Increased Productivity Of Empon-Empon Jamu To Meet Demand Due To The Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study In Dronco Hamlet, Girirejo Village, Imogiri District, Bantul Yogyakarta Regency)


  • Gunawan Madyono Putro Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Prijoto Prijoto Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta



Covid-19, chopper machine, Ampon-empon, ginger


These instant herbs and instant red ginger are much in demand by consumers because they taste good and are fresh, and can also increase the body's immunity. The business of instant herbal medicine and instant red ginger has not been managed professionally. This is indicated by the quality of the product that has not been standardized, which is sometimes too wet and sometimes too dry, resulting in durability and taste of the product. Since the Covid -19 pandemic, demand has increased by almost 400%. Meanwhile, the production of these two business groups is now only able to meet 50% to 60%. Based on the partners' problems, to increase production and improve the quality of herbal medicine, practically designed chopper machines have been used. The chopper machine that is donated to this partner is capable of chopping various types and sizes of herbal medicine with a production speed of around 30 kg of wet herbs per hour or greater ± 50 times the manual work done by the partner at this time. Production process training and mentoring are also carried out so that the product quality lasts longer, and the taste of herbs does not change. With technological innovation and business training carried out by the service team, the partners feel very useful, that is 1). The organization is able to increase production capacity to fulfill demand 2). The quality of the herbal products will be better 3) Better organizational management 4). The economy of the members of the crafters' group has improved more


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