Recycling Metal Waste Made From Aluminum into Ingots: Using the Melting Method with a Crucible Furnace (Lift Out


  • Rika Ernawati Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Tri Wahyuningsih Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Untung Sukamto Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Muhammad Fauzi Rizalsyah Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta



Aluminum, Waste, Smelting, Flux


Aluminum is one of the metal that is widely used for various purposes at this time ranging from use for packaging beverage cans to building construction, automotive, and transportation. Aluminum is widely used because of its toughness, lightweight and rust resistance. The number of uses of aluminum has an effect on the existence of its waste, which will also increase. Aluminum waste processing has been carried out using the melting method into aluminum ingots as raw material for the aluminum industry. Aluminum waste samples come from vehicle and automotive repair shops. A total of 1.5 kg of workshop waste is cut into sizes smaller than 7 cm and then melted separately for 500 grams, each using a crucible furnace (lift-out). The melting is carried out 3 times by varying the amount of flux entered, respectively 0%, 0.2%, and 0.4% w/w. The flux used in this smelting is Na2CO3(Borax). The melting process takes 20-30 minutes, and the temperature of the molten metal pouring is 697-715 oC. The results of the melting of the first 500 grams of waste without using flux resulted in 460.7 grams of ingot and 27.6 grams of melting dross. In melting using a flux of 0.2%, it produces 437.7 grams of ingots and 61.2 grams of dross. In melting using 0.4% flux, the ingot weight was 420.7 grams and dross weight 68.1 grams. The more use of flux in the aluminum waste recycling process using the melting method, giving the effect of weight loss ingot produced, and the increase in weight of dross is wasted. This is because the impurities in the ingot have bonded with the flux and migrated to the waste along with the dross. 


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