Production Of Biodiesel Out Of Crude Palm Oil By Using NaOH Catalyst
biodiesel, crude palm oil, NaOHAbstract
The increasing consumption of diesel oil results in depletion of petroleum supply so that biodiesel is made out of crude palm oil. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the production of biodiesel by using NaOH catalysts. First, crude palm oil is analyzed for its free fatty acid content. If the free fatty acid is less than 5%, the transesterification process can be carried out immediately, if it's more than 5%, the esterification process is carried out first. The esterification process lasts for 60 minutes temperature of 60°C with an acid catalyst H2SO4 then separated and washed. After the washing process, the transesterification process is continued with NaOH catalyst for 30 minutes at 60°C and then the washing process proceeds in order to purify the results. From the research that has been done, the result of biodiesel has a yield of 87.2866%, kinematic viscosity 4.655 mm2/s, flash point 110oC, pour point 12oC, and density at 15oC of 0.875 g/ml.References
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