Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) and Its Use for Plants: Community Based Organic Waste Empowerment Solution in Dusun Gesikan Bantul
LOF, Community Based, Organic WasteAbstract
Residents of Dusun Gesikan Rt 04 Panggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul have not managed household organic waste properly. Household organic waste management is very important to do to minimize environmental pollution. This activity aims to provide direction and assistance to residents to process organic waste into liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) using the Stacked Bucket method or Tong Kompas as well as utilizing LOF produced for plants that are planted independently in each resident's house.Although it has not been analyzed in the laboratory, the physical characteristics of the LOF produced are quite good in terms of color, odor, and viscosity. Indirectly, this activity reduces the dependence of the community on commercial fertilizers. Also, residents contribute to efforts to protect the environment so that it is free from waste. It is hoped that the resulting vegetables will not only be useful for food sources but also improve the health of citizens in the Covid-19. The community becomes more productive by empowering household organic waste to become more useful products.References
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