Trade-Off Value Precision Analysis On Ideal Solution Value In Distance Based Multi Criteria Decision-Making Techniques


  • Sutrisno Sutrisno
  • Dyah Rachmawati L



distance-based multi-criteria decision-making techniques, precision, the trade of value, ideal value


Most of the problems that exist in this world fall into the category of multi-criteria decision-making problems. Multi-criteria decision-making problems are characterized by conflicting objectives on a problem to be decided or resolved. Most of the problems in an industry are also included in the category of multi-criteria decision-making problems. Multi-criteria decision making is done by determining the trade-off value of conflicting objective functions using multi-criteria decision-making techniques. The trade-off value is the compromised solution value of conflicting objective-function objectives. A good trade-off value is a trade-off value that is close to the ideal solution value of each objective function. To determine the trade-off value in multi-criteria decision making, multi-criteria decision-making techniques can be used. Distance-based multi-criteria decision-making techniques include the minimum deviation method and the global criterion method. The precision of the trade-off value to the value of the ideal solution is needed by the industry when making decisions. A precise trade-off value, one that is very close to its ideal value, will help the industry make the best decisions. This research will analyze the multi-criteria decision-making techniques based on distance in producing the trade-off value. Through this research, we will find the most precise distance-based multi-criteria decision-making technique in generating trade-off values so that it can be a reference for the management of an industry in choosing the best multi-criteria decision-making technique when solving multi-criteria decision-making problems in the industry. Based on the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the minimum deviation method is more precise than the global criterion method in producing a trade-off value.


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