Designing Assessment Model of Quality Management Maturity in Manufacturing Industry with TQM Approach


  • Teguh Prabowo Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Singgih Saptadi Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Purnawan Adi W Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia



Quality Management Maturity Model, Total Quality Management


The design of performance assessment and measurement models is an important factor for any organization in an effort to achieve the expected goals in the future and as a tool to assess the success of the company. One of the most important performance measures is quality management. An assessment model that can be used to measure the performance of quality management is the Quality Management Maturity (QMM) Model. Until now, there has been no research related to the design of the QMM assessment model in the manufacturing industry sector. Until now, research related to the QMM Model only examines the construction industry sector, and the number is still relatively small. Even though, according to the 2020 Statistical Yearbook of Indonesia sources, the industrial sector that provides the largest contribution to Indonesia's national income in 2019 is the manufacturing industry sector. Therefore, the aim of this study is to design a QMM assessment/conceptual model in the manufacturing industry sector by identifying variables related to quality management. In this study, a literature study approach was used by examining ten journals that have a relationship with quality management. The results showed that the QMM model consisted of several levels, each of which was built by a number of quality management variables. Based on the results of the analysis of all available literature, the results of the variables at each level are obtained, namely at level 1 consisting of 2 variables, namely corporate-level quality and project level quality. Whereas at level 2, project quality level variables are divided into two variables, namely product quality and service quality. At level 3, corporate-level quality is divided into two variables, namely external management and internal management. In addition, at level 3, product quality is divided into two variables, namely physical quality and perceived quality. Meanwhile, at level 4, each variable result from level 3 is further divided into a number of variables. In external management, there are six variables, in internal management, there are 28 variables, seven variables in physical quality, four variables in perceived quality, and 19 variables in service quality.


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