Improving Mathematical Reasoning Ability Through Guided Discovery Methods Assisted By Autograph Software
Mathematical Reasoning, Guided Discovery Method, AutographAbstract
This study aims to compare the improvement of students' mathematical reasoning abilities taught by guided discovery learning methods assisted by autograph with the guided discovery learning method without autograph software. This research is a quasi-experimental study with a population of 122 people. Randomly two classes are selected from the available classes divided into two sample classes. The first experimental class was given treatment by Guided Discovery learning Method assisted by autograph software, while another class was given treatment by guided discovery learning method without autograph software. The instrument used in this study was a test. Then the test results are tested using the t-test with the help of SPSS with the test criteria is reject H0 if the t-table is smaller than t arithmetic. The results showed that the t count was 2,785 while the t table was 2,000. It means that the students who are taught by the guided discovery learning method assisted by autograph (First experiment) are higher than the students who are taught by the guided discovery learning method without autograph (Second experiment).References
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