Empowerment of Women Farmer Groups in Salamrejo Village Kulon Progo Regency Through Independent Production Of Organic Fertilizer
KWT, organic fertilizer, MOL, Empowerment, SalamrejoAbstract
Inorganic fertilizer has some weaknesses in its application, which is not good for plant growth, not environmentally friendly, and has a fairly high price. The use of inorganic fertilizers, especially on the household scale, can be replaced with organic fertilizers that can be made independently. In addition to being good for plant growth, the costs incurred to make it are quite cheap. The purpose of this activity is so that the group of farmers in each hamlet can utilize the resources that exist around it that can increase the productivity of agricultural crops and reduce the costs incurred for crop production activities by producing organic fertilizers independently and limiting the use of chemical fertilizers. The method carried out in this activity is counseling (education-agriculture) about the manufacture of MOL (Micro Organisms Local) and the utilization of organic waste around the residence to be made into liquid organic fertilizer. The results of the activities obtained in the form of increased knowledge of the members of women farmer group about the function of making MOL (Micro Organisms Local) and how to make liquid organic fertilizer by utilizing organic waste that is around the place of residence so as to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers and save the cost of farming. This community service activity is proven to solve the problems of the members of the women farmer group and utilize the resources that exist around it that can increase the productivity of agricultural crops and reduce the costs incurred for crop production activities.References
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