Development Of Life-Based Curriculum Model Designs In The Global Era


  • Dedi Kuswandi Educational Technology, State University of Malang, Indonesia
  • Punaji Setyosari Educational Technology, State University of Malang, Indonesia
  • Hutkemri Hutkemri Mathematics and Science Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Nunung Suryati Educational Technology, State University of Malang, Indonesia
  • Tutut Chusniyah Psychology Education, State University of Malang, Indonesia
  • Risma Chulashotud Diana Educational Technology, State University of Malang, Indonesia
  • Eko Saputra Nurdiansa Educational Technology, State University of Malang, Indonesia



curriculum model design, life-based learning philosophy, content knowledge, content pedagogy


The curriculum as a learning planning document, which is then applied and implemented in a certain period, must always be updated so that it can keep up with the times, the development of science and technology, and the development of people's rapidly changing lives. No exception has been implemented by the Educational Technology Study Program (TEP), Faculty of Education (FIP) State the University of Malang. The Educational Technology Study Program has succeeded in implementing the curriculum renewal process by compiling a doctoral program curriculum (S3), which is based on the philosophy of life-based learning. By applying the research and development (R&D) method, this study aims to develop a life-based curriculum model design in the global era for doctoral programs. The research and development (R&D) method follows the ADDIE stages. The results of research and development are in the form of a model design that is described in chart form. The descriptions of the explanations for each component in the chart are systemic and systematic. Through the design of this curriculum model, it is hoped that it can become a guide for administrators of the educational technology (TEP) study program doctor so that during the course, the development of content knowledge and content pedagogy can be developed according to the life-based learning philosophy that characterizes the design of the curriculum model. 


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