Erosion and Flood Discharge Plans Analysis on The Capacity of The Dead River Lake


  • Andi Renata Ade Yudono Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Muammar Gomareuzzaman Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta



Flood, Erosion, Dead River Lake


Sometimes development is not in accordance with the carrying capacity of the land or area designation because it is not in accordance with the characteristics of an existing area. The dead river lake in Pondok and Parangjoro villages has various benefits for the surrounding community, resulting in land conversion that is not in accordance with its purpose and has a negative impact (erosion) on the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is necessary to know how much erosion has occurred in the area around the Dead River Lake, the magnitude of the planned flood discharge, and the potential for lake water overflow to the surrounding area. The study used several methods, including the use method to determine the amount of erosion, the planned flood discharge to determine the estimated maximum discharge in several return periods, and spatial to determine the capacity of the dead river lake. Based on the results per parameter, it was found that the total erosion in the study area was 30.358,432 tonnes/ha/year or 235,52 m3 / ha/day with an area of 63,971,488 m2. The existence of continuous erosion can cause the capacity of the dead river lake to be reduced, and indirectly it can cause flooding due to lake overflow on the 79 day for the 25 and 10 year return period and 80 days for the 5 and 2 year return period.


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