Proceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Engineering and Science Series
<p>The Proceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Engineering and Science (ESS) has published with registered number <strong>ISBN 9786236896365</strong>. This proceeding is a collaboration conference program between Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “VETERAN” Yogyakarta (UPN Veteran Yogyakarta) and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF). The ESS Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of Engineering and Science. In addition, the ESS presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Earth Science, Mineral Technology, Geology, Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, Nanotechnology, Food engineering, Industrial Engineering, Agriculture Technology, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Environment Studies. All articles to be published in this proceedings have undergone rigorous peer review by Conference Scientific review committees.</p>Research Synergy Foundationen-USProceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Engineering and Science Series<h3>Copyright Notice<span> </span></h3><p>1. Author and Manuscript</p><ul><li>The author whose name appear in the above statement is declaring that he/she is the author of the stated manuscript</li><li>All of the authors, if any, has already aware of this agreement and give consent for the mentioned name to act on their behalf</li></ul><p><br />2. Validity</p><ul><li>The author stated that the manuscript is original and has never been published elsewhere.</li><li>The author has obtained permissions from other contributors, if any</li><li>The author has specifically mentioned and cited all external materials properly</li><li>Note: External materials refers to any material, writings, figures, tables, illustrations, or any other materials which is not being produced, made, or patented by the author</li><li>The author holds the sole responsible should there are any mistyping; unclear citation and holds responsible should there are any inappropriate manners such as unlawful, breaches, obscene, or any other reasons which are not aligned with the law and norm.</li></ul><p>3. Deliverable of Manuscript and Other Materials</p><ul><li>The Contributor/Author shall deliver their manuscript using the provided and acceptable format (doc. Or docx) in the assigned date as well as author copyright document signed.</li><li>Inability delivering the manuscript in the stated date and format will affecting the publication process thus, The Publisher have the rights to reject the manuscript and terminate the letter of acceptance or letter of offerings</li><li>Author is responsible to deliver the manuscript using the provided format. Note: All of the figures, tables, illustrations, or any other materials that will be inserted in the manuscript need to be in high quality</li><li>Should the author decided to alter the manuscript format, the fee will be charged and bore by authors</li></ul><p>The Author give “Yayasan Sinergi Riset dan Edukasi” (here forth known as RSF Press) the unlimited right to publish the contribution identified above, without any restraints, in any form, at any time, directly or through others, to reproduce, transmit, archive, lease/lend, sell and distribute the contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, revision and version (digital and hard), including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, audiograms, videograms, electronic form (offline, online), or any other reproductions of similar nature, including publication in the aforementioned book or any other book, as well as, the usage for advertising purposes. RSF Press will ensure that the Author’s name(s) is/are always clearly associated with the manuscript, and the publishers will not make any substantial change to the manuscript without consulting the author and ask for their consent. RSF Press is also entitled to carry out editorial changes in the contribution with the sole purpose of enhancing the overall organization and form of the contribution.</p><p>The Author retains the rights to publish the contribution in his/her own web site and thesis, in his/her employer’s web site and to publish a similar or revised version elsewhere, as long as it is clearly stated that the contribution was presented first RSF Press and the corresponding DOI is associated with the contribution.</p>Biochar Making Machines Design for Increasing Food Security
<p><em>The development of sustainable agriculture is one of the steps to achieve national food security. The created agricultural system is demanded to be able to continue for the present and the future in managing resources for the sake of agriculture in meeting human needs. Over time, agricultural land in Indonesia has also decreased due to the consequences of increasing population growth. It is predicted that the depreciation of agricultural land can hamper sustainable agricultural development. Indonesia is included in the wet tropics, where many soils have undergone a further weathering process. This soil has low nutrient content, cation exchange capacity, pH, and organic matter, while for anion exchange capacity, the exchangeable aluminum, oxide, and clay content are high. High levels of aluminum in the soil can be toxic to plants. Toxic properties in the soil, which are caused by aluminum, which can be exchanged on acid soils, can be overcome by using pyrolysis charcoal, from now on better known as biochar. The purpose of this research is to design a biochar making machine to increase food security. Based on the needs, technology, and several other aspects, this research gets to design a prototype of a biochar making machine.</em></p>Susila Herlambang, AZ. Purwono Budi SantosoMuammar GomareuzzamanAstrid Wahyu Adventri Wibowo
Copyright (c) 2020 Susila Herlambang, , AZ. Purwono Budi Santoso, Muammar Gomareuzzaman, Astrid Wahyu Adventri Wibowo
2020-10-272020-10-271111010.31098/ess.v1i1.88Alternative Environmental Management in The Split Making Industry
<p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="EN-US">The purpose of this study is to carry out environmental management in the split-making industry, especially on the spread of dust. In the field of building construction, at the stage of casting activities, various construction materials are needed, such as cement, sand, water, iron, and splits. The existence of a split will further increase the strength of the cast. Therefore, splits are indispensable in the field of construction. The raw material for the split is andesite stone. In the split production process using a stone crusher called a stone crusher. In the operation of this stone crusher, the dust appears generated from andesite stone flakes which are being reduced in size to split. The dust will spread to the surrounding environment because it is carried away by the wind. This condition will cause a negative impact, namely a decrease in air quality. Therefore, steps/actions should be taken to minimize the spread of dust, namely by capturing the dust that comes out of the stone crusher tool carried by the exhaust gas flow. The equipment used in this research is a laboratory-scale using a fogging method dust catcher. The sprayer hole diameter is the independent variable, while the other quantities are the dependent variable. The research was conducted on the nozzle diameter as much as 5 quantities and carried out 3 replications for each quantity, then averaged the results. After the research was carried out, the data obtained from the research showed that the optimum condition for the mass of dust that was caught by the fog was the diameter of the sprayer hole 1, 45 mm with an average dust mass that can be caught by the fog is 14,068.33 µg and average efficiency value of 72.67%. The line equation which states the relationship between the variable sprayer hole diameter and the mass of dust caught by the fog is Y = -14.722.X<sup>3</sup> - 782.86 X<sup>2</sup> + 4978.5X +6265.7 with a percent error of 1.53%, while the line equation states the relationship between diameter nozzle with an efficiency value that is Y = 0.1042X<sup>3</sup> - 5.3775X<sup>2</sup> + 28.608X + 30.564 with an average percent error of 2.37%.</span></em></p>J PurwantaSuharwanto SuharwantoTrismi Ristyowati
Copyright (c) 2020 J Purwanta, Suharwanto Suharwanto, Trismi Ristyowati
2020-10-272020-10-2711111710.31098/ess.v1i1.89Development of Ngebel Volcano as Geoheritage and Tourism Education of Volcano, Electric Energy and Geothermal, Ponorogo, East Java
<p><em>Ngebel area is part of the Wilis volcano complex. This volcano is a Quaternary Stratovolcano which has several educational locations in the form of volcanic activities, historical traces of the Dutch colonial era to the Japanese era, and local legends. Educational tourism locations include Ngebel Lake, Mloko Sewu, Widodaren Waterfall, Andesite Lava Autobreccia, Agglomerates, Pyroclastic Flow, Pyroclastic Fall, Hot Springs, Mud Pool, Hydroelectric Power Plant, and Dutch Channel.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>The methodology used in this study is a vertical rock profile, outcrop observation, petrographic analysis, and information compilation. This study aims to provide insight into geotourism education and education about the history of the Indonesian nation. Understanding events around nature and understanding the history of the nation are expected to foster the motivation for patriotism and state defense for the Indonesian nation. By better understanding the geography and culture of the Ngebel people, we hope that in the future there will be much better ideas to improve Ngebel tourism and the welfare of the surrounding community.</em></p>Dwi Fitri YudiantoroRatnaningsih RatnaningsihP PratiknyoMaheri MaheriDS. SayudiI. ParamitahatyW. IsmunandarDG. SampurnoR. MuhammadM. Abdurrachman
Copyright (c) 2020 Dwi Fitri Yudiantoro, Ratnaningsih Ratnaningsih, P Pratiknyo, Maheri Maheri, DS. Sayudi, I. Paramitahaty, W. Ismunandar, DG. Sampurno, R. Muhammad, M. Abdurrachman
2020-10-272020-10-2711183210.31098/ess.v1i1.90Preliminary Design Calculation of Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Machine
<p><em>This research aims to evaluate the design calculation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) machine. The design calculation was based on the specimen standard of SCC in the constant load set up for Aluminum alloys by using mechanics material principles. The results of the design calculation show that the minimum radius horizontal material support, horizontal walking support, and horizontal load support were 8.50, 9.73, and 6.7 mm that is made of steel, respectively. The minimum radius of specimen support and the load support is 3.2 mm that is made of steel and 1.75 mm that is made of stainless steel, respectively. The height of the walking load support in the center must be higher than the height of the walking load support in the corner as per moment calculation.</em></p>Y AmaliaA. SudiyantoF. RahmawatiS.U. SantosoZ.N.Y. PratamaE. Pujiyulianto
Copyright (c) 2020 Y Amalia, A. Sudiyanto, F. Rahmawati, S.U. Santoso, Z.N.Y. Pratama, E. Pujiyulianto
2020-10-272020-10-2711384510.31098/ess.v1i1.91Production Results Forecasting Using Linier Regression Methods In UMKM KWT Suka Maju
<p><em>Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) SUKAMAJU is a women's association in Palihan village, Bambanglipuro sub-district. The KWT activities include monthly social gatherings, savings, and loans, gardening by growing vegetables and family medicinal plants in the KWT Sukamaju garden, regular monthly meetings for agricultural extension agents, and food production. The community service team assists in the form of increasing production by supporting production equipment which is considered to be still long for large quantities of products and multimedia and internet-based marketing as a means of establishing marketing communications for the group of craftsmen for processing banana tree food made by KWT Sukamaju. Amid the physical distancing period of the Covid-19 pandemic, community visits to the field as the only marketing communication channel must stop. The use of internet marketing means to spur production to be fast and in large numbers. The difficulty of producing such large quantities is constrained by the tools and the processing time that must be fast due to a large number of orders from the internet. </em><em>Data retrieval is taken from the use of production equipment for 30 days. Every day with an intensity of 3 times every 3 until 4 hours for 6 months. The total sample is 180 data samples every three times to 540 data.</em><em> The test using linear regression before and after adding equipment for the production of KWT UMKM has an average result of 56.54% of the estimate after being given additional equipment of 55.63%. The result is between estimation and reality after using </em><em>production tool</em><em>s, </em><em>after and before using the tool close to an accurate estimate of between 56, 5% with 55.6% have only a </em><em>0.9% difference in error. Based on the results of the prediction of KWT production rates using simple linear regression, it can be concluded that the addition of the data </em><em>production tools used to produce has a big effect, and predictions are close to accuracy using time series data, which greatly affect the accuracy of prediction calculations</em><em>.</em></p>Heriyanto HeriyantoYuli FauziahDyah Ayu Irawati
Copyright (c) 2020 Heriyanto Heriyanto, Yuli Fauziah, Dyah Ayu Irawati
2020-10-272020-10-2711465110.31098/ess.v1i1.92Application of An Environmental Friendly Work Area At Dinda Hayu Batik
<p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="EN-US">This study aims to apply the principles of an environmentally friendly work area. One of the batik home industries, Dinda Hayu batik, which is located in Munggon Hamlet. Padukuhan Munggon, Sendangtirto Village, Berbah District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, became the object of this research. The leader and owner of Dinda Hayu Batik are Mrs. Riyo Ety. A high level of sales and a large profit to be obtained is one of the goals of a business. To achieve that goal requires maximum employee performance, good product marketing, and a supportive work environment. This research discusses how environmental aspects can support employee performance so that it leads to increased profits that will be obtained by Dinda Hayu Batik. Environmental aspects are comfortable in terms of the availability of adequate locations to fulfill the Green Open Space (RTH) and parking areas. In addition, the comfort of the work area also greatly affects employee performance. A hot work atmosphere will make employees sweat more than they should, so employees will feel tired quickly. Therefore, the solution of providing a sufficient green open space (RTH) or garden and supported by smooth air circulation in the work area will make the work area temperature cool and comfortable. A hot work atmosphere will make employees sweat more than they should, so employees will feel tired quickly. Therefore, the solution of providing a sufficient green open space (RTH) or garden and supported by smooth air circulation in the work area will make the work area temperature cool and comfortable. A hot work atmosphere will make employees sweat more than they should, so employees will feel tired quickly. Therefore, the solution of providing a sufficient green open space (RTH) or garden and supported by smooth air circulation in the work area will make the work area temperature cool and comfortable.</span></em></p>Jaka PurwantaY SiswantiTrismi Ristyowati
Copyright (c) 2020 Jaka Purwanta, Y Siswanti, Trismi Ristyowati
2020-10-272020-10-2711535910.31098/ess.v1i1.93Inventory Information System Design in PT.Adi Satria Abadi Indonesia
<p><em>This study was done at PT. Adi Satria Abadi (ASA) which produces leather. To compete with other leather goods manufacturers during the economic crisis, PT. ASA must be able to minimize production costs. One of the ways is to reduce the cost of raw materials. It is needed for planning and controlling raw material inventory. For that purpose, a computerized conceptual information system for raw material inventory was designed.</em><em></em></p>Sigit Haryono Agus RistonoAhmad MuhsinNur Afni
Copyright (c) 2020 Sigit Haryono Agus Ristono, Ahmad Muhsin, Nur Afni
2020-10-272020-10-2711607210.31098/ess.v1i1.94Quality Management System In The Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Using The CIPP Mode
<p><em>Postgraduate program competition requires a magister program to develop a quality management system. Many magister programs have adopted the quality management system ISO 9001:2015. To implement the ISO 9001:2015 certification in MTI UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, this research evaluates the condition of MTI UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta today and how prepared MTI UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. Context-Input-Process-Product </em>(CIPP)<em> was used to assess the readiness of MTI UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta and then prepare the ISO 9001:2015 certification. CIPP model evaluates from the input and then process and the result of the process in MTI UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. The results show the input and process in MTI UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta is good, but the output is </em>terrible.<em></em></p>Sadi SadiAgus RistonoHidayat Saputra
Copyright (c) 2020 Sadi Sadi, Agus Ristono, Hidayat Saputra
2020-10-272020-10-2711738010.31098/ess.v1i1.95A New Method In The AHP-Weighting Of Criteria For Supplier Selection
<p><em>In the coming years, researchers in the supplier selection are more likely to use a combination of methods of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM). One method of MCDM which often used in such combinations is Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The function of AHP in the combination of MCDM is as the weighting in each criterion. In the AHP weighting, it has a very important problem. The problem is difficult to obtain consistent results when the amount of matrix is relatively large. This study proposes a new methodology to solve the problem. The results of this study indicate that the proposed method is able to fix the inconsistent matrix data of wise pair comparison to be consistent.</em><em></em></p>Agus RistonoTri WahyuningsihAgus Munandar
Copyright (c) 2020 Agus Ristono, Tri Wahyuningsih, Agus Munandar
2020-10-272020-10-2711818910.31098/ess.v1i1.96Application Of Manure And Plant Spacing On The Growth Of Indigofera Ratoon
<p><em>Indigofera sp. is one of the legume genus plants that is easily cultivated and highly adaptable to a wide range of environments. In addition, it has a high protein content of biomass production and leaves, thus making it a potential source of animal feed. The purpose of this study is to see the effect of manure application and plant spacing on the growth and biomass of Indigofera plants. The research used Two-Factor Factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The first factor is the type of manure consisting of M1 = cow manure at 20 t/ha dose and M2: goat manure at 20 t/ha dose. The second factor is the plant spacing consisting of J1: spacing at 100 cm x 100 cm; J2: spacing at 100 cm x 125 cm: J3: spacing at 100 cm x 150 cm; and J4: spacing at 100 cm x 175 cm. The results showed that cow manure application and plant spacing of 100 cm x 175 cm significantly affected the growth and biomass of Indigofera plants. </em></p>Darban HaryantoEllen Rosyelina Sasmita
Copyright (c) 2020 Darban Haryanto, Ellen Rosyelina Sasmita
2020-10-272020-10-2711909510.31098/ess.v1i1.97Groundwater Prediction Using Pole-Pole Configuration in Batulicin Area South Kalimantan
<p><em>The quality and quantity of groundwater in the Batulicin area decreased since they had a high growth population. T</em><em>he effort to get good groundwater is to predict the aquifer layers in the study area with their carrying depth and lithology</em><em>. T</em><em>he geoelectricity method using </em><em>pole-pole</em><em> configuration was performed to get the resistivity model of fluids and lithology to obtain an overview of the subsurface sections</em><em>. Aquifers layer was predicted using 2 section model resistivity along 1200 meter intersect each other—the </em><em>lithology of the aquifer in the research area dominated by quartz sandstone </em><em>with minor</em><em> limestone. The </em><em>aquifer is predicted in 125-175 meters of depth with 10-30 Ohm.m resistivity value. This result could be technical references for good drilling to get good quality and quantity water for the public. <br /></em></p>Ajimas Pascaning SetiahadiwibowoMuchamad Ocky Bayu NugrohoEko Wibowo
Copyright (c) 2020 Ajimas Pascaning Setiahadiwibowo, Muchamad Ocky Bayu Nugroho, Eko Wibowo
2020-10-272020-10-27119610210.31098/ess.v1i1.98Empowerment of Women Farmer Groups in Salamrejo Village Kulon Progo Regency Through Independent Production Of Organic Fertilizer
<p><em>Inorganic fertilizer has some weaknesses in its application, which is not good for plant growth, not environmentally friendly, and has a fairly high price. The use of inorganic fertilizers, especially on the household scale, can be replaced with organic fertilizers that can be made independently. In addition to being good for plant growth, the costs incurred to make it are quite cheap. The purpose of this activity is so that the group of farmers in each hamlet can utilize the resources that exist around it that can increase the productivity of agricultural crops and reduce the costs incurred for crop production activities by producing organic fertilizers independently and limiting the use of chemical fertilizers. The method carried out in this activity is counseling (education-agriculture) about the manufacture of MOL (Micro Organisms Local) and the utilization of organic waste around the residence to be made into liquid organic fertilizer. The results of the activities obtained in the form of increased knowledge of the members of women farmer group about the function of making MOL (Micro Organisms Local) and how to make liquid organic fertilizer by utilizing organic waste that is around the place of residence so as to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers and save the cost of farming. This community service activity is proven to solve the problems of the members of the women farmer group and utilize the resources that exist around it that can increase the productivity of agricultural crops and reduce the costs incurred for crop production activities.</em></p>Nanik Dara SenjawatiLiana Fatma Leslie Pratiwi
Copyright (c) 2020 Nanik Dara Senjawati, Liana Fatma Leslie Pratiwi
2020-10-272020-10-271110310910.31098/ess.v1i1.100Development of Information System to Refute Single Tuition Fee Online (UKT) Case Study : Universitas Pembangunan Nasioanal “Veteran” Yogyakarta
<p><em>Government education has issued various policies to make education costs cheaper and more affordable for all people, one of which is the UKT (Single Tuition Fee) system, a portion of the Single Tuition Fee that is borne by each student based on their financial ability. The mechanism for determining the Single Tuition Fee group is currently still done manually by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. Single Tuition Fee can be challenged according to the ability of the student's family. A common objection mechanism is filling in some fundamental data such as parents' income, electricity bills, water, motorbike, car taxes, and family economic conditions and interviews. Therefore we need an interactive and responsive Single Tuition Fee rebuttal mechanism for students in particular and UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta in general.</em></p><p><em>The Single Tuition Fee system was built on a web basis. This user-friendly designed system will make it easier for students to object to the Single Tuition Fee during the Covid pandemic or after the Covid Pandemic. The methodology used for this research is the waterfall.</em></p><p><em>The result of this research is a Single Tuition Fee objection system capable of filtering and recapitulating. </em><em></em></p>Rifki Indra PerwiraDjoko Prasetyo Adi WijayaBagus Wiyono
Copyright (c) 2020 Rifki Indra Perwira, Djoko Prasetyo Adi Wijaya, Bagus Wiyono
2020-10-272020-10-271111012110.31098/ess.v1i1.101Empowerment of Farmer Groups through Vegetable Verticulture and Manufacture of Liquid Organic Fertilizer
<p><em>Urban farmer groups have limited yards. Vegetable cultivation can be conducted using a viticulture system because it can utilize limited land in urban areas. 10% of yards in urban areas have been planted, but 90% of the land is still not planted. The existence of farmer groups can provide an example in managing home yards, and the products produced can increase income. Meanwhile, the skills and knowledge of farmer group members regarding viticulture and organic fertilizer production are still low. One of the ways to improve skills and knowledge is through training. This study aims to improve the skills and knowledge of farmers in the cultivation of vegetable viticulture and the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizers. </em><em>The method used is the descriptive method, which is to perform descriptive analysis to describe the concept of increasing skills and knowledge of farmers. </em><em>The results of the training are organic vegetable products and liquid organic fertilizers. This research will provide a conceptual framework for farmer groups in applying viticulture technology and making liquid organic fertilizers on limited land.</em></p>Heti HerastutiHeni Handri UtamiEllen Rosyelina Sasmita
Copyright (c) 2020 Heti Herastuti, Heni Handri Utami, Ellen Rosyelina Sasmita
2020-10-272020-10-271112212810.31098/ess.v1i1.102Prototype Design of IoT Remote Monitoring System for Industrial Process Using Firebase Realtime Database
<p><em>Internet of Things is a technology that is currently developing rapidly. IoT is a network that connects various objects combined with electronics, sensors, and software. This technology is widely used in industry to monitor existing processes. Existing monitoring systems such as PLC and SCADA are great tools and software for process monitoring in the industry. However, they are quite expensive to be used by small and medium industries and also require qualified human resources in this field. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we describe the design of the IoT Remote Monitoring System for Industrial Process Using Firebase Realtime Database. The system is designed using ESP32 and sensors with an internal wifi module. The developed system enabled the employee to monitor any process in the industry remotely and in real-time using a progressive web application.</em></p>Dessyanto Boedi PrasetyoHidayatulah HimawanWilis KaswidjantiFhrezha Zeaneth
Copyright (c) 2020 Dessyanto Boedi Prasetyo, Hidayatulah Himawan, Wilis Kaswidjanti, Fhrezha Zeaneth
2020-10-272020-10-271112913810.31098/ess.v1i1.103Community Empowerment in Making Cassava Leaf Tempe
<p><em>Community empowerment is an activity to increase the ability and independence of the community. The purpose of this activity is to improve life skills in making tempeh from cassava leaves. The method used is mentoring and lectures, as well as training to solve these problems. The results obtained are cassava leaf tempeh with a composition of 5 tablespoons of tempeh yeast, 10-15 tablespoons of rice flour, and 1 kg of boiled cassava leaves. </em></p>Maryana MaryanaSuwardi SuwardiSugeng Priyanto
Copyright (c) 2020 Maryana Maryana, Suwardi Suwardi, Sugeng Priyanto
2020-10-272020-10-271113914510.31098/ess.v1i1.1043D Print Parameter Optimization: A Literature Review
<p><em>3D printing technology is developing very fast. One of the technologies that are often encountered is Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). FDM technology has many advantages, such as easy maintenance, not easily damaged, easy to operate, relatively safer, and relatively cheaper. Much researches on the optimization of the FDM process have been carried out. There is a need to map research results regarding process optimization and the results of FDM technology so that it can provide research opportunities for other researchers to develop this technology. For this reason, this study aims to map the results of research that has been carried out regarding the optimization of the 3D printing process, especially FDM technology. This study uses a qualitative method, namely, a literature review. According to technology and year of publication, some literature is selected to provide relevant and up-to-date results. Based on the literature review that has been done, some process parameters are used along with the desired response variables.</em></p>Tri WibawaHasan MastrisiswadiIsmianti Ismianti
Copyright (c) 2020 Tri Wibawa, Hasan Mastrisiswadi, Ismianti Ismianti
2020-10-272020-10-271114615110.31098/ess.v1i1.105A Review of Coal Liquefaction Using Direct Coal Liquefaction (DCL) and Indirect Coal Liquefaction (ICL) Techniques
<p><em>Coal liquefaction is a process of converting solid coal fuel into liquid fuel. This process is developed by various countries to overcome the scarcity of liquid fuels; therefore, this coal liquefaction is very useful for countries that have few petroleum reserves yet, have large coal reserves. There are two coal liquefaction techniques, namely direct coal liquefaction (DCL) and indirect coal liquefaction (ICL). In ICL, there is a gasification process that usually develops products, generating Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) liquid, methanol (CH<sub>3</sub>OH/MeOH), and dimethyl ether (CH<sub>3</sub>OCH<sub>3</sub>/DME). On the other hand, DCL involves a hydrogenation reaction to produce synthetic gasoline and diesel, which is the same as LPG, a hydrocarbon fuel product similar to hydrocarbon fuel derived from petroleum. This paper discusses the ICL and DCL coal liquefaction techniques, including the process stages, the type of catalyst used, and the products resulted from these techniques.</em></p>Mitha PuspitasariMahreni Mahreni
Copyright (c) 2020 Mitha Puspitasari, Mahreni Mahreni
2020-10-272020-10-271115215910.31098/ess.v1i1.106Clustering K-Means Using SNORT Application For Denial Of Service Attacks
<p><em>Data quality and transparency are of the utmost importance for organizations. Collecting original data from the source without any indication of interruption or interception is an indicator of an attack on the server. The most common attack is Denial of Service (DoS), which is a type of pattern that will crash, shutdown, reboot, or not respond to services of a host on the network. One technique for this attack is the use of the k-means clustering method with a snort. This study aims to design a SNORT-Intrusion Detection System (IDS) application with a k-means algorithm that can categorize attacks into high, medium, and low attacks and is accurate on DoS attacks. Snort accuracy testing functions to measure the packet size detected by snort using an attack application, then the number of packets caught can be categorized using clustering techniques. From the measurement results, the increase was 73.18%. The contribution of this research is a survey and analysis of anomalous packets contained in a network. It can identify the level of types of attacks and take preventive measures from these attacks.</em><em></em></p>Rifki Indra PerwiraBagus Muhammad AkbarHari Prapcoyo
Copyright (c) 2020 Rifki Indra Perwira, Bagus Muhammad Akbar, Hari Prapcoyo
2020-10-272020-10-271116017010.31098/ess.v1i1.107Carrying Capacity of Mercury Pollution to Rivers in the Gold Mining Area of Pancurendang Village, Banyumas
<p><em>Wastewater from small-scale gold processing is causing mercury contamination in the river. It is important to know the estimation of the carrying capacity of river pollution due to mercury to support the improvement of the river ecosystem. The research objective was to calculate the load capacity of mercury pollution (Hg) in rivers around the gold mining and processing area of Pancurendang Village, Ajibarang District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java. The research begins with river discharge measurements. River discharge is measured by referring to SNI 8066: 2015. Water sampling was carried out at 12 river points with a purposive method that took into account the location (upstream, middle, downstream) and river characteristics, according to SNI 6989-78: 2008. Actual mercury levels in river water were tested at the UGM Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT) with Mercury Analyzer. The results of the mercury and discharge levels are used to calculate the actual pollution load. The maximum pollution load is based on the quality standard of mercury in class 2 rivers, namely 0.005 ppm multiplied by river discharge. The load capacity of mercury pollution is obtained from the difference between the maximum pollution load and the actual pollution load. The results of river discharge measurements at the research location are quite varied, ranging from 0.0024-2.925 meters/second. The results of the calculation of the carrying capacity of mercury pollution loads in the river area around the gold mining and processing of Pancurendang Village show a range of 0.0000048-0.005904 kg/day with an average of 0.001325948 kg/day. The capacity of the river in Pancurendang Village has not exceeded its capacity. </em></p>Johan Danu PrasetyaDian Hudawan SantosoEni MuryaniTyka RamadhamayantiBandhar Aji Sukma Yudha
Copyright (c) 2020 Johan Danu Prasetya, Dian Hudawan Santoso, Eni Muryani, Tyka Ramadhamayanti, Bandhar Aji Sukma Yudha
2020-10-272020-10-271117118010.31098/ess.v1i1.108Preliminary Step for Designing an Agent-Based COVID-19 Spread Model in Indonesia
<em><span lang="EN-US">The spread of COVID-19 disease is increasingly widespread in various regions around the world. The speed of the spread of COVID-19 varies in different areas. This difference can be caused by multiple things, such as community habits, government policies, and climate. Research on predicting the spread of COVID-19 has been carried out using various methods. One method that can be used to model the spread of COVID-19 is Agent-Based Modeling. Through this model, the spread of the virus can be seen from each individual or agent so that the model will look more real. In making models using Agent-Based Modeling, standardization is necessary so that the model description is 8more complete and easier to understand. Standardization can be done by determining the ODD (Overview, Design Concept, and Details) Protocol. This study will discuss the determination of the ODD Protocol in making agent-based models of the spread of COVID-19 disease.</span></em><span lang="EN-US"> <em>The ODD protocol that has been created can be used to build models and coding in the next step in agent-based modeling.</em></span>Ismianti IsmiantiEko NursubiyantoroAstrid Wahyu Adventri Wibowo
Copyright (c) 2020 Ismianti Ismianti, Eko Nursubiyantoro, Astrid Wahyu Adventri Wibowo
2020-10-272020-10-271118118910.31098/ess.v1i1.109Improving Porang ( Amorphophallus Mueller) As Beneficially Product For Farmers Community Around The Forest In Semanu District Gunung Kidul Regency
<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>Porang (Amorphophallus Mueller ) is one of the local rootstocks in Indonesia. The last time the farmer's community around the Forest in Semanu District did not know about Porang. Regarding the Information technology advantage in the last decade, people have known about the benefit of the cultivation of Porang. One of the derivative products in Processing is Porang Chips. The Product has a great opportunity as raw material for Food, Cosmetics, and other industries needed. The demand and also The price of Porang in the future time is forecasting an increase. There is a lack of supply and demand in the international market. To Fulfill the market, any program has been conducted to cultivate porang. One of the programs had done in Gunung Kidul Regency, supported by The National Society Porang Farmers (P3N), collaborated with the research team of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta. The research aim to 1) describing the activities of the program to improve Porang in Semanu District and 2) analyzing the internal and external factors that influence the farmer community around the Forest to cultivate and produce Porang to hold this program regarding improving the Product. The method of the research is analytical descriptive, and close to study in survey mode. To choose a location by the purposive method. All the farmers of the P3N porang program as respondents. The number of the respondent are 40 farmers that had conducted by sensus method. By the Multiple regression statistical model, The result of the research showed that this program had received by farmer communities at a medium level, and the factors internal that influence the farmers to hold this program are educational background and farmer experience. On the other hand, the external factors that influencing this program are farmers Communities, Activities of extension, and Information access.</span></p></div></div></div>Dwi Aulia PuspitaningrumSumarwoto SumarwotoO S Padmini
Copyright (c) 2020 Dwi Aulia Puspitaningrum, Sumarwoto Sumarwoto, O S Padmini
2020-10-272020-10-271119019810.31098/ess.v1i1.110Characteristics of Coal and Coal Ash
<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>The physical character or composition of coal in the form of deposits used as trading materials are different. This is due to conditions, including peat formation, change in geological time, and methods or process of mining. The characteristics of coal, including water (moisture), volatile matter, porosity, density, grind ability, friability, weathering, size composition, Strength, and abrasiveness, determine the use. Furthermore, Ash is a residue obtained from the mineral matter due to changes in coal. The chemical composition is different with less weight than the mineral matter present in the original form. Also, the change in mass recorded during this entire process is attributed to water loss from the original silicate, CO</span><span>2</span><span>, and oxide from carbonate and pyrite oxide, respectively. However, the main components of ash elements include Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Aluminum, Silicon, Iron, and Sulfur.</span></p></div></div></div>Edy NursantoAdi Ilcham
Copyright (c) 2020 Edy Nursanto, Adi Ilcham
2020-10-272020-10-271119920410.31098/ess.v1i1.111Analysis of Water Plant Utilization using Organic Substrate Combinations to Manage COD BOD Turbidity in Pit Lak
<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>Because of changing the physicochemical conditions of the water, the pit lake of the quarry feldspar has the potential to pollute the environment. The parameter values of COD, BOD, and turbidity in contaminated mine water are not according to quality standards. This research is water management with plant media in pit lake using a passive remediation method. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability to use Eichornia sp and Thypa Angustifolia plants using a combination of organic substrates in managing turbidity, COD, and BOD in post-mining feldspar water. This research is an experimental method by making a research reactor. There were six tubs with different treatments in each tub, treatment one as control, namely water, and MaterialMaterial in the pit lake; treatment 2 added organic substrate, treatment three added Thypa Angustifolia plants, treatment 4 added Thypa Angustifolia plants and organic substrate, treatment five added plants Eichornia sp, treatment six was added with Eichornia sp plants and organic substrate. The amount of water in each treatment is 350 liters, the pit lake material is 20 kg, and the organic substrate is 4 kg and the residence time is 15 days. Sampling was carried out every three consecutive days. The results showed that Thypa Angustifolia plants with a combination of organic substrates were able to reduce the turbidity value, while Eichornia sp plants using a combination of organic substrates could efficiently reduce COD and BOD values.</span></p></div></div></div>Indun TitisariwatiHadi OetomoMuhammad Tri AdityaWaterman Sulistyana Bargawa
Copyright (c) 2020 Indun Titisariwati, Hadi Oetomo, Muhammad Tri Aditya, Waterman Sulistyana Bargawa
2020-10-272020-10-271120521310.31098/ess.v1i1.112Identification of Groundwater Contamination by Hydrocarbon from Gas Station at Caturtunggal Area using Geoelectrical Methods
<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>Groundwater exploration is a method to produce the needs of clean water. Most of the Indonesian people use groundwater for daily consumption. Groundwater contamination can occur because of various human activities that produce pollutants. One of the activities that can affect the quality of subsurface water is the existence of a Gas Station. Caturtunggal is one of the areas in the Sleman Regency which has a dense population. Caturtunggal has varied activities such as hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, and education. If there is pollution due to hydrocarbons, the impact that occurs can pollute the densely populated area. Geophysics methods are one of the techniques to explore the groundwater, specially geoelectrical resistivity. The objective of this research is to identify the existence of hydrocarbon in the groundwater around gas stations using the geoelectrical resistivity method. This research was conducted with the methods, i.e., observation, mapping, and geophysical method, geoelectrical resistivity. The result from geoelectrical resistivity analysis shows that contamination of hydrocarbon does not occur in the groundwater. In general, the lithology of the composting area of the study area consists of loose sediments with coarse to very coarse grain sizes, which are represented by large resistivity values. At the measuring point 1 to 4, there is no indication of the presence of groundwater pollution, which is represented by the resistivity value of the aquifer zone in the Cilician area, which is still in the resistivity order of 10</span><span>1</span><span>-ohm meters. The existence of aquifers in the research area is at a depth of 12 meters to 15 meters. It was getting deeper towards the south. However, collaboration data is required to analyze more details about the contamination.</span></p></div></div></div>Ayu UtamiAjimas PascaningWisnu Aji Dwi KristantoWildan Rizky Isnaini
Copyright (c) 2020 Ayu Utami, Ajimas Pascaning, Wisnu Aji Dwi Kristanto, Wildan Rizky Isnaini
2020-10-272020-10-271121422210.31098/ess.v1i1.113Application of Online Administration System for Practical Work(PW) in the Petroleum Engineering Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta
<p><em>Practical Work (PW) is one of the compulsory courses for students in the Petroleum Engineering Department, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. Previously, the administrative system that was implemented used a manual system. This system has several weaknesses, including the ineffectiveness of drafting course letters, an activity reporting system, and an activity assessment. The ineffectiveness of the Practical Work (PW) administration system can also be seen from the results of the satisfaction survey of the existing administrative system. The survey results stated that 34.6% of 81 respondents stated that the administrative system implemented was less effective. This study creates an online administration system using an online form (google forms) to simplify the system for making course letters, reporting, and assessing Practical Work (PW) activities. The steps were carried out, among others, satisfaction surveys, making online forms, making online SOPs, manuals book, and socializing the application of the online administration system. The application of the online administration system went as expected without any significant obstacles. From this research, it is hoped that the administration system will be more effective and can be paperless. In the future, the system is expected to become a pioneer in the online administration system in the Petroleum Engineering Department. </em></p>Dewi AsmorowatiMia Ferian HelmyBambang Bintarto
Copyright (c) 2020 Dewi Asmorowati, Mia Ferian Helmy, Bambang Bintarto
2020-10-272020-10-271122322810.31098/ess.v1i1.114Efficiency Evaluation of the Rolling Mills Production: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
<p><em>The steel industry is one of the </em><em>industries that concentrate on energy, and types of upstream industries are prioritized in Indonesia. National steel demand will continue to increase up to 32 million tonnes in 2025 to make the steel industry remain competitive. The amount of energy used in the production process,</em><em> i.e.,</em><em> the </em><em>energy of LNG and electricity,</em><em> and</em><em> the high prices of raw materials to make the </em><em>steel industry should be able to use all three of these things efficiently. O</em><em>n the other hand, </em><em>the activity of the production process is often a breakdown on a rolling machine that makes </em><em>the </em><em>production process on the stage rolling line stop</em><em>,</em><em>except the reheating furnace, w</em><em>as</em><em> still burning. This leads to </em><em>the </em><em>inefficiency of using energy and reduce the productivity of reinforced concrete that can be generated. One of the causes of the breakdown in the rolling machine is negligence labor.</em><em> The</em><em>study aims to calculate the level of efficiency in production units</em><em>,</em><em> rolling mills </em><em>one</em><em> and </em><em>two</em><em>. T</em><em>he disruption of the production process is the breakdown in the production of rolling mills. </em><em>The</em><em> research use</em><em>s</em><em> the approach of the Data Envelopment Analysis model CRS input</em><em>-</em><em>oriented</em><em>. </em><em> From the </em><em>evaluation </em><em>is known that there are eight concrete iron production units are inefficient</em><em> by an average of 98%. </em><em>Then, a significant improvement potent</em><em>ial values of input parameters using the unit of production of rolling mills is the use of electrical energy by 93.56%,</em><em> amounting to 65.20% of LNG energy, labor amounted to 49.00%,</em><em> and raw materials by</em><em>11.92%. One of the causes of </em><em>the potential value</em><em> improvement or inefficient use of the input parameter is the breakdown of</em><em> the engine components, namely rolling bearings, adjuster gap, entry/</em><em>exit guide, caliber,</em><em> and coupling.</em></p>Apriani SoepardiMochammad ChaeronMira T. KuncoroGunawan Wijiatmoko
Copyright (c) 2020 Apriani Soepardi, Mochammad Chaeron, Mira T. Kuncoro, Gunawan Wijiatmoko
2020-10-272020-10-271122823710.31098/ess.v1i1.115Effect of Fertilizer Frequency on Growth Varieties of Dendrobium Orchid
<p><em>Orchid is an ornamental plant usually used for an indoor plant or cuts flower because of its colorful flowers. Orchid performance can be improved with the use of leaf fertilizer. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the effect of fertilizer frequency on growth varieties of dendrobium orchid. The study was conducted in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, between June to September 2020, using a Completely Randomized Design with the factorial arrangement. The fertilizer frequency factors include once in 2 days, once in 3 days, and once in 4 days, while the varieties of Dendrobium are Syifa Agrihorti, Dian Agrihorti, and Zahra Fr-28. The result showed fertilizer frequency once in 3 days provided the best percentage to live, increasing leaf length and root length. Syifa Agrihorti and Dian Agrihorti are varieties that readily adapt to new environments. There was no interaction between fertilizer frequency and varieties of Dendrobium orchid on all growth parameters.</em></p>Heti HerastutiSiwi Hardiastuti E.K
Copyright (c) 2020 Heti Herastuti, Siwi Hardiastuti E.K
2020-10-272020-10-271124625210.31098/ess.v1i1.116Design Text Mining for Anxiety Detection using Machine Learning based-on Social Media Data during COVID-19 pandemic
<p><em>The COVID-19 pandemic has a profound impact on all groups, including governments, agencies, and individuals. It can make anxiety have a bad effect. So it is necessary to detect the existence of anxiety from the government to suppress and improve the community's psychology. This research aims to design text mining to detect anxiety during a pandemic by applying machine learning technology. Two methods of machine learning are designed, namely, random forest and xgboost. This design uses a sample of data from You</em><em>Tube comments with a total of 4862 consisting of 3211 for negative data and 1651 for positive data. Negative data identify anxiety, while positive data identifies hope (not worry). The design of the application of this method was carried out by preliminary testing with three calculations, namely accuracy, precision, and recall. The accuracy of the Random Forest and XGB</em><em>OOST methods is 83% and 73%. Meanwhile, precision and recall have an inversely proportional value. Random Forest has a precision value greater than 45% compared to xgboost. Whereas Recall, XGBOOST is bigger than ten compared to Random Forest. Random Forest can reference machine learning methods to detect someone's anxiety based on data from social media. </em></p>Yuli FauziahShoffan SaifullahAgus Sasmito Aribowo
Copyright (c) 2020 Yuli Fauziah, Shoffan Saifullah, Agus Sasmito Aribowo
2020-10-272020-10-271125326110.31098/ess.v1i1.117Study Of Added Value Differentiation Of Peranakan Etawa (PE) Goat Milk Products On Agro-Industry In Pakem District Sleman Regency
<p><em>This research aims for 1)</em><em> </em><em>knowing the great added value of differentiation of goat milk</em><em> products </em><em>Peranakan etawa, </em><em>(PE), </em><em>2) Analyzing the feasibility of the business processed goat milk Peranakan etawa</em><em> (PE). T</em><em>he basic method is used by the descriptive method. This method of conducting research uses a case study method located in Sleman Regency </em><em>precisely at </em><em>the</em><em> one of the Agroindustry namely The </em><em> Agricultural and Rural Training Center of Etawa Goat Farm (P4S - BPKE) which </em><em>produces </em><em>processed goat's milk into and (3) derivative products namely milk powder, yogurt, and ice cream.</em><em> </em><em>The method of determining respondents uses the purposive sampling method. </em><em>The types and data sources used are primary data with methods data collection</em><em>s</em><em> </em><em>are </em><em>closed by interviews, observations, and recording. Analysis techniques used to analyze the </em><em>large value-added differentiation of</em><em> goat milk products Peranakan etawa </em><em>(PE) </em><em>used </em><em>Hayami method and</em><em> feasibility of processed goat milk business Peranakan ettawa used the Revenue Cost ratio. The results of the study showed</em><em> that</em><em>: 1) </em><em>Value-added differentiation of goat</em><em> milk products Peranakan etawa </em><em>(PE) </em><em> has </em><em>generated positive added value. The added value of ice cream is greater than milk powder and yogurt</em><em>. 2) </em><em>The </em><em>F</em><em>easibility of processed goat's milk Peranakan etawa </em><em>(PE) </em><em> ice cream, milk powder, and yogurt are profitable or feasible to be developed, with the</em><em> highest feasibility is in ice cream products. </em><em></em></p>Dwi Aulia PuspitaningrumLiana Fatma Leslie PratiwiAlit Istiani
Copyright (c) 2020 Dwi Aulia Puspitaningrum, Liana Fatma Leslie Pratiwi, Alit Istiani
2020-10-272020-10-271126226810.31098/ess.v1i1.118Extraction of Silica from Kalirejo Minerals, Kokap, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta
<p><em>In the industrial world, silica is widely used, such as in the tire, rubber, glass, cement, concrete, ceramics, textiles, paper, cosmetics, electronics, paint, film, toothpaste, healthcare, and other industries. The commercial value of silica determinant by its purity. In this study, silica extraction from minerals taken from the Kokap area, Kulonprogo, was carried out. The extraction of silica from minerals aims to increase silica content. In this research, the effect of NaOH concentration and particle size in silica extraction from minerals was studied. The variation in particle size is 100 mesh and 150 mesh, while the variation in NaOH concentration is from 0.5 N to 5 N with a difference in concentration of 0.5 N. The product of this research is silica gel. The experimental results show that the greater the NaOH concentration, the greater the silica that can be extracted. When viewed from the particle size, a smaller particle size results in a larger conversion.</em> <em>The largest extract was obtained at a particle size of 150 mesh with a concentration of NaOH 5 N, which is 4.73 grams of silica gel or 1.6979 grams of silica. </em></p>Tutik Muji SetyoningrumSri Wahyu MurniWibiana Wulan Nandari
Copyright (c) 2020 Tutik Muji Setyoningrum, Sri Wahyu Murni, Wibiana Wulan Nandari
2020-10-272020-10-271126927610.31098/ess.v1i1.119Earthquake and Tsunami Threat in Lombok
<p><em>Lombok, the alternative tourism destination beside Bali, has beautiful sight and culture, but it also includes the vulnerability area in Indonesia. There are subduction zone and the Flores Fault in the south and north of Lombok. Both of them are a source of the earthquake. Based on the BMKG historical disaster, in 1992, there was an earthquake and tsunami comes from Flores Fault. In 2018, there was an earthquake coming from the Flores Fault. The earthquake is unique; it started from foreshock and followed by mainshock seven days later. It rarely happened in Indonesia. However, it is a difficult way to predict the earthquake is include in foreshock or not. Besides that, the tsunami potential that can occur from Flores Fault activity still become a mystery to some geoscientist.</em></p>Indriati Retno PalupiWiji Raharjo
Copyright (c) 2020 Indriati Retno Palupi, Wiji Raharjo
2020-10-272020-10-271127728310.31098/ess.v1i1.120The Effects of VICOIL Bopanprog Usage as a Substitute for Crude Oil for Oil-Based Drilling Fluids
<p><em>The use of water-based mud often faces some difficulties in dealing with shale zones, which can cause shale problems. Oil-based mud has better performance than water based mud in overcoming shale problems. However, oil-base mud can cause unfavorable environmental impacts, and it is more costly than water base mud. Various efforts were made to find oil base mud materials that are environmentally friendly and do not cost too much money but still function as a standard oil-base mud with all its advantages compared to water-based mud. Oil-based mud by using VICOIL Bopanprog as its liquid phase is expected to be a substitute material for oil-based mud. The first test is to analyze the shale content of the cutting samples, which will be tested on the designed mud by using MBT and XRD. From the results of these tests, we can find out the potential shale problems that will occur. Then we can determine the correct mud composition to prevent the shale problem from happening. To determine the physical and rheological properties of the designed mud, tests are carried out in the laboratory. After meeting the testing standards, the mud filtrate is tested to the cutting sample that has been analyzed at the beginning to determine its performance in overcoming shale problems. From the research results, the use of VICOIL Bopanprog oil-based mud has met the normal oil base mud standard, and it is able to overcome clay swelling caused by smectite and illite minerals from the tested cutting samples. However, in testing, the cutting samples also contain kaolinite minerals, which tend to cause sloughing problems. OBM VICOIL also has good mechanical, hydraulics, and or properties of drilling mud to prevent shale sloughing.</em><em></em></p>KRT Nur SuhascaryoSusila HerlambangHiras Pasaribu
Copyright (c) 2020 KRT Nur Suhascaryo, Susila Herlambang, Hiras Pasaribu
2020-10-272020-10-271128429410.31098/ess.v1i1.121Induction Of Banana Roots In Various Media And In Vitro Growth Regulators
<p><em>Th</em><em>is research aims </em><em>to determine the appropriate media and the best concentration of growth regulators</em><em>. Furthermore, </em><em>the</em><em>method used </em><em>was</em><em> a completely randomized design with two factors, namely the </em><em>type of media</em><em> (Murashige & Skoog, Media B5, and ½ MS + vitamin B5) and NAA (0.5; 1.0; 1.5 ppm) </em><em>as well as</em><em> BA (1; 2; 3 ppm. ). The data obtained were analyzed for diversity and further </em><em>evaluation</em><em> using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at a 5% level.</em><em> Furthermore, the result showed that</em><em> Murashige & Skoog media</em><em> interacts</em><em> with NAA 1 ppm + BAP 2 ppm on root length parameters.</em><em> Considering this result,</em><em> </em><em>m</em><em>edia B5 is the best for</em><em> plantlet</em><em> roots number and dry weight </em><em>parameters, while</em><em> NAA 1.5 ppm and BA 3 ppm were the best plantlets dry weight</em><em> concentrations</em><em>.</em></p>Rina SrilestariSuwardi Suwardi
Copyright (c) 2020 Rina Srilestari, Suwardi Suwardi
2020-10-272020-10-271129530010.31098/ess.v1i1.122Geostatistical Modeling of Ore Grade In A Laterite Nickel Deposit
<p><em>Reserve modeling is one of the essential aspects of exploration activity. Reserve modeling of ore commodities has classic challenges such as grade distribution and quantity of the ore reserve. This study introduced a novel reserve modeling protocol incorporated kriging methods for nickel laterite deposits. The study parameters consist of geological modeling and statistical analytic using the ordinary kriging method and nearest neighbor polygon. This study shows that the ordinary kriging method has a conservative estimation compared to the nearest neighbor polygon. Besides, the rectangular drilling pattern is the most suitable drilling pattern for the exploration activity of this study. </em></p>Waterman Sulistyana BargawaSimon Pulung NugrohoRaden Hariyanto
Copyright (c) 2020 Waterman Sulistyana Bargawa, Simon Pulung Nugroho, Raden Hariyanto
2020-10-272020-10-271130131010.31098/ess.v1i1.123Non-Invasive Anemia Screening Using Nails and Palms Photos
<p><em>Anemia is a condition where the hemoglobin level is below standard. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that gives blood its red color and is tasked with helping red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs throughout the body, including essential body organs such as the heart, kidneys, and other organs. So that if anemia is allowed to drag on, it will interfere with the function of these organs and cause various kinds of diseases.This study applies the Naive Bayes method to detect anemia using digital images of the nails and palms as parameters. The image processing method used in this research is image segmentation in digital images of nails and palms so that they are separated from the background using the threshold method, after which the mean values of Red, Green, Blue, and their standard deviation are found. Furthermore, the value obtained will be processed using the Naïve Bayes classification method to categorize the palm image data entered into the anemia or non-anemia category. The proposed method achieves 90 percent accuracy for the paleness classification of nails and palms pictures. The proposed paleness screening method can be further fine-tuned to identify the intensity of anemia-like pathologies by using a controlled collection of local images that can then be used for potential benchmarking purposes.</em></p>Mangaras Yanu FlorestiyantoNandha Juniaroesita Peksi
Copyright (c) 2020 Mangaras Yanu Florestiyanto, Nandha Juniaroesita Peksi
2020-10-272020-10-271131131810.31098/ess.v1i1.124Recycling Metal Waste Made From Aluminum into Ingots: Using the Melting Method with a Crucible Furnace (Lift Out
<p><em>Aluminum is one of the metal that is widely used for various purposes </em><em>at this time ranging from use for packaging beverage cans to building construction, automotive, and transportation. Aluminum is widely used because of its toughness, lightweight and rust resistance. The number of uses of aluminum has an effect on the existence of its waste, which will also increase. Aluminum waste processing has been carried out using the melting method into aluminum ingots as raw material for the aluminum industry. Aluminum waste samples come from vehicle and automotive repair shops. A total of 1.5 kg of workshop waste is cut into sizes smaller than 7 cm and then melted separately for 500 grams, each using a crucible furnace (lift-out). The melting is carried out 3 times by varying the amount of flux entered, respectively 0%, 0.2%, and 0.4% w/w. The flux used in this smelting is Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>(Borax). The melting process takes 20-30 minutes, and the temperature of the molten metal pouring is 697-715 <sup>o</sup>C. The results of the melting of the first 500 grams of waste without using flux resulted in 460.7 grams of ingot and 27.6 grams of melting dross. In melting using a flux of 0.2%, it produces 437.7 grams of ingots and 61.2 grams of dross. In melting using 0.4% flux, the ingot weight was 420.7 grams and dross weight 68.1 grams. The more use of flux in the aluminum waste recycling process using the melting method, giving the effect of weight loss ingot produced, and the increase in weight of dross is wasted. This is because the impurities in the ingot have bonded with the flux and migrated to the waste along with the dross. </em></p>Rika ErnawatiTri WahyuningsihUntung SukamtoMuhammad Fauzi Rizalsyah
Copyright (c) 2020 Rika Ernawati, Tri Wahyuningsih, Untung Sukamto, Muhammad Fauzi Rizalsyah
2020-10-272020-10-271131932710.31098/ess.v1i1.125Modeling of Crude Oil Types Classification Using the Naive Bayes Classifier Method
<p><em>This research is part of previous research regarding the prediction of petroleum's physical properties to help the user get the prediction value of crude oil's physical properties from field test data, which was carried out from Enhanced Oil Recovery Research Laboratory, Petroleum Engineering UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta. The field data that is measured in the laboratory that has been done is by adding biosurfactants and increasing the temperature. Various steps have been taken to reduce crude oil's viscosity value so that it can be diluted could flow. It is necessary to calculate the viscosity of crude oil in this process to determine the extent of the viscosity level as expected by adding biosurfactants or increasing the temperature that has been carried out in the EOR process. Naïve Bayes Classifier is used to classify oil data into three categories: light oil, medium oil, and heavy oil, based on the prediction of the viscosity value. The Naïve Bayes Classifier is a robust algorithm for performing machine learning-based predictive modeling that applies the Bayes theorem. This predictive modeling for the physical properties of crude oil was built using the Python programming language and the PyQt5 library to build desktop-based applications. The classification of oil has arrived at labeling the prediction results of crude oil's viscosity into three categories, namely light oil, medium oil, and heavy oil. The test results with testing data produce accurate data; the predicted value is within the specified range.</em></p>Harry Budiharjo SulistyarsoDyah Ayu IrawatiJoko PamungkasIndah Widiyaningsih
Copyright (c) 2020 Harry Budiharjo Sulistyarso, Dyah Ayu Irawati, Joko Pamungkas, Indah Widiyaningsih
2020-10-272020-10-271132833910.31098/ess.v1i1.126Increased Productivity Of Empon-Empon Jamu To Meet Demand Due To The Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study In Dronco Hamlet, Girirejo Village, Imogiri District, Bantul Yogyakarta Regency)
<p><em>These instant herbs and instant red ginger are much in demand by consumers because they taste good and are fresh, and can also increase the body's immunity. The business of instant herbal medicine and instant red ginger has not been managed professionally. This is indicated by the quality of the product that has not been standardized, which is sometimes too wet and sometimes too dry, resulting in durability and taste of the product. Since the Covid -19 pandemic, demand has increased by almost 400%. Meanwhile, the production of these two business groups is now only able to meet 50% to 60%.</em><em> </em><em>Based on the partners' problems, to increase production and improve the quality of herbal medicine, practically designed chopper machines have been used. The chopper machine that is donated to this partner is capable of chopping various types and sizes of herbal medicine with a production speed of around 30 kg of wet herbs per hour or greater ± 50 times the manual work done by the partner at this time. Production process training and mentoring are also carried out so that the product quality lasts longer, and the taste of herbs does not change. With technological innovation and business training carried out by the service team, the partners feel very useful, that is 1). The organization is able to increase production capacity to fulfill demand 2). The quality of the herbal products will be better 3) Better organizational management 4). The economy of the members of the crafters' group has improved more</em><em></em></p>Gunawan Madyono PutroPrijoto Prijoto
Copyright (c) 2020 Gunawan Madyono Putro, Prijoto Prijoto
2020-10-272020-10-271134034610.31098/ess.v1i1.127Review Paper: The Study of Flow Behavior and Performance of Polymer Injection at Pore Scale Using Micromodel
<p><em>Polymer </em><em>injection</em><em> is one of the Chemical EOR methods to get higher oil recovery by increasing the viscosity of displacing fluid</em><em>(water)</em><em>, which makes the </em><em>oil </em><em>mobility</em><em> </em><em>become higher than the mobility of polymer solution. </em><em>It will</em><em> result in better oil sweep efficiency due to the front stability and reduction of viscous fingering effect. Therefore, polymers are used to overcome the problem of viscous fingering that occurs in water flooding. However, </em><em>the implementation of</em><em> polymer </em><em>injection</em><em> on</em><em> a</em><em> field scale needs a previous experimental study to analyze the performance and flow behavior of polymer injection in obtaining polymer </em><em>and its parameters </em><em>that can give optimum oil recovery. In </em><em>the </em><em>experimental study, a micromodel is used in order to visualize the flow behavior of polymer injection clearly. If within the experimental study, we already </em><em>got</em><em> the optimum polymer </em><em>and </em><em>its</em><em> parameters</em><em>, then a pilot test can be conducted. In this case, a pilot test is a trial test of a project that is conducted on a </em><em>particular</em><em> well or reservoir to find out whether the project is profitable or not, where if the project is successful, polymer </em><em>injection</em><em> can be implemented on a field scale. This review paper will deeply discuss the factors that can affect the performance of polymer injection in oil recovery at the pore scale by using micromodel.</em></p>Dedi KristantoBoni SwadesiIndah WidiyaningsihSri Wahyu MurniRoiduz ZumarSinosa Husenido
Copyright (c) 2020 Dedi Kristanto, Boni Swadesi, Indah Widiyaningsih, Sri Wahyu Murni, Roiduz Zumar, Sinosa Husenido
2020-10-272020-10-271134735610.31098/ess.v1i1.128Erosion and Flood Discharge Plans Analysis on The Capacity of The Dead River Lake
<p><em>Sometimes development is not in accordance with the carrying capacity of the land or area designation because it is not in accordance with the characteristics of an existing area. The dead river lake in Pondok and Parangjoro villages has various benefits for the surrounding community, resulting in land conversion that is not in accordance with its purpose and has a negative impact (erosion) on the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is necessary to know how much erosion has occurred in the area around the Dead River Lake, the magnitude of the planned flood discharge, and the potential for lake water overflow to the surrounding area. The study used several methods, including the use method to determine the amount of erosion, the planned flood discharge to determine the estimated maximum discharge in several return periods, and spatial to determine the capacity of the dead river lake. Based on the results per parameter, it was found that the total erosion in the study area was </em><em>30.358,432 </em><em>tonnes/ha/year or </em><em>235,52</em><em> m<sup>3 </sup>/ ha/day with an area of 63,971,488 m<sup>2</sup>. The existence of continuous erosion can cause the capacity of the dead river lake to be reduced, and indirectly it can cause flooding due to lake overflow on the 79 day for the 25 and 10 year return period and 80 days for the 5 and 2 year return period.</em><em></em></p>Andi Renata Ade YudonoMuammar Gomareuzzaman
Copyright (c) 2020 Andi Renata Ade Yudono, Muammar Gomareuzzaman
2020-10-272020-10-271135736610.31098/ess.v1i1.129A Techno-Economic Analysis of Geothermal Energy in West Java
<p><em>Geothermal energy is a source of heat energy contained within the earth. The utilization of geothermal energy can be done in two ways, direct use and indirect use. The utilization of geothermal energy directly for non-electric purposes naturally tends to utilize thermal energy on-site rather than converting it into electrical energy. The utilization of geothermal energy directly for non-electric purposes naturally tends to utilize thermal energy on-site rather than converting it into electrical energy. The basis for the analysis of the plan to develop the direct use of geothermal areas and its surroundings is carried out in stages: Formulation of the problem, Formulation of Analysis Assumptions, Data collection, Available Geothermal Source Classification, Classification of Economic Activities, Integration of Available Geothermal Resources and Economic Activities. </em><em>The analysis is used in the calculation of the energy requirements of the tea drying process in Malaba</em><em>r.</em><em> </em><em>Direct utilization of geothermal in the case of the Malabar tea factory is Recommended </em><em>with Capital Cost of direct geothermal utilization can be paid off within a period of 20 years, then the production cost per year is 7.112 billion / 20 = 355.6 million rupiah</em>.<em></em></p>Allen Haryanto LukmanaMia Ferian Helmy
Copyright (c) 2020 Allen Haryanto Lukmana, Mia Ferian Helmy
2020-10-272020-10-271136737510.31098/ess.v1i1.130LoRaWAN Technologies to Enable Landslide Disaster Prone Areas Monitoring
<p><em>The rapidly growing communication technology makes communication easier for human-to-human, human-to-machine, and machine-to-machine communication to occur through the internet. Machine-to-machine communication over the internet is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT gives machines the ability to communicate with each other about what they saw, heard, and even think. The purpose of this research is to utilize IoT technology to anticipate catastrophic risks in disaster-prone areas or to reduce impacts when disasters occur. The built-in device design includes several parameters, namely air quality, weather conditions, water conditions, and soil conditions. Rainfall sensors, wind speed and direction, air temperature, and humidity are used to observe the weather conditions. Altitude and water quality sensors are used to observe the water condition. Soil temperature and humidity sensors to observe soil conditions and sensors to measure air quality. Each sensor will send data to the transmitter using the Web service, which will then be managed using IoT and cloud computing technology to provide reports and warnings related to the situation on the research site. Data sent by each sensor can be captured by the server using the Web service and can be managed to be shared with the user through developed applications. The architecture is designed to monitor disaster-prone areas by utilizing rainfall sensors, soil vibration sensors, and soil moisture sensors combined with cloud computing technology to produce an IoT for disaster management.</em></p>Awang Hendrianto PratomoJohan Danu PrasetyaSylvert Prian Tahalea
Copyright (c) 2020 Awang Hendrianto Pratomo, Johan Danu Prasetya, Sylvert Prian Tahalea
2020-10-272020-10-271137638410.31098/ess.v1i1.131Spatial filtering of Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP): Enhancement of spatial estimates of Mineralization at Gunung Parang Karangsambung Kebumen, Central Java
<p class="Alenia-"><em><span lang="EN-US">Geophysical data acquisition is principally a function of spatial frequency. In some cases, geophysical acquisitions require enough space to obtain detailed information. However, in certain conditions, such as limited measurement instruments and conditions in the research area, this cannot be done. Several ways can be applied, such as improvisation during data acquisition or when processing data. In this study, a spatial frequency data processing approach has been carried out, which aims to enhance and obtain target anomalies more clearly using spatial filter analysis. The target of this research is the mineralization zone in Mount Parang Karangsambung, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, using the Time Domain Induced Polarization method with four lines using a Dipole-dipole configuration with a measuring spacing of 10 meters. The output of this research is to compare the real data processing of 10 meters spatial field with spatial filter processing to be 5 meters. The processing results show an increase in the sharpness of the resistivity and chargeability images on the 5-meter spatial data. There was an increase in the target image, namely mineralization, as indicated by the response of contrast resistivity and chargeability. The use of spatial filters can increase the resolution of the resistivity and chargeability sections so that the lithology and mineralization zone can be well defined.</span></em></p>Wrego Seno GiamboroWahyu Hidayat
Copyright (c) 2020 Wrego Seno Giamboro, Wahyu Hidayat
2020-10-272020-10-271138539610.31098/ess.v1i1.132Groundwater Potential in the Candi Abang Area Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta Based on Geological Conditions
<p><em>Groundwater is one of the sources of community water needs. Technically, groundwater potential in each area depends on the abiotic components' condition, which are the providers, distributors, and groundwater storage. Groundwater providing, distributing, and storing media are strongly controlled by geological conditions that describe the potential presence of groundwater. The geological conditions of each area are different from one another, so it is important to conduct research on groundwater potential based on geological conditions as one of the basic steps to fulfillment community water needs. Candi Abang area is a hilly area with constituent rocks in the form of pyroclastic products, which make it difficult for groundwater to be stored in it. This condition is interesting to know the groundwater potential as the basis for the fulfillment of community water needs. Research on groundwater potential in the Candi Abang Area was carried out by mapping and direct measurement of geological components, including; landform, soil thickness, lithology, groundwater level depth, rock weathering level, and density of discontinuity fields. Then, analyzed with a weighting method based on the level of influence. The results of the weighting analysis obtained the level of groundwater potential in the Candi Abang area are very difficult, difficult, easy, and very easy.</em></p>Wisnu Aji Dwi KristantoRahmad Dwi Prasetyo
Copyright (c) 2020 Wisnu Aji Dwi Kristanto, Rahmad Dwi Prasetyo
2020-10-272020-10-271139740910.31098/ess.v1i1.133Study of Several Relationship of Fertility Parameters on Rice Production of Ciherang Variety on Regosol Soils in The Southern Slopes of Merapi, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
<p><em>One of the volcanoes known as the most active mountain in the world is Mount Merapi. The impact of the Merapi eruption can lead to the addition of volcanic material whose deposits can fertilize the soil. This study aims to determine the relationship of several fertility parameters to the production of Ciherang variet</em><em>y</em><em> on regosol soil </em><em>i</em><em>n the South</em><em>ern</em><em> Slope</em><em>s of Merapi</em><em>, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.</em><em> Observations were made by taking soil fertility samples as many as 37 demonstration plots using the stratified purposive sampling method. Statistical data from the relationship between fertility parameters on rice production were processed using simple linear regression. From this simple linear regression, we can find parameters that have a significant effect and non-significant effects on rice production and also information on fertility parameters in the form available in the soil with a greater effect than those in the total form. The results showed that phosphorus in the total form has a value of R<sup>2</sup> = 0.3229 to DGH, whereas phosphorus in the available form (Bray 1) has a value of R<sup>2</sup> = 0.7142 to plant production (DGH). Potassium in the total form has a value of R<sup>2</sup> = 0.1124 to GKP, while the potassium in the form available (Morgan K<sub>2</sub>O) has a value of R<sup>2</sup> = 0.3233 to DGH. Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and Base Saturation (BS) each have a value of 0.3651 and 0.5758 for plant production (DGH). C-org and Si each have R<sup>2</sup> = 0.4639 and 0.324 values for crop production (DGH). R<sup>2</sup> values close to 0.5 in the cross-section data can be said to be high.</em><em></em><em></em></p>E. A. JuliantoPartoyo PartoyoSri Suharsih
Copyright (c) 2020 E. A. Julianto, Partoyo Partoyo, Sri Suharsih
2020-10-272020-10-271141041910.31098/ess.v1i1.134Identification of Student Area of Interest using Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making (FMADM) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Methods (Case Study: Information System Major, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta)
<p><em>Identifying the area of interest is a must for every student in each study program before choosing the elective courses. Ideally, a student chooses their area of interest by considering the scores of all courses that they have been completed. Nevertheless, they do not thoughtfully choose their interest since they may follow what their friends' are. Decide to choose the wrong area of interest may result in difficulty while completing their education. This research aims to help students' academic supervisors guide their students by implementing a decision support system to help students and academic supervisors determine their area of interest. Decision support systems in this research are built through two stages: observation, decision-support modeling. Observations were made to determine the criteria and attributes used. The decision support model was made using the Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making (FMADM) method, followed by ranking the result to obtain the best possible recommendation using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. With FMADM and SAW, the decision support system has been successfully carried out and resulted in the recommendations ranking to support the assortment of area of interest for Information System students in UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.</em></p>Vynska Amalia PermadiRiza Prapascatama AgusdinSylvert Prian TahaleaWilis Kaswidjanti
Copyright (c) 2020 Vynska Amalia Permadi, Riza Prapascatama Agusdin, Sylvert Prian Tahalea, Wilis Kaswidjanti
2020-10-272020-10-271142042810.31098/ess.v1i1.135Improving The Quality Of Ceramic Products Through The Application Of The Taguchi Multi Response Method To Increase The Competitiveness Of Ceramic Ukm In The Global Era (Case Study At The Kasongan Ceramics Ukm Center, Bantul, Diy)
<p><em>Kasongan Ceramic UKM Center is an association of UKM which makes goods made from clay. Kasongan Ceramic UKM Center, located in Bantul Regency, DIY. The problem that is often experienced by Kasongan Ceramics Center is that products that are often cracked, warped, and easily brittle. The total production of Kasongan UKM Center from September 2019 to February 2020 was 32,256 units, with the number of defective products amounting to 3,873 or 12% of the total production. Based on the studies that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the crack, warping, and brittle defects that occur are caused by the lack of maximum flexural strength and the high percentage of dry shrinkage in the ceramic products produced. To maximize the flexural strength and minimize the percentage of dry shrinkage in the resulting ceramic products, the optimal ceramic manufacturing process parameters will be determined using the Taguchi multi-response method. To maximize the flexural strength and minimize the percentage of dry shrinkage in the process of making ceramics using the Taguchi multi-response method, it is necessary to carry out an experimental design. The first thing to do is to determine the controlled factors and levels in the ceramic manufacturing process that affect the flexural strength and dry shrinkage of ceramics. After that determine a suitable orthogonal array and perform experiments based on the specified orthogonal array. The experimental results will be tested for flexural strength and dry shrinkage percentage in the laboratory. The resulting flexural strength and dry shrinkage percentage data will be processed to determine the optimal ceramic manufacturing process parameters that maximize the flexural strength and minimize the percentage of ceramic dry shrinkage. Based on the data processing carried out, it is found that the optimal ceramic-making process parameters at the Kasongan Ceramics UKM Center that maximize the flexural strength and minimize the percentage of dry ceramic shrinkage are 2 parts Godean soil composition, 1 part kasongan soil composition, 1 part sand composition, and combustion using a tub open.</em><em></em></p>Dyah Rachmawti LSutrisno Sutrisno
Copyright (c) 2020 Dyah Rachmawti L, Sutrisno Sutrisno
2020-10-272020-10-271142943910.31098/ess.v1i1.136Technopreneurship Based Product Innovation: a Case Study on Small Entrepreneur
<p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><em>Small businesses experience problems in creating product innovations in order to meet consumer expectations. This study aims to determine the role of technology and SME resources in creating food product innovation. In addition, the purpose of this study also describes the role of stakeholders in assisting small businesses in creating innovative products and product marketing. The study was conducted on a small company that produces processed salak food in Sleman, Yogyakarta. The analysis technique uses qualitative analysis. Data were collected from SMEs, local governments, and industry associations by means of observation, interviews, and focus group discussions. The study results show that technical assistance from higher education can be applied by SMEs in creating various kinds of innovative salak processed foods. In addition, economic feasibility studies have also been carried out so as to provide financial benefits for small entrepreneurs. The government as a stakeholder helps facilitate SMEs by providing promotions and product sales.</em></p>Tri WibawaHendro WidjanarkoHumam Santosa UtomoSuratna SuratnaEndah Wahyurini
Copyright (c) 2020 Tri Wibawa, Hendro Widjanarko, Humam Santosa Utomo, Suratna Suratna, Endah Wahyurini
2020-10-272020-10-271143944410.31098/ess.v1i1.137Early vegetative growth of tomatoes cultivated under different types and dosages of fertilizer applied in the drip irrigation system
<p><em>Nutrient availability will affect plant growth, especially at the early development of the plant. Organic and inorganic fertilizer provides a different level of the nutrient. This research aimed to study the early growth of tomato cultivated under different fertilizer types and dosages. The greenhouse experiment was set in a Randomized Completely Block Design. The treatments were various types of fertilizer (Liquid Organic Fertilizer/LOF, inorganic fertilizer, LOF+AB Mix), and different dosages per day (225 mL, 450 mL, 675 mL 900 mL). Tomatoes were planted in polybags in a greenhouse and with treatments according to the experimental design, each treatment was repeated three times. Fertilizer was applied together with irrigation water, as drip fertigation, and automatically set as to irrigate at 06.00 am. 12.00 pm, at 06.00 pm. The liquid fertilizer concentration applied was 5 mL/L. Plant height and number of leaves were observed every two days for two weeks. The results showed there was no interaction between fertilizer type and fertilizer dosage in affecting plant height and number of leaves during early vegetative growth of tomato plant, except for plant height at 8 daps (days after planting) and 10 dap.</em> <em>Until 6 daps, application of inorganic fertilizer and 225 mL liquid fertilizer/day resulted in significantly higher plant height than other treatments. However, at 8 daps until 16 daps, the application of LOF+ NPK Mix and 450 mL liquid fertilizer/day resulted in significantly higher plant height and a higher number of plant leaves than other treatments. This result indicating that mixed between inorganic and organic fertilizer support better growth of tomato plant at their early stage. Further study, examining the effect of types of fertilizer and fertilizer dosage supplied in drip irrigation on the yield and quality of tomato is needed to confirm the recent results.</em></p>R.R. Rukmowati BrotodjojoOktavia S. PadminiAwang H. Pratomo
Copyright (c) 2020 R.R. Rukmowati Brotodjojo, Oktavia S. Padmini, Awang H. Pratomo
2020-10-272020-10-271144545210.31098/ess.v1i1.138The Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on Charcoal Briquettes from Biomass Waste
<p><em>Increasing people's energy needs requires alternatives, one of which is using agricultural waste materials. Charcoal briquette is a solid fuel made from charcoal with a pressing process so that it coagulates with a certain density, can be burned continuously, and has a high-calorie value. Conversion of various kinds of agricultural waste to charcoal briquettes needs to be done in order to meet the SNI requirements. In this research, briquettes will be made from raw materials of peanut shells, rubber seed shells, and snorkeling wood because they have high cellulose content. The aim of this research is to produce charcoal briquettes and test their characteristics. The study was designed with 2 variables, namely the type of raw material (peanut shells, rubber seed shells, and snorkeling wood) and pyrolysis temperature: 300, 400, 500, and 600<sup>o</sup>C. The size of the charcoal powder is -35 +50 mesh, 8% starch adhesive, and 100 kg / cm2 of pressing pressure. The parameters measured were moisture content (%), ash content (%), volatile matter content (%), and fixed carbon content dan calorific value (cal/g). The results showed that the best characteristic of charcoal briquettes was obtained from rubber seed shells, the temperature of pyrolysis of 600<sup>o</sup>C, with the moisture content of 7.4%, ash content of 3.55%, volatile matter content of 13.44%, fixed carbon content of 75.92% and calorific value of 7105 cal/g.</em></p>Sri Wahyu MurniTutik Muji Setyoningrum
Copyright (c) 2020 Sri Wahyu Murni, Tutik Muji Setyoningrum
2020-10-272020-10-271145346010.31098/ess.v1i1.139Response to Availability of N Regosol and its Uptake by Tomatoes on Giving Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) at Different Times
<pre><em><span lang="IN">The low availability of Nitrogen nutrients for tomato plants results in disruption of plant growth processes including inhibition of root extension, causing N nutrient uptake to decrease.</span></em><em><span lang="EN-US"> This study aims to determine the effect of the time of application of Gamal fertilizer (Gliricidia sepium) on the availability of N Regosol and its uptake by tomatoes (Solanum Lycopersicum L). This research is a pot experiment using a completely randomized design method (CRD) with 9 treatments, namely without Gamal and without Inoculant at the same time as planting (G0), Giving Gamal at the same time as planting (G1), Giving Gamal 10 days before planting (G2), Giving Gamal 20 days before planting (G3) and Giving Gamal 30 days before planting (G4). Giving gamal + inoculant at the same time as planting (G5), giving Gamal + inoculant 10 days before planting (G6), Giving Gamal + inoculant 20 days before planting (G7), and giving Gamal + inoculant 30 days before planting (G8). Each treatment was repeated 3 times, so the number of pots was 27. The results were analyzed using a variance at the 5% level, if there was a significant effect, then tested further with the Duncan Multiple Range Test at the 5% level. The results showed that giving Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) at different times affected increasing the available N Regosol and N uptake of tomatoes. The time of giving Gamal + inoculant 10 days before planting significantly gave the best response to the availability of N Regosol and N nutrient uptake of tomato plants.</span></em></pre>Lelanti PeniwiratriDidi SaidiCandra Muhammad Solikhin
Copyright (c) 2020 Lelanti Peniwiratri, Didi Saidi, Candra Muhammad Solikhin
2020-10-272020-10-271146146710.31098/ess.v1i1.140Study Of Coliform And Escherichia Coli Bacteria Contamination In Part Of Gajahwong River Near Universitas Islam Negeri (Uin) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
<em>The development of an area is indicated by an increase in the number of settlements. The activities of the UIN Yogyakarta campus have had an impact on the number of newcomers living temporarily and permanently around the campus. The negative impact is caused by the pollution of the Gajahwong River water from the disposal of domestic waste from the surrounding population. This study aims to examine the pollution of coli and <a href="">Escherichia coli</a> bacteria in the Gajahwong River fragment around the UIN campus in Yogyakarta. The research method was used in the form of field surveys and secondary data analysis of environmental monitoring results from the Yogyakarta Provincial Environment Office during the period of 2015 - 2019. The results showed that the number of stools and a total of coli bacteria were far above the quality standard. Both coli bacteria reach maximum conditions in 2019 and occur during the dry season</em>Agus Bambang IrawanHerwin Lukito
Copyright (c) 2020 Agus Bambang Irawan, Herwin Lukito
2020-10-272020-10-271146847410.31098/ess.v1i1.141Web-Based Information System Analysis Of DIY Women’s Career Success Facing COVID-19
<pre><em><span lang="EN">Every human being must be good at managing time and activities based on the priority scale of work, especially for women who have dual roles as housewives and career women. At this time the opportunity for women to have a career is open and the same as that of men, there have been many women occupying equal positions with men, both as workers and at the leadership level. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. This study analyzes the data using multiple regression analysis techniques in order to see whether there is any influence between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Data processing uses the latest version of the SPSS program for windows, which is an application program that has high statistical analysis capabilities and a data management system in a graphical environment using descriptive menus and dialog boxes. The software that supports this application is Adobe Flash CS3, Action script, and Dreamweaver. The system development methodology used is multimedia with the stages of concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing. This application aims to be used as a medium of information and learning for people and users who need this information system effectively and efficiently because all data is processed accurately. The results showed that competence, personal relationships, hard work, and noble values had a positive effect on women's career success, while time management had a negative effect on the success of career women. It was evident that the competency variable was the variable that had the dominant influence on women's career success. R = 0.534, meaning that there is a relationship between time management, hard work, noble values, competence, and personal relationships to women's career success. R Square 0.285, meaning that time management, hard work, noble values, competence, and personal relationships have an influence on women's career success by 0.285 or 28.5%, and the rest is influenced by other factors of 0.715 or 71.5%.</span></em></pre>Paryati Paryati
Copyright (c) 2020 Paryati Paryati
2020-10-272020-10-271147548810.31098/ess.v1i1.142Growth Of Three Tomato Lines (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill) Using Trichoderma Sp In Vegetative Phase
<pre><em>The Successful of breeding tomato plants will be determined by the availability of various genetic sources of tomatoes. The purpose of this study was to obtain the performance of the F line with tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) growth in the superior generative phase by administering Trichoderma sp and obtaining a good Trichoderma sp dose and its interactions. The research was conducted in July 2020 at the Wedomartani experimental garden in Yogyakarta. The field experiment method used a 2-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replications. The first factor is the Servo F1, F2, and F3 tomato lines. The second factor was the dosage of Trichoderma sp, namely 30 g, 40 g, and 50 g. The parameters observed data were plant height, number of leaves, branches. and the diameter of the stem. The observed data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at the 5% level, so tested using by Duncan's Multiple Range Test at 5% level. The results showed that giving Trichoderma sp 40 g / plant could increase the number of Servo F1 tomato leaves. at age 7 must. Servo F1 tomatoes have a higher vegetative phase at the age of 5 and 7 mst, and the number of leaves is 5 mst. Treatment of Trichoderma sp 50 g / plant increased plant height by 7 mst and number of leaves by 5 mst.</em><em></em></pre><p><em> </em></p>Endah WahyuriniLagiman Lagiman
Copyright (c) 2020 Endah Wahyurini, Lagiman Lagiman
2020-10-272020-10-271148949510.31098/ess.v1i1.143Gladiolus Plants As An Alternative To Agro-Ecotourism
<p><em>The arrangement of the area becomes an attractive tourist attraction for tourists while building the economy of the community so that more needs to be done by designing a village into a tourist location. The local community is also encouraged to participate in tourism in its area by more creative in reading business opportunities that are able to benefit themselves and the citizens as a whole so that it will create a socially, economically independent society and always maintain the sustainability of local culture by optimizing the utilization of existing resources. The arrangement of the area needs to be done thoroughly in bandungan village, including lodging for tourists who intend to intern. Flower planting needs to be done continuously and continuously so that tourists who only visit for a moment to take pictures can be served and feel at home lingering in tourist locations.</em></p>Ari WijayaniRina Srilestari
Copyright (c) 2020 Ari Wijayani, Rina Srilestari
2020-10-272020-10-271149650310.31098/ess.v1i1.144Resistivity Modeling of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta Groundwaters
<p class="Alenia-"><em><span lang="EN-US">UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta is an educational institution that is actively developing various campus facilities. This development certainly cannot be separated from various problems. One of the existing problems is the problem of clean water installation, one of which is to overcome this problem is by developing groundwater sources. To assist in the development of the fulfillment of clean water demands at the UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta campus, this research was carried out, which aims to detect various potential locations for groundwater development even though geologically and hydrogeological these are areas where it is difficult to determine the depth of good quality groundwater. The research method used is to study geological, hydrogeological, and climatological conditions supported by a study of subsurface conditions using the geoelectric method. From this, it is hoped that the potential points where groundwater can be developed, at the potential points equipped with information on the depth of the aquifer</span></em></p>Wrego Seno Giamboro
Copyright (c) 2020 Wrego Seno Giamboro
2020-10-272020-10-271150451210.31098/ess.v1i1.145The response of Diaphorina citri to Various Guava Shoots
<p><em>Citrus production in Indonesia and a part of the world facing greening or CVPD disease is the disease that has the most devastating impact. Diaphorina citri plays an important role as a pathogen main vector. Guava leave raise as a potential control means to reduce D. citri population. The investigation was conducted to determine the response of D. citri to various guava shoots. Responses to ground dried upper shoots of 50oC and 80oC of white, non-seed, and red guava shoots to ten mixed genders of adult psyllids were investigated in a Y-tube olfactometer. As the result, D. citri adults refused to move into guava shoots odors sources. The number of D. citri moved to extract the source of upper of non-seed and red guava shoots extract is 3.80±0.31 and 2.53±0.22 respectively. D. citri population move is 5.47±0.22 and 2.60±0.13 for white guava and red guava odor sources respectively. The responses decreased as the increase in drying temperature. The lowest response was found from red guava, followed by non-seed guava in the middle level, and white guava shoots as the highest. It is suggested that shoots properties of red guava have the highest potency for reducing the D. citri population. However, properties of red guava upper shoot still have an attractive effect on M. sexmaculatus, a predator of D. citri. </em></p>Mofit Eko PoerwantoChimayatus SolichahAdi Ilcham
Copyright (c) 2020 Mofit Eko Poerwanto, Chimayatus Solichah, Adi Ilcham
2020-10-272020-10-271151352010.31098/ess.v1i1.146Production Of Biodiesel Out Of Crude Palm Oil By Using NaOH Catalyst
<p><em>The increasing consumption of diesel oil results in depletion of petroleum supply so that biodiesel is made out of crude palm oil. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the production of biodiesel by using NaOH catalysts. First, crude palm oil is analyzed for its free fatty acid content. If the free fatty acid is less than 5%, the transesterification process can be carried out immediately, if it's more than 5%, the esterification process is carried out first. The esterification process lasts for 60 minutes temperature of 60°C with an acid catalyst H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> then separated and washed. After the washing process, the transesterification process is continued with NaOH catalyst for 30 minutes at 60°C and then the washing process proceeds in order to purify the results. From the research that has been done, the result of biodiesel has a yield of 87.</em><em>2866%, kinematic viscosity 4.</em><em>655 mm<sup>2</sup>/s, flash point 110<sup>o</sup>C, pour point 12<sup>o</sup>C, and density at 15<sup>o</sup>C of 0.</em><em>875 g/ml</em><em>.</em></p>Danang JayaTunjung Wahyu WidayatiAurasafira Riesty PutrikaBagas Pramudita Adi
Copyright (c) 2020 Danang Jaya, Tunjung Wahyu Widayati, Aurasafira Riesty Putrika, Bagas Pramudita Adi
2020-10-272020-10-271152152710.31098/ess.v1i1.147Potential Land of Eucalyptus Industrial Forest for the Development of Sweet Sorghum in Player Gunungkidul Regency
<p><em>The eucalyptus industrial forest in the District of Player Gunungkidul Regency was developed with a cropping pattern forming lines with a distance of 4-7 m. The corridor between plants is a space that can be synergized with farming communities around the forest for alley cropping with beneficial economically and land conservation. The purpose of this study was to analyze and plan a development system for and sweet sorghum mixed farming. This research was conducted using digital spatial data, the Player District Administrative Map based on the Indonesia Geoportal, geological maps, World_Imagery (MapServer) for coverage of Player district for 2017-2018. The image was then overlaid with polygons of villages that are included in the Player District area. Image interpretation is based on location, size, shape, shadow, color, texture, and pattern. Player District with an area of 10272.15 ha, has an area of eucalyptus industrial forest area of 4,277.68 ha (41.16%). The area of the alley space between eucalyptus lanes with a 4-7 m width of the alley is a potential for sorghum plant development.</em></p>Mohammad NurcholisAyu UtamiTri WibawaEko Srtihartanto
Copyright (c) 2020 Mohammad Nurcholis, Ayu Utami, Tri Wibawa, Eko Srtihartanto
2020-10-272020-10-271152853610.31098/ess.v1i1.148Presumption of Ground Water Depth Using the Schlumberger Configuration Geoelectrical Method
<p><em>The occurrence of drought in 2019 in the study area is one of the environmental problems that complicate local people's lives. Observation data state that the research location is classified into drought-prone regions. This location needs further identification, whether it belongs to meteorological drought or hydrological drought. This study focuses on studying subsurface aquifer conditions, especially determining the depth of freshwater location. This study aimed to determine the subsurface aquifer's characteristics and estimate the depth of freshwater as a clean water source. The research method used is the geoelectrical resistivity test of the Schlumberger configuration. Data processing and modeling were carried out to obtain resistivity data that represented subsurface rock types. The results obtained are the lithology of the area comprising the study area consisting of fine-grained sediments. The value of the resistivity range assumed to be the aquifer layer is 20 - 40 ?m. The presence indication of an aquifer layer measures point 2 with an expression of the number of aquifers of two layers, namely at a depth of 12.2 meters and 71.5 meters, and at measuring point 4 with an indication of the number of aquifers in one layer at a depth of 79.2 meters.</em></p>Dian Hudawan SantosoBerty Dwi Rahmawati
Copyright (c) 2020 Dian Hudawan Santoso, Berty Dwi Rahmawati
2020-10-272020-10-271153755110.31098/ess.v1i1.149Effectiveness of Turbidity Removal by Direct Filtration
<p><em>Umbulrejo Village, Ponjong District, Gunungkidul is one of the villages that has both karst and non-karst landforms. The variation of landforms that exist in this research area affects the quality of groundwater, either naturally or due to human activities. In the area obstructed by topography such as Umbulharjo Village, a centralized water management system is quite challenging, especially for those that use a piping system in its distribution. Hence, a decentralized water treatment system is required. The direct filtration method as one of the reliable methods in a decentralized water treatment system will be observed to treat water with a turbidity level of less than 10 NTU and 10 – 50 NTU. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of turbidity removal using the direct filtration method. This research was conducted by a laboratory experiment. The coagulation, flocculation, and filtration were conducted in a continuous mode for 3 hours. The dependent variables measured were turbidity and Hydraulic loading rates (HLR). The effectiveness of turbidity removal in this experiment was all good. Better effectiveness was achieved by the filter columns operated in the lower HLR (2.88 – 3.1 m/h). The HLR was proven affecting the filter performance thus increase the workability of direct filtration. While the higher HLR (4.8 m/h) </em><em>resulted in a fluctuation in effluent turbidity. However, these two HLRs as recommended in the direct filtration method were excellent resulting from the effectiveness of turbidity removal ranging from 71.7% to 100%. It can be concluded that direct filtration can be used in a decentralized water treatment system. </em></p>Ekha YogafannyTiti Tiara AnasstasiaVindy Fadia Utama
Copyright (c) 2020 Ekha Yogafanny, Titi Tiara Anasstasia, Vindy Fadia Utama
2020-10-272020-10-271155256110.31098/ess.v1i1.150Determination Of Geotourism Area Using Geographic Information System
<p><em>The post-mining area in this study has the natural potential to become a tourism area in the form of pumice breccia outcrops. The problem is determining the zoning of tourism models. The purpose of this research is to identify the potential of the tourism area in the post-mining area, determine the feasibility parameters of the tourism model, and analyze the physical feasibility of utilizing the geotourism area. The research methodology includes a preliminary survey, mapping with drones, determining tourism feasibility parameters based on weight using the intersection method, social mapping, and determining the designation of the tourism model. The results of the study indicate that the potential of tourism includes natural phenomena in the form of geological structures, stratigraphy, topography, and rock types. This phenomenon has aspects of beauty, authenticity, scientific value, and uniqueness of nature (geology). Utilization of the tourism model requires a grand design for viewing posts, camping areas, open-air museums, gazebos, jogging tracks, hiking tracks, bicycle tracks.</em></p><p><strong> </strong></p>Ketut GunawanWaterman Sulistyana Bargawa
Copyright (c) 2020 Ketut Gunawan, Waterman Sulistyana Bargawa
2020-10-272020-10-271156256910.31098/ess.v1i1.151Integrate of Geoelectric and Geomagnetic Methods to Construct Subsurface Model as Early Landslides Mitigation in Kalirejo, Kokap, Kulonprogo
<p><em>Kalirejo, Kokap, Kulonprogo area </em><em>is</em><em> part of Yogyakarta in the west which borders the Province of Central Java. In general, the </em><em>geomorphology</em><em> of this research area consists of hills with varying slopes ranging from 15<sup>o</sup> - 60<sup>o</sup>, lithology consists of massive andesite intrusion</em><em> with </em><em>intense weathering, this can be a mass movement. The study uses geoelectric and geomagnetic approaches to identify components that allow mass movement or landslides to occur. Based on the response of geoelectric data, it is known that andesite rocks that have impermeable properties can become a slide plane having a resistivity contrast between 100 </em><em>-</em><em> 3000-ohm meters. Geoelectric data also describes the presence of surface aquifers which can be an important component in landslides. The water-saturated lithology has a resistivity range of 10 - 40-ohm meters. Based on the analysis of geomagnetic data with a magnetic intensity value range ranging from </em><em>-</em><em>400 </em><em>-</em><em> 1400 nT, it is known that the research area has a fairly high structural intensity. Analysis of geoelectric data shows that the thickness of the unconsolidated sediment is thick enough and the layer underneath is an impermeable rock layer, so it can be concluded that has a high potential for landslides.</em></p>Hafiz HamdalahEko Wibowo
Copyright (c) 2020 Hafiz Hamdalah, Eko Wibowo
2020-10-272020-10-271157057810.31098/ess.v1i1.152Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) and Its Use for Plants: Community Based Organic Waste Empowerment Solution in Dusun Gesikan Bantul
<p><em>Residents of Dusun Gesikan Rt 04 Panggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul have not managed household organic waste properly. Household organic waste management is very important to do to minimize environmental pollution. This activity aims to provide direction and assistance to residents to process organic waste into liquid organic fertilizer </em><em>(LOF) </em><em>using the </em><em>Stacked Bucket method</em><em> or Tong Kompas</em><em> as well as utilizing </em><em>LOF</em><em> produced for plants that are planted independently in each resident's house.</em><em></em><em>Although it has not been analyzed in the laboratory, the physical characteristics of the </em><em>LOF</em><em> produced are quite good in terms of color, odor, and viscosity. Indirectly, this activity reduces the dependence of the community on commercial fertilizers. </em><em>Also</em><em>, residents contribute to efforts to protect the environment so that it is free from waste. It is hoped that the resulting vegetables will not only be useful for food sources but also improve the health of citizens in the Covid-19. The community becomes more productive by empowering household organic waste to become more useful products.</em></p>Titi Tiara AnasstasiaIka Wahyuning WidiartiEni MuryaniSupriasyah Supriasyah
Copyright (c) 2020 Titi Tiara Anasstasia, Ika Wahyuning Widiarti, Eni Muryani, Supriasyah Supriasyah
2020-10-272020-10-271157958710.31098/ess.v1i1.153Potential Preventive Analysis for The COVID-19 Pandemic Cases in Yogyakarta with Multiple Criteria Analysis Method
<p><em>The spread of the COVID-19 </em><em>outbreak</em><em> has a significant impact on human life around the world, especially in Indonesia. Many aspects have been affected by the spread of the COVID-19 virus, such as social, cultural, and economic aspects. This research using multiple criteria analysis decision making to complete the preventive strategy of COVID-19. One method that can be used to analyze possible preventive the spread of Covid-19 is Analytic Hierarchy Process. Through this model, the preventative approach can be determined by some of the activities with the potential spreading the COVID-19 outbreak. Subsequently, each activity is given weight by AHP and analyzes the best prevention strategy by selecting activities with the highest value. Each activity has been the most significant risk factor in spreading the virus. And The contribution of this research is to obtain strategic planning for Coronavirus disaster management, especially in Yogyakarta</em>.<em></em></p>Intan BerliantyIrwan SoejantoMukh. Nasir Ramdhani
Copyright (c) 2020 Intan Berlianty, Irwan Soejanto, Mukh. Nasir Ramdhani
2020-10-272020-10-271158859610.31098/ess.v1i1.154Modeling of A Low Salinity Waterflooding in Carbonate Reservoir
<p><em>Some studies about </em><em>low salinity waterflooding (LSW)</em><em> </em><em>was</em><em> carried out to observe the mechanisms of LSW and the response of each reservoir in a certain condition. The majority of topics about LSW are in a laboratory investigation and in a sandstone implementation. Although the benefits of LSW were reported, only a few studies discussed the LSW simulation process, </em><em>especially </em><em>in carbonates reservoir</em><em>. </em><em>Therefore, this research is deemed necessary to discuss the modeling process of LSW in carbonates reservoir for </em><em>a </em><em>comprehensive </em><em>understanding of the simulation application. One of the primary mechanisms of LSW in carbonate is wettability alteration. The geochemistry software which is used provides the calculation of some reactions that affect the oil recovery mechanism. By developing a homogeneous cubic model with a 5-spot pattern, the simulation scenarios are arranged to compare the injection water using formation water (salinity is about 179,730 ppm) to lower salinity brine by diluting 10 and 20 times of formation water. The LSW process during 50 years improves oil recovery by about 4% higher than formation water injection. But it has the potential increasing oil recovery if we see the trend. It can be concluded that a low salinity waterflooding is an opportune method that is considered to be applied for increasing oil recovery in carbonates reservoir. Even though the process is not immediately visible because it needs time for reaction, it means the sooner LSW implemented is suggested.</em></p>Suranto SurantoRatna WidyaningsihHidayat Tulloh
Copyright (c) 2020 Suranto Suranto, Ratna Widyaningsih, Hidayat Tulloh
2020-10-272020-10-271159760410.31098/ess.v1i1.155Aquifer Types at Groundwater Drilling Locations in the Munggur Area and Its Surroundings, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region
<p><em>Gunungkidul Regency is an area that is actively developing natural tourism. This development certainly cannot be separated from various problems. One of the existing problems is clean water, one of which is to overcome this problem is by developing groundwater sources. This research aims to detect various potential locations in the northern part of Gunungkidul to develop groundwater. The research method used is geological study, hydrogeological, climatological conditions, and geoelectric method. It is hoped that potential points will be obtained with the information on the depth of the aquifer. Based on the results of the study in the form of potential points, aquifer depths, technical data on plans for deep wells and piping networks, then the data can be used to develop groundwater to meet the needs of clean water which is increasing from year to year.</em></p>Purwanto PurwantoSiti Hamidah Siti HamidahIntan Paramita Haty
Copyright (c) 2020 Purwanto Purwanto, Siti Hamidah Siti Hamidah, Intan Paramita Haty
2020-10-272020-10-271160561510.31098/ess.v1i1.156Analysis Of Vulnerability Of Groundwater In Mining Area
<p><em>Mining activities have a considerable influence on groundwater availability. One of the efforts to manage the quantity and quality of groundwater is by analyzing the vulnerability of groundwater. Various methods have been applied to analyze groundwater vulnerability, one of which is the SINTACS method. This method consists of seven parameters groundwater level depth, aquifer type, infiltration rate, unsaturated zone material, soil type, hydraulic conductivity, and topography. These parameters are classified based on the rating and weight of the level of groundwater vulnerability. The results of the classification will be processed using </em><em>ArcGIS software to determine areas that are potentially vulnerable to groundwater vulnerability. The results of the level of groundwater vulnerability in the study area showed 9% low vulnerability, 63% moderate vulnerability, 23% high vulnerability, 5% high vulnerability</em></p>Tedy Agung CahyadiRika ErnawatiShenny LinggasariIlham Firmansyah
Copyright (c) 2020 Tedy Agung Cahyadi, Rika Ernawati, Shenny Linggasari, Ilham Firmansyah
2020-10-272020-10-271161662810.31098/ess.v1i1.157Leaf Litter Decomposition Rate by Utilizing Biological Agents to Control Pests and Increase Plant Growth of Red Chili
<p><em>Decreased yield and quality of chilies were mainly due to the attack of fruit flies and whiteflies as virus-carrying vectors. Until now, to control these pests farmers still rely on the use of synthetic chemical pesticides that leave residues. Efforts to control pathogens and improve yield and quality of red chilies use biological agents Trichoderma sp., Mycorrhizal, and organic materials that have been completely decomposed. </em><em>The objective of this research was to examine the effect of </em><em>the level of d</em><em>ecomposition of leaf litter</em><em> </em><em>in combination with the application of different biological control agents and NPK dosage on plant growth. </em><em>This </em><em>experiment</em><em>was conducted at Experimental Garden, Condongcatur Campus, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta from June until September 2020. </em><em>The experiment was arranged according to Randomized Completely Block Design with two factors, each treatment consists of three replicates.</em><em> The first factor was the d</em><em>ecomposition of leaf litter with a C/N ratio of 28.52 and decomposition of leaf litter with a C/N ratio of 16.57. The second factor</em><em> was </em><em>NPK dosage and/or </em><em>types of biological control agents</em><em> </em><em>with the following five treatments: 1) Only recommended NPK dosage (500 kg.ha<sup>-1</sup>), 2) Combining Trichoderma and 50% recommended NPK dosage, 3) Combining Mycorrhiza and 50% recommended NPK dosage, 4) Combining PGPR and 50% recommended NPK dosage, 5) Pest control, 6) Stimulant. </em><em>The data were subjected to analysis of variance followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.</em><em> The result of the experiment showed that </em><em>the </em><em>d</em><em>ecomposition of leaf litter with a C/N ratio of 28.52</em><em>significantly improved the plant height at 14, 28, and 42 days after transplanting and shoot dry weight in comparison with chili that was treated by </em><em>d</em><em>ecomposition of leaf litter with C/N ratio of 16.57</em>.<em> The use of </em><em>decomposition of leaf litter with a C/N ratio of 16.57 </em><em>in combination with </em><em>biological control agents</em><em> </em><em>+ 50% recommended NPK dosage significantly increased the number of branches and</em> <em>had a faster flowering stage. However, there were no significant differences between the three types of biological control agents in affecting the number of branches and</em> <em>the flowering stage.</em><em> The growth plants treated with NPK fertilizer only has the lowest plant growth compared to other treatments. It is suggested that to increase plant growth and accelerate the flowering stage, chili can be treated with fully decomposed leaf litter combine with biocontrol agents and 50% recommended NPK.</em><em></em></p>Oktavia S. PadminiR.R. Rukmowati BrotodjojoDyah Arbiwati
Copyright (c) 2020 Oktavia S. Padmini, R.R. Rukmowati Brotodjojo, Dyah Arbiwati
2020-10-272020-10-271162963710.31098/ess.v1i1.158A review on Metal-Organic Framework (MOF): Synthesis and Solid Catalyst Applications
<p><em>Metal-organic of skeletons (MOFs) is a group compound that consists of an ion or metal group coordinated by organic ligands to make many-dimensional structured. MOFs are subclass by coordinated polymer with specialties porous structured. MOFs have a wide surface, flexible structure, and similar pore size. This MOFs many implicated in the industry for example to absorption of CO2 gas, saving energy, separation process, biomedical, sensors, and catalysts, etc. The goal of this paper is to compare the synthesis process of MOFs with some methods. Like solvothermal/hydrothermal, mechanochemical, microwave-assisted, sonochemical, electrochemical, and layer by layer synthesis. Moreover, it is to know the implementation of MOFs as a heterogeneous catalyst in the chemical industry. Based on the review paper conducted we know that MOFs synthesis with the used sonochemical method is well better than other methods. It is because the sonochemical method needs short crystallization time and eco-friendly and using energy like ultrasonic radiation (20kHz-10MHz). MOFs are can be used to fulfill like a heterogeneous catalyst because MOFs have a wide surface, similar pore size, and has high thermal stability. MOFs application is a heterogeneous catalyst many used in the esterification process nor Transesterification and oxidation reactions.</em></p>Mahreni MahreniYuli Ristianingsih
Copyright (c) 2020 Mahreni Mahreni, Yuli Ristianingsih
2020-10-272020-10-271163864510.31098/ess.v1i1.159Fanaticism Analysis of Social Media Using Machine Learning
<p><em>Sentiment and emotion analysis on social media is an interesting study because it reveals the emotional state of the public in a domain. The challenges in sentiment analysis research in Indonesian are inefficient preprocessing, inaccurate feature extraction methods, and low classification accuracy by machine learning. One aspect of sentiment analysis is fanaticism. Fanaticism contains an emotional element in sentiment analysis. This article discusses how to detect opinions that contain political fanaticism, then categorize them into several polarities of </em><em>political </em><em>fanaticism. Feature extraction is done by processing sentiment, anger, happiness, disgust, surprise, fear, and hate speech analysis. Knowledge for classification is K-NN, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and Decision Tree. The aim is to find out the best combination of machine learning methods for feature extraction and finally used for fanaticism categorization. The best method is Random Forest with an accuracy of 81% and will be used as a final method for monitoring fanaticism on social media.</em></p>Agus Sasmito AribowoNur Heri Cahyana
Copyright (c) 2020 Agus Sasmito Aribowo, Nur Heri Cahyana
2020-10-272020-10-271164865710.31098/ess.v1i1.160Sclerotinia Maceral Analysis to Predict Facies Condition on Coal of Muara Enim Formation, Marapi Area, Lahat, South Sumatera
<p><em>Sclerotinia as maceral from Group Inertinite is a mycelia mushroom, containing black melanin in the form of black cells. The fungus is rich in melanin to form sclerotinia cells. Sclerotinia is oval or circular consisting of single cells (single sclerotinia) and multiple cells (multiple sclerotinia), which has high reflectivity (Stach et al., 1982). The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of the peat swamp facies or changes in the swamp water level in Seam-B coal in the Marapi area, Lahat, South Sumatra. Changes in the water level of peat swamps in tropical climates affect the growth system of sclerotinia fungi on the peat surface. This condition can be seen from the Gelification Index (GI) values between 0.01 - 0.15 and various Tissue Preservation Index (TPI) between 8.68 - 36.50 (Diessel, 1986). The Seam-B coal facies in the Marapi area of South Sumatra consist of: limnic, limo-telematic, and marsh, these terms are used to determine the depositional environment based on the classification of the hydrological regime according to water level depth (Mitsch and Gosselink, 1986). Based on the results of the coal facies study (Diessel, 1986), there are variations of Seam-B coal facies which are deposited in limnic (wet / very humid) conditions where the sclerotinia fungus develops colony to form multiple sclerotinia in sample B (2), while sample B ( 1), B (3) and B (4) are deposited in conditions of marsh facies (moist soil) to limbo-telematic (relatively dry) so that some of the sclerotinia fungi develop separately to form a single sclerotinia (in relatively dry conditions) and some live independently colonize.</em></p>Basuki RahmadSugeng SugengEdiyanto EdiyantoSapto Kis DaryonoGerhana Prasetya PutraIrwansyah SimatupangM. Randy Rahman
Copyright (c) 2020 Basuki Rahmad, Sugeng Sugeng, Ediyanto Ediyanto, Sapto Kis Daryono, Gerhana Prasetya Putra, Irwansyah Simatupang, M. Randy Rahman
2020-10-272020-10-271165666810.31098/ess.v1i1.161Plastic, Rubber, And Styrofoam Waste Management As Alternative For Green Energy
<p><em>Plastics, rubber tires, and styrofoams are commonly used as disposable materials in our society, which contribute to the constant buildup of waste accumulation. A method called waste pyrolysis is able to transform the aforementioned waste into fuels. This method was performed at a temperature of 350 - 500°C with variations of styrofoam decoy mass is 50 gram, 100 gram, 150 gram, 200 gram, and 250 gram and for tire, decoy mass is 500 gram, 750 gram, 1000 gram, 1250 gram, and 1500 gram. A decoy mass variation that produces the highest yield production is subjected to catalyst addition. Active zeolite catalyst with 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% content level was added to each material in order to obtain the volume of pyrolysis result. In this research, we got the optimum decoy mass of 200 grams with 84% yield for styrofoam and 750 gram with 32,67% yield for the tire. The optimum catalyst percentage for pyrolysis oil volume derived from styrofoam is 6% with 90% yield and the optimum percentage for the volume of tire-derived pyrolysis oil is 10% with 45,33% of yield. Based on the density and viscosity of conventional fuels, biodiesel has the most similar characteristic to our result. And based on the flashpoint, fire point, and calorific value of conventional fuels, the one with the closest characteristic is kerosene. The utilization of styrofoams and used tires waste for pyrolysis will reduce contamination caused by waste materials that are difficult to degrade in the environment. This research also proved that the fuel oil produced from pyrolysis can be an alternative energy source to fossil-fuel derived energy, notably for biodiesel and kerosene.</em></p><p><em> </em></p>Heru Sigit PurwantoBambang SugiartoFauzan Irfandy
Copyright (c) 2020 Heru Sigit Purwanto, Bambang Sugiarto, Fauzan Irfandy
2020-10-272020-10-271167067610.31098/ess.v1i1.162Development of Spada Wimaya Online Learning Course Based on Moodle During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic
<p><em>In line with advances in information and communication technology, now the learning approach has changed towards distance learning in networks. People can study anywhere, anytime, with anyone. This study aims to develop an online learning model and apply it to improve the effectiveness of lectures at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. One step forward in using network technology and information technology to develop online learning to become full supporting learning and reviewing the results of their use as a learning medium in UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. The research method uses qualitative methods and the development methodology used is prototyping. To strengthen the online learning system, several concepts, platforms, scenarios, and procedures for implementing learning can be agreed upon by the academic community. The research output will produce a primary online learning platform and online learning guides that support the moodle-based Learning Management System (LMS).</em></p>Oliver Samuel SimanjuntakRifki Indra Perwira
Copyright (c) 2020 Oliver Samuel Simanjuntak, Rifki Indra Perwira
2020-10-272020-10-271167768310.31098/ess.v1i1.163Location-Based Employee Attendance Application Development Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta
<p><em>The development of information technology has now been widely used to facilitate, accelerate, and streamline work. The presence system that is still being applied is a type of precession using on-site presence. When viewed from a special point of view, lecturers have a weakness because they have to come to the location of the biometric machine. The new technology of </em><em>attendance system using location (LBS) is an alternative solution for some employees, especially lecturers who often have scheduled in the field. Even though it is not on campus, this location-based presence is able to capture the position of employees during attendance. The truth data is matched with a warrant from the leadership for the correctness of the employee's path. The result of this research is that location-based employee attendance applications have been developed. With the location-based attendance system that is integrated with the official letter system (SIRADI), employees who have difficulty coming to campus locations to do fingers can still get their rights in a position when the online presence is doing other tri dharma activities</em><em>. </em></p>Hidayatullah HimawanRifki Indra PerwiraRisya Ines Putri Siswoyo
Copyright (c) 2020 Hidayatullah Himawan, Rifki Indra Perwira, Risya Ines Putri Siswoyo
2020-10-272020-10-271168469310.31098/ess.v1i1.164Integration of the Community Development Program (KKN) Application with the Student Activity and Achievement System (SADEWA) of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta
<p><em>Community Development Program (KKN) is one of the activities that must be carried out by all UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta students to apply the knowledge that has been acquired during their studies as well as a tangible form of service to the general public. To help smooth the KKN activities, it is necessary to manage data related to KKN activities in a centralized manner. The purpose of this research is to produce an integration scheme of the KKN application with the Student Activity and Achievement System (SADEWA). The integration scheme is mapping the same data and combining the data currently under KKN with the SADEWA System so that student activities and academic/non-academic achievements are in one master database. The integration of the KKN application with SADEWA will facilitate the implementation of KKN starting from the registration of KKN activities, DPL information, location information, and online monitoring of performance and improvement of accurate and accountable master data. The result of this research is an integration scheme of the KKN application (real-time lectures) with student activity applications.</em></p>Heru Cahya RustamajiSimon Pulung NugrohoYolanda Putri Aqillasari
Copyright (c) 2020 Heru Cahya Rustamaji, Simon Pulung Nugroho, Yolanda Putri Aqillasari
2020-10-272020-10-271169370310.31098/ess.v1i1.165Utilization Of Coconut Waste As A Planting Media “Ccocopeat Plus” In Kebonrejo Village, Candimulyo District, Magelang Regency
<p><em>Kebonrejo is one of the villages in Candimulyo District, Magelang Regency, which is a coconut center area </em><em>since</em><em> most of the land area in the village is planted with coconut. The main problem in the village is that the coconut fruit harvest leaves an abundance of coconut </em><em>husk</em><em> as waste which only accumulates in the yard and pollutes the environment or coconut </em><em>husk</em><em> are only used for cooking fuel. In addition, there is a lack of public knowledge to process coconut </em><em>husk</em><em> into products that have economic value and do not yet have coconut husk crushing machines. The Service Team collaborates with the youth group Taruna Jaya and KWT Srikandi Tani as partners to process coconut husk so that it provides added value and has economic value into coconut husk powder/cocopeat plus by adding organic guano phosphate fertilizer, with attractive product packaging and how to market the product. The service team provides assistance to decompose coconut husks so that activities run routinely and sustainably.</em><em> </em><em>The implementation method used is lecture, practice, and mentoring. Activities that </em><em>ha</em><em>ve be</em><em>en</em><em> carried out include socialization and discussion, the practice of operating coconut husk crushing machines, practice, and assistance on cocopeat plus manufacturing technology, packaging design, and product marketing through social networks or online media.</em><em> </em><em>The results of the community service program for partners are (1) skilled in operating the coconut husk crushing machine; (2) skilled in processing coconut husk waste into cocopeat plus; (3) increas</em><em>ing</em><em> knowledge and creativity in packaging design: (4) be more creative in managing product marketing through the web</em><em>site</em><em> or social media; (5) </em><em>being </em><em>expected to increase income</em>.</p>Dyah ArbiwatiMofit Eko PoerwantoAli Hasyim Al Rosyid
Copyright (c) 2020 Dyah Arbiwati, Mofit Eko Poerwanto, Ali Hasyim Al Rosyid
2020-10-272020-10-271170471010.31098/ess.v1i1.166Addition Of Metarhizium Anisopliae In Organic Fertilizer For Enhancing White Grub’s Control
<p><em>White grub pests have been destroyed a lot of plantation of dry land. Farmers rely on synthetic insecticides to overcome the white grubs problem. Concerning the ecosystem pollution, it is necessary to improve the method of preparing M. anisopliae which is more effective on white grub-infested land to substitute synthetic insecticides. The research was conducted by </em><em>mixing compost fertilizer produced by the Faculty of Agriculture UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta with the M. anisopliae according to the treatment (6.25g / kg; 13.5g / kg; and 20.25g / kg). The pathogenicity test was carried out in a plastic container. Each container is filled with a compost mixture with compost and sand (1:10) and one white grub larvae instar 4. Each treatment consisted of 30 white grubs. The result reveals that mixing compost fertilizer in the application of M. anisopliae was effective in increasing white grubs mortality by up to 16.67%. The greater the dose of M. anisopliae will speed up the mortality time and increase the number of mortality.</em></p>Mofit Eko PoerwantoChimayatus SolichahDanar Wicaksono
Copyright (c) 2020 Mofit Eko Poerwanto, Chimayatus Solichah, Danar Wicaksono
2020-10-272020-10-271171171510.31098/ess.v1i1.167Geology Information for Community-Based Landslide Risk Prevention and Mitigation
<p class="BodyA"><span class="None"><em><span lang="EN-US">The research location is in the village of Wukirsari, Imogiri Imogiri, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The study was conducted quantitatively and qualitatively, with data collection by purposive and snowball. Landslide area of 7,922 m2 on 17/3/2019 was at coordinates 433409.04 mE, 9124439.00 mS, moving towards N190oE. The type of landslide is found in the form of rock flow and debris slide. Landslides are triggered by high rainfall and nonworking drainage system in the study area so that the water load increases beyond the critical limit. Until now there has been no landslide information system. Collecting the geology information, using participatory mapping, has been able to increase community-based awareness of resilience in (1) assessing landslide risk, (2) monitoring the character of landslide hazards, (3) disseminating information on potential landslides, and (4) strengthening community response capacity against landslides.</span></em></span></p>Eko Teguh ParipurnoNandra Eko NugrohoAditya Pandu WicaksonoAwang Hendrianto PratomoSeptyan Teguh Mahendra
Copyright (c) 2020 Eko Teguh Paripurno, Nandra Eko Nugroho, Aditya Pandu Wicaksono, Awang Hendrianto Pratomo, Septyan Teguh Mahendra
2020-10-272020-10-271171672010.31098/ess.v1i1.168Optimization Of Fish Catching Resulting Using Appropriate Technology
<em><span lang="IN">This research was conducted to optimize the fishing results of fishermen using Appropriate Technology by building a smart village that is not limited to Information Communication and Technology. Mapping of traditional fishermen in Depok, Kretek, Bantul Regency, DIY. The benefits of this research are to improve the welfare of traditional fishermen, and to increase the contribution of the fisheries sector to the regional and national economy, and to empower traditional fishermen to improve food security. The result of this research is by applying Appropriate Technology to the servant's navigation system, the fishermen can see changes in the weather, the location of the fish, the sending of danger signals if the ship is damaged at sea</span></em>Sabihaini SabihainiAwang Hendrianto PratomoHeru Cahya Rustamaji
Copyright (c) 2020 Sabihaini Sabihaini, Awang Hendrianto Pratomo, Heru Cahya Rustamaji
2020-10-272020-10-271172172910.31098/ess.v1i1.169Core Sampling Procedure For Use As Artificial Core In Enhanced `Oil Recovery (EOR) Study
<p class="s4"><span class="s2"><em><span>The core sampling procedure must be carried out properly in order to produce cores of good quality. A good core sample will have an effect on the accuracy of the data that will be used. The core sampling method consists of Drill-string Coring and Wireline Coring. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) study is</span></em></span><span class="apple-converted-space"><em><span> </span></em></span><span class="s2"><em><span>a laboratory study to measure compatibility and amount of recovery. In that laboratory study, core samples from the reservoir are required to be carried out by the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) study.</span></em></span><span class="apple-converted-space"><em><span> </span></em></span><span class="s2"><em><span>Because the cost of taking the original core samples from the reservoir is quite expensive, usually the core samples used in this study are often called artificial core. A good candidate for an artificial core is a core that has similar characteristics and properties to the condition of the reservoir.</span></em></span><span class="apple-converted-space"><em><span> </span></em></span><span class="s2"><em><span>The candidate quality of core samples is very important because the sample will represent the properties of the reservoir. By evaluating physical properties of the rock such as porosity, permeability, rock mineralogy, and the distribution of physical properties in the core sample, the best quality of the core sample will be obtained where the sample can represent the reservoir in the research area that Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) study will be conducted.</span></em></span></p>Bambang BintartoBoni SwadesiEdgie Yuda Kaesti
Copyright (c) 2020 Bambang Bintarto, Boni Swadesi, Edgie Yuda Kaesti
2020-10-272020-10-271173073610.31098/ess.v1i1.170The Effect of Flow Rate Discharge on TDS, pH, TSS, and Cu in Electrocoagulation with Continuous Reactors
<p><em>The gold amalgamated wastewater flow can seep into the soil and partly lead to ditches and end into seasonal rivers. The waste contains several heavy metals, including Hg and Cu. In the rainy season, runoff can occur which dissolves pollutants in wastewater at the ground surface so that water can flow into sewers or will seep into the ground and heavy metals contained in a waste can contaminate groundwater. Thus, it is possible to contaminate the quality of surface water (rivers) and groundwater (wells) around gold processing and wastewater disposal sites. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of flow rate as an independent variable in continuous electrocoagulation. This research was a laboratory scale and used gold processing wastewater from gold washing activities. Electrocoagulation in this study using a continuous reactor. Based on the results of the processing carried out by the continuous system electrocoagulation method. The discharge of Q1 (0.0156 m<sup>3</sup>/s) reduces the levels of TDS, pH, TSS, and Cu in wastewater greater than the discharge of Q2 (0.018144 m<sup>3</sup>/s). These results have also exceeded the TSS parameter quality standard which refers to the Decree of the Minister of the Environment No. 202 of 2004 about Quality Standards for Wastewater for Businesses and/or Mining of Gold and/or Copper Ore, so it is safe to dispose of into the environment. </em></p>Rr Dina AsrifahTiti Tiara AnasstasiaMia Fitri AuriliaVindy Fadia UtamaDian WulandariPraditya Anggi WidhianantoBagas Yusanto Wibowo
Copyright (c) 2020 Rr Dina Asrifah, Titi Tiara Anasstasia, Mia Fitri Aurilia, Vindy Fadia Utama, Dian Wulandari, Praditya Anggi Widhiananto, Bagas Yusanto Wibowo
2020-10-272020-10-271173774610.31098/ess.v1i1.171Description Processing Of Criminal Cases Using Latent Semantic Analysis Method
<p><em>Identification of a criminal case requires a complete and thorough analysis. The description and sequence of events require attention that is not only seen from the side of the report, but the actual events accompanied by the evidence found. This process requires a lot of time, accuracy in analyzing requires a separate technique and method, for this reason, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) is used to summarize and draw conclusions about the relationship between one information and other related information. This description processing design uses similarities or semantics between words and sentences. Analyzing the relationships that are formed so that it is hoped that this design can be implemented into a system that helps the process of investigating a criminal case.</em></p>Hidayatulah HimawanDessyanto Boedi PrasetyoWilis Kaswidjanti
Copyright (c) 2020 Hidayatulah Himawan, Dessyanto Boedi Prasetyo, Wilis Kaswidjanti
2020-10-272020-10-271174775410.31098/ess.v1i1.172Yields Components Of Some Sweet Corn Line (Zea Mays Var. Saccharata Sturt) Generation S-4
<p><em>One of the efforts to get varieties of good quality sweet corn plants yield is through a plant breeding program. Plant breeding is an effort to find downy mildew resistant sweet corn variety with high yield component. This research was aimed to evaluate resistances and yield components of 9 inbred lines of S-4 generation of sweet corn. It was conducted in 2020 in the experimental garden, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. The research used a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The treatments were 9 inbred lines sweet corn S-4 generation that consisted of SB 1-1, SB 1-3, SB 1-4, SB 1-6, SB 2-1, SB 2-2, KD 1-1, KD 1-3 and 50 / 4-2B. The results showed SB 1-3 has the greatest growth performance, high productivity, and 15% disease incidence. However, SB 1-3 did not have early flower development. The fastest tassel and ear development perform by SB 2-1 with 15% disease incidence. The sweetest line showed by SB 2-2, SB 1-4, and SB 1-6 with 6%, 9%, and 21% disease incidence sequentially. The lowest disease incidence was 50/4-2B (1%).</em></p>Bambang SupriyantaDwi LestariDanar WicaksonoAndiko Suryo Putrotomo
Copyright (c) 2020 Bambang Supriyanta, Dwi Lestari, Danar Wicaksono, Andiko Suryo Putrotomo
2020-10-272020-10-271175576010.31098/ess.v1i1.173Trade-Off Value Precision Analysis On Ideal Solution Value In Distance Based Multi Criteria Decision-Making Techniques
<p><em>Most of the problems that exist in this world fall into the category of multi-criteria decision-making problems. Multi-criteria decision-making problems are characterized by conflicting objectives on a problem to be decided or resolved. Most of the problems in an industry are also included in the category of multi-criteria decision-making problems. Multi-criteria decision making is done by determining the trade-off value of conflicting objective functions using multi-criteria decision-making techniques. The trade-off value is the compromised solution value of conflicting objective-function objectives. A good trade-off value is a trade-off value that is close to the ideal solution value of each objective function. To determine the trade-off value in multi-criteria decision making, multi-criteria decision-making techniques can be used. Distance-based multi-criteria decision-making techniques include the minimum deviation method and the global criterion method. The precision of the trade-off value to the value of the ideal solution is needed by the industry when making decisions. A precise trade-off value, one that is very close to its ideal value, will help the industry make the best decisions. This research will analyze the multi-criteria decision-making techniques based on distance in producing the trade-off value. Through this research, we will find the most precise distance-based multi-criteria decision-making technique in generating trade-off values so that it can be a reference for the management of an industry in choosing the best multi-criteria decision-making technique when solving multi-criteria decision-making problems in the industry. Based on the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the minimum deviation method is more precise than the global criterion method in producing a trade-off value.</em></p>Sutrisno SutrisnoDyah Rachmawati L
Copyright (c) 2020 Sutrisno Sutrisno, Dyah Rachmawati L
2020-10-272020-10-271176177010.31098/ess.v1i1.174Hidrogeologi Study of Sand Mine In Merapi Area
<p><em>Mining activities for sirtu material (sand and stone) have positive and negative impacts. The positive impact is that the extracted material can be used to meet human needs in building infrastructure and infrastructure. The negative impact of gravel mining activities is the occurrence of land-use changes that affect the potential for water absorption and have an impact on the availability of groundwater both quantity and quality. Groundwater vulnerability analysis is carried out as an initial effort in overcoming the decline in groundwater potential, which affects</em><em> groundwater level groundwater, discharge, surface/land subsidence, and groundwater quality. This research was conducted with sand and stones in Kali Apu, Tlogolele Village. This research was conducted to determine the hydrogeological conditions formed by the mining activity of gravel. Sutui observations were made by assessing several parameters, including the depth of the groundwater level, the amount of recharge, the material for the aquifer media, the material for the soil media, topography, the impact of the unsaturated zone, and the water quality of the research area. </em></p>Tedy Agung CahyadiRika ErnawatiGenadi NainggolanIlham Firmansyah
Copyright (c) 2020 Tedy Agung Cahyadi, Rika Ernawati, Genadi Nainggolan, Ilham Firmansyah
2020-10-272020-10-271177178310.31098/ess.v1i1.175Utilization of Reservoir Proxy Model for Development Strategy Optimization of Combined Steam Flooding & Cyclic Steam Stimulation for Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery
<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>Steam flooding (SF) and Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) are thermal recovery methods that had been proven to improve oil recovery from heavy oil reservoir. Our previous work shows that the combination of CSS and SF give the better result than solely CSS or SF. However, the optimum operating parameter of this combination is yet to be determined. Our current work aims to determine the optimum development scenario of a combined CSS-SF applied to X-Field, a heavy oil field located in Sumatera, Indonesia. A polynomial proxy model is developed to evaluate the objective function, by running several simulations for the field subsurface model using CMG- STARS simulator and CMOS to assist multiple simulations. Optimum development scenario is obtained through maximization of objective function. This work shows that the combination of proxy model development and optimization results in best scenario of combined CSS-SF for heavy oil recovery in X-Field.</span></p></div></div></div>Boni SwadesiSuranto SurantoIndah WidiyaningsihAditya KurniawanRatna WidyaningsihAgung BudiartoMartrida Jani
Copyright (c) 2020 Boni Swadesi, Suranto Suranto, Indah Widiyaningsih, Aditya Kurniawan, Ratna Widyaningsih, Agung Budiarto, Martrida Jani
2020-10-272020-10-271178479110.31098/ess.v1i1.176The Hydrothermal Breccias Characteristics of The Tumpangpitu Porphyry Cu-Au-High Sulphidation Epithermal Au Prospect, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>The research area is administratively located in the Tumpang Pitu Pit Site, Sumberagung Village, Pesanggaran District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province which is included in the coordinate system of the Universal Transfer Mercator (UTM) WGS 84 zone 50S. Compared with phreatomagmatic activity, which is caused by interaction / direct contact between the body of magma and water, phreatic activity releases less energy, and consequently smaller phreatic breccia dimensions. Phreatic breccia or hydrothermal breccias are quite often misinterpreted as phreatomagmatic structures. Hydrothermal breccias are formed in the hydrothermal system, generally at a depth of 200-300 m, and rarely at a depth of 500-1000 m. Based on geological structure analysis, it can be seen on the structure pattern map in the Tumpang Pitu area, there are 2 major faults in the Northwest - Southeast direction. These 2 major faults are the main controller for the formation of minor faults in the Tumpang Pitu area. There is a structural pattern that develops between these 2 major faults, which is a "metallogentically fertile structure" fault or in this pattern mineralization occurs. Based on field observations, core drilling, ASD analysis, and petrographic analysis, the type of alteration based on the mineral assemblage is divided into five, they are quartz, quartz-alunite, quartz kaolinite, kaolinite-montmorillonite-chlorite, and kaolinite-montmorillonite alteration. Mineralization rocks in the study area are volcanic and volcanic clastic rocks and occur as vuggy replacements and stockworks, disseminated, fractures, and veins. Hydrothermal breccias in the Tumpang Pitu area are characterized by enrichment zones of the hydrothermal system with an abundance of sulfides (Goetite, Hematite and Limonite), with Jigsaw and Crackle breccia textures, the mass in the form of sulfide minerals Goetite, Limonite, Hematite, 50-90% silica content and weak to strong vuggy texture. Veins and veinlet that develop are Sugary quartz - sulphide veins (chalcopyrite, bornite) (A Type), sulphide-center line crystalline veins (B Type), pyrite + quartz-chalcopyrite veins (D Type), early biotite (EB Type), High sulfidation epithermal veins (pyrite- bornite-chalcocite-covellite-tetrahedrite-tennatite-enargite) (HSE type), and Magnetite veins (M Type). Assuming homogenisation temperature is identical to formation temperature, the Tumpang Pitu epithermal gold deposit HS is formed at the intermediate temperature 270</span><span>?</span><span>C and 310</span><span>?</span><span>C. The average melting temperature is -0.3</span><span>?</span><span>C and -0.7</span><span>?</span><span>C which correspond to the salinity of hydrothermal fluid of 0.5 to 2% by weight equivalent to NaCl. Paleo depths from shallow and deep samples taken were around 650m and 1220m</span></p></div></div></div>Sutarto SutartoSutanto SutantoCicih LHidayat PKhafarel L PRigenaji PKenny L
Copyright (c) 2020 Sutarto Sutarto, Sutanto Sutanto, Cicih L, Hidayat P, Khafarel L P, Rigenaji P, Kenny L
2020-10-272020-10-271179280310.31098/ess.v1i1.177Reservoir Simulation Modeling With Polymer Injection in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir
<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>Naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs (NFCR) generally have very large residual reserves and are suitable for advanced production stages, where oil recovery in the Naturally fractured carbonate reservoir can be carried out by polymer injection. This study uses a hypothetical model using 5 wells, where during the initialization it has an Original Oil In Place (OOIP) of 12.129 MMSTB. The reservoir simulation was performed at basecase and showed a Recovery Factor (RF) of 8% with cumulative production of 973.66 MSTB. This recovery factor is the reason why polymer is used, the working mechanism of the polymer is by reducing the mobility ratio so that the viscosity of the water will increase and be able to sweep away the oil that is still left in the reservoir rock. There are 5 scenarios used in this study, where each scenario has different concentrations of 50 lb/d, 100 lb/d, 150 lb/d, 150 lb/d, 200 lb/d, 250 lb/d, respectively, then each scenario is tested with different rates in a succession of 500 bbl/day, 750 bbl/day, 1000 bbl/day, 1250 bbl/day, 1500 bbl/day, but the pattern of each scenario is the same as using an inverted-5-spot pattern. From all the scenarios, the best scenario is the third scenario, namely using a polymer concentration of 150 lb/d and a rate of 1250 bbl/d which can increase recovery factor from 10.81 to 18.81% with cumulative production of 2.282 MMSTB.</span></p></div></div></div>Mia Ferian HelmyIndah WidiyaningsihEdgie Yuda KaestiAtma Budi Arta
Copyright (c) 2020 Mia Ferian Helmy, Indah Widiyaningsih, Edgie Yuda Kaesti, Atma Budi Arta
2020-10-272020-10-271180481410.31098/ess.v1i1.178Application of The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Analyze Industries Risk Management in Metal Casting Industries
<p><em>The purpose of this study is to identify possible risks within the Company and then create</em><em> </em><em>a risk matrix to determine the worst risks to be prioritized in control. This research was conducted on business owners and staff of metal casting companies members of Batur Jaya Industrial Cooperative Ceper Klaten using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach by focusing on strategic risks, operational risks, reporting risks, and corporate regulatory risks.</em><em> </em><em>The findings of the study resulted in form risks identification show that there are 38 risks that may occur within the Company. The calculation of the assessment of eaRiskisk is based on the weighting of eaRiskisk, then calculated the eigenvalue. TRiskisk needs to be prioritized to be controlled and immediately corrected by the Company is strategi Riskisk with a percentage of 51%. Meanwhile, the alternatives need to be considered and improved are improving the quality of service, the consistency of the Company in meeting the needs of consumers, information, and tax regulation.</em></p>Sadi SadiZuhrohtun ZuhrohtunIndra Kusumawardhani
Copyright (c) 2020 Sadi Sadi, Zuhrohtun Zuhrohtun, Indra Kusumawardhani