Alternative Environmental Management in The Split Making Industry


  • J Purwanta Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Suharwanto Suharwanto Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Trismi Ristyowati Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta



Spread, control, stone crusher, dust, fog


The purpose of this study is to carry out environmental management in the split-making industry, especially on the spread of dust. In the field of building construction, at the stage of casting activities, various construction materials are needed, such as cement, sand, water, iron, and splits. The existence of a split will further increase the strength of the cast. Therefore, splits are indispensable in the field of construction. The raw material for the split is andesite stone. In the split production process using a stone crusher called a stone crusher. In the operation of this stone crusher, the dust appears generated from andesite stone flakes which are being reduced in size to split. The dust will spread to the surrounding environment because it is carried away by the wind. This condition will cause a negative impact, namely a decrease in air quality. Therefore, steps/actions should be taken to minimize the spread of dust, namely by capturing the dust that comes out of the stone crusher tool carried by the exhaust gas flow. The equipment used in this research is a laboratory-scale using a fogging method dust catcher. The sprayer hole diameter is the independent variable, while the other quantities are the dependent variable. The research was conducted on the nozzle diameter as much as 5 quantities and carried out 3 replications for each quantity, then averaged the results. After the research was carried out, the data obtained from the research showed that the optimum condition for the mass of dust that was caught by the fog was the diameter of the sprayer hole 1, 45 mm with an average dust mass that can be caught by the fog is 14,068.33 µg and average efficiency value of 72.67%. The line equation which states the relationship between the variable sprayer hole diameter and the mass of dust caught by the fog is Y = -14.722.X3 - 782.86 X2 + 4978.5X +6265.7 with a percent error of 1.53%, while the line equation states the relationship between diameter nozzle with an efficiency value that is Y = 0.1042X3 - 5.3775X2 + 28.608X + 30.564 with an average percent error of 2.37%.


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