Hidrogeologi Study of Sand Mine In Merapi Area


  • Tedy Agung Cahyadi
  • Rika Ernawati
  • Genadi Nainggolan
  • Ilham Firmansyah




vulnerability, groundwater, observation, mining.


Mining activities for sirtu material (sand and stone) have positive and negative impacts. The positive impact is that the extracted material can be used to meet human needs in building infrastructure and infrastructure. The negative impact of gravel mining activities is the occurrence of land-use changes that affect the potential for water absorption and have an impact on the availability of groundwater both quantity and quality. Groundwater vulnerability analysis is carried out as an initial effort in overcoming the decline in groundwater potential, which affects groundwater level groundwater, discharge, surface/land subsidence, and groundwater quality. This research was conducted with sand and stones in Kali Apu, Tlogolele Village. This research was conducted to determine the hydrogeological conditions formed by the mining activity of gravel. Sutui observations were made by assessing several parameters, including the depth of the groundwater level, the amount of recharge, the material for the aquifer media, the material for the soil media, topography, the impact of the unsaturated zone, and the water quality of the research area.  


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