Plastic, Rubber, And Styrofoam Waste Management As Alternative For Green Energy


  • Heru Sigit Purwanto Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Bambang Sugiarto Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Fauzan Irfandy Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta



Pyrolysis, Styrofoam, Tire, Oil, Zeolite


Plastics, rubber tires, and styrofoams are commonly used as disposable materials in our society, which contribute to the constant buildup of waste accumulation. A method called waste pyrolysis is able to transform the aforementioned waste into fuels. This method was performed at a temperature of 350 - 500°C with variations of styrofoam decoy mass is 50 gram, 100 gram, 150 gram, 200 gram, and 250 gram and for tire, decoy mass is 500 gram, 750 gram, 1000 gram, 1250 gram, and 1500 gram. A decoy mass variation that produces the highest yield production is subjected to catalyst addition. Active zeolite catalyst with  2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% content level was added to each material in order to obtain the volume of pyrolysis result. In this research, we got the optimum decoy mass of 200 grams with 84% yield for styrofoam and 750 gram with 32,67% yield for the tire. The optimum catalyst percentage for pyrolysis oil volume derived from styrofoam is 6% with 90% yield and the optimum percentage for the volume of tire-derived pyrolysis oil is 10% with 45,33% of yield. Based on the density and viscosity of conventional fuels, biodiesel has the most similar characteristic to our result. And based on the flashpoint, fire point, and calorific value of conventional fuels, the one with the closest characteristic is kerosene. The utilization of styrofoams and used tires waste for pyrolysis will reduce contamination caused by waste materials that are difficult to degrade in the environment. This research also proved that the fuel oil produced from pyrolysis can be an alternative energy source to fossil-fuel derived energy, notably for biodiesel and kerosene. 


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