Presumption of Ground Water Depth Using the Schlumberger Configuration Geoelectrical Method


  • Dian Hudawan Santoso Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Berty Dwi Rahmawati Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta



Drought, Groundwater Aquifers, Geoelectrical, Schlumberger configuration


The occurrence of drought in 2019 in the study area is one of the environmental problems that complicate local people's lives. Observation data state that the research location is classified into drought-prone regions. This location needs further identification, whether it belongs to meteorological drought or hydrological drought. This study focuses on studying subsurface aquifer conditions, especially determining the depth of freshwater location. This study aimed to determine the subsurface aquifer's characteristics and estimate the depth of freshwater as a clean water source. The research method used is the geoelectrical resistivity test of the Schlumberger configuration. Data processing and modeling were carried out to obtain resistivity data that represented subsurface rock types. The results obtained are the lithology of the area comprising the study area consisting of fine-grained sediments. The value of the resistivity range assumed to be the aquifer layer is 20 - 40 ?m. The presence indication of an aquifer layer measures point 2 with an expression of the number of aquifers of two layers, namely at a depth of 12.2 meters and 71.5 meters, and at measuring point 4 with an indication of the number of aquifers in one layer at a depth of 79.2 meters.


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