Determination Of Geotourism Area Using Geographic Information System


  • Ketut Gunawan Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Waterman Sulistyana Bargawa Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta



post-mining, geotourism, grand design, geology, community empowerment


The post-mining area in this study has the natural potential to become a tourism area in the form of pumice breccia outcrops. The problem is determining the zoning of tourism models. The purpose of this research is to identify the potential of the tourism area in the post-mining area, determine the feasibility parameters of the tourism model, and analyze the physical feasibility of utilizing the geotourism area. The research methodology includes a preliminary survey, mapping with drones, determining tourism feasibility parameters based on weight using the intersection method, social mapping, and determining the designation of the tourism model. The results of the study indicate that the potential of tourism includes natural phenomena in the form of geological structures, stratigraphy, topography, and rock types. This phenomenon has aspects of beauty, authenticity, scientific value, and uniqueness of nature (geology). Utilization of the tourism model requires a grand design for viewing posts, camping areas, open-air museums, gazebos, jogging tracks, hiking tracks, bicycle tracks. 


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