Improving The Quality Of Ceramic Products Through The Application Of The Taguchi Multi Response Method To Increase The Competitiveness Of Ceramic Ukm In The Global Era (Case Study At The Kasongan Ceramics Ukm Center, Bantul, Diy)


  • Dyah Rachmawti L Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Sutrisno Sutrisno Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta



Taguchi multi-response method, flexural strength, dry shrinkage


Kasongan Ceramic UKM Center is an association of UKM which makes goods made from clay. Kasongan Ceramic UKM Center, located in Bantul Regency, DIY. The problem that is often experienced by Kasongan Ceramics Center is that products that are often cracked, warped, and easily brittle. The total production of Kasongan UKM Center from September 2019 to February 2020 was 32,256 units, with the number of defective products amounting to 3,873 or 12% of the total production. Based on the studies that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the crack, warping, and brittle defects that occur are caused by the lack of maximum flexural strength and the high percentage of dry shrinkage in the ceramic products produced. To maximize the flexural strength and minimize the percentage of dry shrinkage in the resulting ceramic products, the optimal ceramic manufacturing process parameters will be determined using the Taguchi multi-response method. To maximize the flexural strength and minimize the percentage of dry shrinkage in the process of making ceramics using the Taguchi multi-response method, it is necessary to carry out an experimental design. The first thing to do is to determine the controlled factors and levels in the ceramic manufacturing process that affect the flexural strength and dry shrinkage of ceramics. After that determine a suitable orthogonal array and perform experiments based on the specified orthogonal array. The experimental results will be tested for flexural strength and dry shrinkage percentage in the laboratory. The resulting flexural strength and dry shrinkage percentage data will be processed to determine the optimal ceramic manufacturing process parameters that maximize the flexural strength and minimize the percentage of ceramic dry shrinkage. Based on the data processing carried out, it is found that the optimal ceramic-making process parameters at the Kasongan Ceramics UKM Center that maximize the flexural strength and minimize the percentage of dry ceramic shrinkage are 2 parts Godean soil composition, 1 part kasongan soil composition, 1 part sand composition, and combustion using a tub open.


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