Utilization Of Coconut Waste As A Planting Media “Ccocopeat Plus” In Kebonrejo Village, Candimulyo District, Magelang Regency


  • Dyah Arbiwati Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Mofit Eko Poerwanto Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Ali Hasyim Al Rosyid Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta




coconut husk waste, cocopeat plus, packaging design, marketing


Kebonrejo is one of the villages in Candimulyo District, Magelang Regency, which is a coconut center area since most of the land area in the village is planted with coconut. The main problem in the village is that the coconut fruit harvest leaves an abundance of coconut husk as waste which only accumulates in the yard and pollutes the environment or coconut husk are only used for cooking fuel. In addition, there is a lack of public knowledge to process coconut husk into products that have economic value and do not yet have coconut husk crushing machines. The Service Team collaborates with the youth group Taruna Jaya and KWT Srikandi Tani as partners to process coconut husk so that it provides added value and has economic value into coconut husk powder/cocopeat plus by adding organic guano phosphate fertilizer, with attractive product packaging and how to market the product. The service team provides assistance to decompose coconut husks so that activities run routinely and sustainably. The implementation method used is lecture, practice, and mentoring. Activities that have been carried out include socialization and discussion, the practice of operating coconut husk crushing machines, practice, and assistance on cocopeat plus manufacturing technology, packaging design, and product marketing through social networks or online media. The results of the community service program for partners are (1) skilled in operating the coconut husk crushing machine; (2) skilled in processing coconut husk waste into cocopeat plus; (3) increasing knowledge and creativity in packaging design: (4) be more creative in managing product marketing through the website or social media; (5) being expected to increase income.


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