to compare the improvement of students' mathematical reasoning abilities taught by guided discovery learning methods assisted by autograph with the guided discovery learning method without autograph software. This research is a quasi-experimental study with a population of 122 people. Randomly two classes are selected from the available classes divided into two sample classes. The first experimental class was given treatment by Guided Discovery learning Method assisted by autograph software, while another class was given treatment by guided discovery learning method without autograph software. The instrument used in this study was a test. Then the test results are tested using the t-test with the help of SPSS with the test criteria is reject H0 if the t-table is smaller than t arithmetic. The results showed that the t count was 2,785 while the t table was 2,000. It means that the students who are taught by the guided discovery learning method assisted by autograph (First experiment) are higher than the students who are taught by the guided discovery learning method without autograph (Second experiment).</em></p> Ismail Hanif Batubara, Marah Doly Nasution, Sri Wahyuni, Nur ‘Afifah Copyright (c) 2020 Ismail Hanif Batubara, Marah Doly Nasution, Sri Wahyuni, Nur ‘Afifah Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Indonesian Shipping Sustainable Development Law Approach Through Cabotage Principle <p><em>The national shipping industry plays an important role in the maritime sector because if its development performance can be supported and well-managed, the industry would increase Indonesian foreign exchange that would lead to achievements in economic development for the prosperity of Indonesian people. To achieve these goals, the cabotage principle with a legal basis of Law Number 17 the Year 2008 and Presidential Instruction Number 5 the Year 2005 on National Shipping Industry Empowerment, must be applied consequently by formulating necessary policies and steps. This paper will discuss the problems of cabotage application in the Indonesian shipping industry and the positive and negative impacts of the principle. The utilized research method is a normative method supported by secondary and primary data, which is further descriptively analyzed. The result of this research reveals that the application of the cabotage principle is regarded as a national economic driver in relation to the sea transportation sector because it provides a high opportunity for domestic ships to transport people and goods all over Indonesia. With the application of the cabotage principle, it is hoped that the Indonesian shipping industry can be able to act as the dominator in Indonesia, and national shipping industry development will consistently be improved on sustainable and continuous manners and bring a positive impact on the national economy and the prosperity of Indonesian people.</em></p> Elfrida Ratnawati Copyright (c) 2020 Elfrida Ratnawati Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Hybrid Cryptosystem Analysis by Using The Combination of Vigenere Cipher and RSA for Text Security <p><em>The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) brought many benefits to the needs of human life, especially the needs for the information which is increasingly obtained easily. This is in line with the need for information security from parties who want to get important data so that it can harm the owner of the source data. One of the data safeguards used is cryptography. Once the importance of data security, almost all activities of human life cannot be separated from cryptography. According to the key used, cryptography can be divided into two, namely: symmetric cryptography and asymmetric cryptography, which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The objective of this research is to analyze through the calculation results so that they can be applied to overcome the weaknesses that occur from the two types of cryptography. The hybrid cryptosystem coding method is always used to overcome the weaknesses of the two cryptographs. The coding process in this research uses two cryptographic algorithms. They are the Vigenere Cipher algorithm as an example of a symmetrical algorithm and the RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman) algorithm, which is an example of an asymmetric algorithm. The result of the research on the calculation shows that there is increased security in the encryption because there will be two encodings, namely the coding of the messages by the Vigenere Cipher cryptographic algorithm and key coding by the RSA cryptographic algorithm</em></p> Jamaludin Jamaludin, Romindo Romindo Copyright (c) 2020 Jamaludin Jamaludin, Romindo Romindo Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Constituents Driving Interest in Using E-Wallets in Generation Z <p><em>Nowadays, the use of information technology is increasingly prevalent so that it has a direct impact on lifestyle changes of people who want everything in fast and instantaneous ways, in which one of them occurs in the financial sector. Following the people’s needs, various electronic payment instruments called E-Wallets have emerged. In the phenomenon of the use of this new technology, there are undoubtedly many factors that are indicated to influence it. The objective of this study is to find out the behavior of Generation Z in using E-Wallet by applying the UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) theory model. This study used quantitative data in the form of an exploratory survey using an online questionnaire. Using the PLS-SEM method and non-probability sampling research techniques with a purposive sampling method, it obtained a sample of the study of 146 respondents. The results showed that the Perceived Ease of Use, Facility Condition, and Social Influence had a significant effect on the behavior of using E-Wallet. Meanwhile, Perceived Usefulness had no effect on interest in using E-Wallet.</em></p> Fitria Halim, Efendi Efendi, Marisi Butarbutar, Anne Rumondang Malau, Acai Sudirman Copyright (c) 2020 Fitria Halim, Efendi Efendi, Marisi Butarbutar, Anne Rumondang Malau, Acai Sudirman Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Interdependence of Loan and Deposit Volumes at Government-Owned, Private, and Joint-Venture Banks in Indonesia During 2003-2017 <em><span lang="EN-GB">This study examines the interdependence of loans and deposits at government-owned banks, private banks, and joint-venture banks in Indonesia. This study uses monthly time series of loans and deposits from January 2003 to December 2017. The Combined Loans and Combined Deposits from each group of banks are used for this empirical study. Based on Augmented Dickey-Fuller tests, this study finds that all the series are stationary after first-differencing. This study also finds that loan and deposit volumes are cointegrated at government owned banks and private banks but not at joint-venture banks. Analyzing the interdependence of loans and deposits, this study uses the vector error correction model (VECM) for government-owned as well as private banks and the vector autoregressive (VAR) model for joint-venture banks. Based on Granger Causality tests, the results show that the interdependence of loans and deposits exists only in government-owned banks. In private banks, the causality was in one direction in which loan volumes depend on deposit volumes. No causality of loans and deposits was found in joint venture banks. The intense competition in the banking industry affects the strategy adopted include aggressive marketing executed by the bank's relationship managers. They initiate loans, and funding will follow. Hence, in modern banking, deposits affect loans, and loans affect deposits only observed at government-owned banks. Private banks follow the traditional intermediary theory, while joint-venture banks follow no theory</span></em> Masfar Gazali, Matrodji Mustafa Copyright (c) 2020 Masfar Gazali, Matrodji Mustafa Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Arteriovenous Fistula Stenosis Detection using Noninvasive Bilateral PPG Technique with SVM-OAA Algorithm <p><em>This paper presents a bilateral photoplethysmography (PPG) based noninvasive technique for monitoring arteriovenous fistula (AVF) stenosis. Toward effectively extract the features of PPG and classification, a real-time processing method of feature detection and support vector machines one-against-all (SVM-OAA) were used. Preliminary findings from 22 subject tests showed that the proposed approach could be provided positive predictive value = 89.0 % and sensitivity = 83.3 % estimation of AVF stenosis.</em></p> Alphin Stephanus Copyright (c) 2020 Alphin Stephanus Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Land Disputes Due to Two Certificate Title on the Same of Land in Indonesia <p><em>There are many land disputes, including cases of the certificate</em><em> of title</em><em> cancellation due to claims by other parties. The </em><em>purpose </em><em>of the research is to pr</em><em>esent</em><em> an overview of the legal consequences if there are two land titles certificates on the same plot of land, causing legal uncertainty and uncertainty over land rights in Indonesia. Th</em><em>is </em><em>research uses the normative legal research method, descriptive, </em><em>all of </em><em>the data analyzed qualitatively.</em> <em>The resulting research </em><em>that</em><em> a certificate</em><em> of</em><em> title is a person's record of their land rights, which is issued by the National Land Agency to the person entitled to it.</em><em> </em><em>Certificate title has strong </em><em>evidence</em><em> of land rights regarding the physical and juridical data contained therein, </em><em>as long as the data is in accordance with the data contained in the measurement letter and the land book </em><em>(register) </em><em>therein, </em><em>which cannot be proven otherwise by other parties. Consequently, there are land disputes because there are two certificates on the same plot of land for several reasons. This research is restricted to land disputes on the certificate title to discuss. I argue that in the future, the National Land Agency should be responsible for changing its administrative management system. This research is limited to land disputes to the certificate title for discussion, and it is realized that it can be corrected in the future. This research contains research uniqueness.</em></p> Listyowati Sumanto Copyright (c) 2020 Listyowati Sumanto Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Behavior Of Concrete Beam Deflection Framework System <p><em>The bar used for concrete beams is generally in the form of shear or stirrups mounted perpendicular to the beam axis. The idea underlying this editorial problem arises from the writer's observation of the use of reinforced concrete beams by changing the configuration of vertical shear reinforcement to less sloping reinforcement related to the theory of its use. This study aims to analyze the deflection behavior of reinforcing beams with a three-quarter spacing distance from the effective height of the beam and produce the bending moment capacity of the skeletal beam reinforcement system. This research is an experimental laboratory study with twelve specimens consisting of three normal beams (BN) as control variable beams and nine reinforcement beams with a frame variation of 0.25d for BTR25, 0.50d for BTR50, and 0,75d for BTR75 each of the three test specimens. Data were analyzed using the strength design method. The results showed that the use of reinforcing frame systems could increase the strength of the beam when the load reaches the ultimate in the BTR25 beam by 10.72% for the BTR50 beam by 7.83% and for the BTR75 beam by 4.82% from the BN beam.</em></p> Pieter Lourens Frans, Hendrie Tahya Copyright (c) 2020 Pieter Lourens Frans, Hendrie Tahya Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 New Public Management : The Application of Accrual Accounting in Maluku Province <p><em>There are four main points to be addressed clearly in the abstract section: (1) background of research title, (2) research purpose, (3) research methodology, and (4) research result/contribution. The background section should be the shortest part of the abstract and should very briefly outline the following information: What is already known about the subject, related to the paper in question? What is not known about the subject and hence what the study intended to examine (or what the paper seeks to present - purpose). In most cases, the background can be framed in just 2–3 sentences, with each sentence describing a different aspect of the information referred to above. The purpose of the research, as the word itself indicates, is to provide the reader with a background to the study, and hence to smoothly lead into a description of the methods employed in the investigation.</em> <em>The methodology section is usually the second-longest section in the abstract. It should contain enough information to enable the reader to understand what was done, and important questions to which the methods section should provide brief answers.</em> <em>The results section is the most important part of the abstract, and nothing should compromise its range and quality. The results section should, therefore, be the longest part of the abstract and should contain as much detail about the findings as to the journal word count permits.</em></p> Arthur Reinaldo Tanihatu, Olivia Laura Sahertian, Sammy Saptenno Copyright (c) 2020 Arthur Reinaldo Tanihatu, Olivia Laura Sahertian, Sammy Saptenno Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The Role of SMEs in The Economic Development of Indonesia: A Study of Competition Law and Policy in The Field of Retail Industry <p><em>Indonesian Anti-Monopoly Law provides for the exemption of business actors which belong to the category of small scale businesses. This is the materialization of the law's objective, namely ensuring equal opportunities to do business for large-, medium-, and small-scale entrepreneurs. Small-scale business actors who play a role in Indonesia's trading system include, among others, business actors engaging in the retail industry. The retail industry started to emerge with the proliferation of modern retail businesses in urban areas based on the franchise concept. In fact, there have been certain large retail businesses that have been proven to violate the Anti-Monopoly Law, particularly the prohibition of abusing a dominant position. With their presence, modern retail businesses have gradually replaced traditional retail businesses, which generally include small-scale enterprises (SMEs). The above-mentioned government policy on protecting small industries has been based on juridical, political as well as economic considerations. From the juridical point of view, there is a law concerning the treatment of medium, small, and micro businesses (MSMEs). </em></p> Anna Maria Tri Anggraini Copyright (c) 2020 Anna Maria Tri Anggraini Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Joint Fighting Against Cartel Practices in The Member States of The Regional Economic Zone <p><em>In general terms, a cartel is considered as a form of agreement between competitors in a similar industry whose purpose is for maximizing profit only for the members of the cartel. There are several principle considerations regarding the establishment of the cartel, such as the mechanism of how the cartel works, how to reveal the cartel and the impact for the competition as well as for the consumers. These understandings are needed in order to handle cartel practices appropriately, both from the aspect of prevention as well as law enforcement. Most of all, countries that are doing an action to fight against cartels will face various obstacles and challenges in order to overcome this practice. The states which are incorporated in a regional economic zone, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), have performed a cooperative action that agrees together to fight against the cartel. This cooperation is executed by doing strategic steps from the level of investigation, starting from detecting, doing a pre-investigation appraisal, investigation planning, and resourcing, as well as making strategies for investigation progress and preparing written recommendations.</em></p> Anna Maria Tri Anggraini Copyright (c) 2020 Anna Maria Tri Anggraini Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Corporate Social Responsibility Settings in Indonesia and India As A Comparison <p><em>The article compares two mandatory-based regulations, which are different legal systems concerning Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER) in Indonesia, as regulates by Chapter V, Article 74, Company Act 40/2007 juncto Government Regulation 47/ 2012. Afterward, the regulation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India as regulated in Chapter IX, article 135, Companies Act 18/2013, and amendment juncto Companies (CSR Policy) Rule India, 2014. The research result was similarities and differences in settings substance between CSER and CSR. The similarities and differences found in comparative studies of the CSER act in Indonesia and CSR act in India are not influenced by the legal system of a country. Thus, it is more based on the similarity of the vision of both countries in understanding the importance of CSR in improving the quality of human life in order to actualize a welfare society. </em></p> Sri Bakti Yunari Copyright (c) 2020 Sri Bakti Yunari Mon, 12 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0000