Proceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Economic and Business Series
<p>The Proceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Economic and Business (EBS) has published with registered number <strong>ISBN 9786236896396</strong>. This proceeding is a collaboration conference program between Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “VETERAN” Yogyakarta (UPN Veteran Yogyakarta) and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF). The ESS Proceedings deals with both theoritical and practices and their implications of Economic and Business. In addition, the EBS presents articles that relate the latest research and review on fields Economics, Economic Development, Micro-Economics, Macro-Economics, Business, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Digital Business, Management, Operation Management, Innovation Management, Technology Management, Human Resources Management, Accountancy, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Taxation and Customs. All articles to be published in this proceedings have undergone rigorous peer review by Conference Scientific review committees.</p>Research Synergy Foundationen-USProceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Economic and Business Series<h3>Copyright Notice </h3><p>1. Author and Manuscript</p><ul><li>The author whose name appear in the above statement is declaring that he/she is the author of the stated manuscript</li><li>All of the authors, if any, has already aware of this agreement and give consent for the mentioned name to act on their behalf</li></ul><p><br />2. Validity</p><ul><li>The author stated that the manuscript is original and has never been published elsewhere.</li><li>The author has obtained permissions from other contributors, if any</li><li>The author has specifically mentioned and cited all external materials properly</li><li>Note: External materials refers to any material, writings, figures, tables, illustrations, or any other materials which is not being produced, made, or patented by the author</li><li>The author holds the sole responsible should there are any mistyping; unclear citation and holds responsible should there are any inappropriate manners such as unlawful, breaches, obscene, or any other reasons which are not aligned with the law and norm.</li></ul><p>3. Deliverable of Manuscript and Other Materials</p><ul><li>The Contributor/Author shall deliver their manuscript using the provided and acceptable format (doc. Or docx) in the assigned date as well as author copyright document signed.</li><li>Inability delivering the manuscript in the stated date and format will affecting the publication process thus, The Publisher have the rights to reject the manuscript and terminate the letter of acceptance or letter of offerings</li><li>Author is responsible to deliver the manuscript using the provided format. Note: All of the figures, tables, illustrations, or any other materials that will be inserted in the manuscript need to be in high quality</li><li>Should the author decided to alter the manuscript format, the fee will be charged and bore by authors</li></ul><p>The Author give “Yayasan Sinergi Riset dan Edukasi” (here forth known as RSF Press) the unlimited right to publish the contribution identified above, without any restraints, in any form, at any time, directly or through others, to reproduce, transmit, archive, lease/lend, sell and distribute the contribution or parts thereof individually or together with other works in any language, revision and version (digital and hard), including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, audiograms, videograms, electronic form (offline, online), or any other reproductions of similar nature, including publication in the aforementioned book or any other book, as well as, the usage for advertising purposes. RSF Press will ensure that the Author’s name(s) is/are always clearly associated with the manuscript, and the publishers will not make any substantial change to the manuscript without consulting the author and ask for their consent. RSF Press is also entitled to carry out editorial changes in the contribution with the sole purpose of enhancing the overall organization and form of the contribution.</p><p>The Author retains the rights to publish the contribution in his/her own web site and thesis, in his/her employer’s web site and to publish a similar or revised version elsewhere, as long as it is clearly stated that the contribution was presented first RSF Press and the corresponding DOI is associated with the contribution.</p>The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement on Organizational Commitment
<p><em>This research is survey research. This study's population were all craftsmen who worked in the woodcraft center in Krebet village, Bantul district. The total population of craftsmen at the wooden batik handicraft center in Krebet village is 148. Sampling was carried out by census. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. The number of respondents was 148 craftsmen in Krebet village. This study uses techniques of structural equation modeling (SEM) - Partial least square. Based on the analysis and discussion of variables job satisfaction (job satisfaction) The estimated coefficient value of the most significant influence on organizational commitment, so that job satisfaction has the most significant influence on increasing commitment in the wooden batik and mask craft center in Krebet Village, the owner of the craft center should pay attention to the awards received by craftsmen and improve the working environment conditions.</em></p>Irma Dwi IstiningsihDyah SugandiniPurbudi Wahyuni
Copyright (c) 2020 Irma Dwi Istiningsih, Dyah Sugandini, Purbudi Wahyuni
2020-10-252020-10-25111910.31098/ebs.v1i1.41Impact of Work From Home Policy on Behavior and Productivity of Lecturers and Education Staff
<span>Policy <em><span>Work From Home</span></em> (WFH ) is enforced within the FEB UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta is one manifestation of breaking the COVID-19 virus chain. This research purpose is to identify the influence of WFH on the behavior and productivity of lecturers and education staff during this policy. This research is something new in education. The productivity assessment of the implementation of this policy has never be analyzed. This study uses quantitative methods with a number of respondents, 96 respondents. The data was collected using a questionnaire, then tested the validity, reliability, and evaluation of the model structure using data analysis tools SmartPLS 3.0.0. The results of data processing explained that there was no relationship between WFH and technology-mediated behavior (P-Value = 0.297; T-Statistic = 1.043). A different yield of WFH data processing with productivity. It was found positive and significant influence but mediated partially competitive by technology. The path coefficient value of the direct relationship between WFH and productivity is 0.206 (P-Value 0.034; T-Statistic = 2.132), that the indirect relationship between WFH and productivity is mediating by the technology of 0.353. The limitation of this research is that it is only carried out in the FEB environment, not yet in a comprehensive manner at the "Veteran" National Development University, Yogyakarta</span>Afni SiraitSri Luna Murdianingrum
Copyright (c) 2020 Afni Sirait, Sri Luna Murdianingrum
2020-10-252020-10-2511101910.31098/ebs.v1i1.42The Application of Technology Acceptance Models SMEs in Sleman
<p><em>In this era, economic growth is getting faster because of the use of technology, technology drives it, but there is a gap between big and small businesses due to differences in opportunities to participate and develop digital marketing strategies. SMEs are expected to help the economic growth of a country. The purpose of this study is to explore the use of technology by small businesses by investigating their belief that technology is easy to use and can help the performance of SMEs so that they use the technology. The data that has been collected is then analyzed by several tests, namely the validity test and reliability test meanwhile. The data analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis is descriptive statistical analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS) using the SmartPLS 3.2.8 software program. The results of this study indicate that Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use, attitude affect Behavior Intention to Use SMEs in Sleman.</em></p>Yuni IstantoIstiana Istiana RahatmawatiBunga Alfausta AmalliaTrestina EkawatiTrisna Adisti
Copyright (c) 2020 Yuni Istanto, Istiana Istiana Rahatmawati, Bunga Alfausta Amallia, Trestina Ekawati, Trisna Adisti
2020-10-252020-10-2511202810.31098/ebs.v1i1.43Financial Literation And Other Factors Affecting Interests In The Use Of Electronic Money
<em><span lang="EN">This study aims to examine the influence of the variables of financial literacy, financial capability, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness on interest in using electronic money. The study was conducted in the Yogyakarta community and collected as many as 103 respondents. The results showed that financial capacity and perceived convenience have a positive effect on the interest in using electronic money in the people of Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, financial literacy and perceived benefits do not affect the interest in using electronic money in Yogyakarta society</span></em>Hasa Nurrohim Kurniawan PutraShinta Heru Satoto
Copyright (c) 2020 Hasa Nurrohim Kurniawan Putra, Shinta Heru Satoto
2020-10-252020-10-2511293510.31098/ebs.v1i1.44MSEs and Digital Economic
<em><span lang="EN-US">This study describes the conditions of the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) in D.I. Yogyakarta. The research data includes various dimensions related to MSE performance published by the Central Bureau of Statistics. This study uses a descriptive approach that describes the characteristics and phenomena faced by MSE. The results showed that MSE plays an important role, especially in terms of employment. However, the various limitations that exist in MSE cause the industry to still face various problems. MSE needs to control labor costs and digitize it so that performance increases.</span></em>Windyastuti WindyastutiAfni Sirait
Copyright (c) 2020 Windyastuti Windyastuti, Afni Sirait
2020-10-252020-10-2511364210.31098/ebs.v1i1.45Village owned business unit selection "rakat mufakat kadundung village, south kalimantan
<em><span lang="EN">This research aims to determine the type of BUMDes" Rakat Mufakat "business that can support village economic growth by the village potential owned by Kadundung Village. This research was conducted using the Precipatory method. Rural Appraisal (PRA), namely by conducting studies on rural conditions, which include mapping of village potential, identifying habits and seasons, and mapping business potential with Hierarchy Value Alignment (HVA) analysis to determine the best type of business according to village potential. The results showed that there were three types of businesses that could be carried out by BUMDes Desa Kadundung, namely making fruit chips, establishing cafeterias, and optimizing tent renta</span></em>Hani SubagioShinta Heru SatotoAgung Satmoko
Copyright (c) 2020 Hani Subagio, Shinta Heru Satoto, Agung Satmoko
2020-10-252020-10-2511435110.31098/ebs.v1i1.46Improving The Production Performance Of Honey-Producing Micro Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In Banaran, Playen, Gunung Kidul
<pre><span lang="EN">This study aims to apply the right method in identifying problems, analyze the design of the primary indicator model of improving the production performance of honey-producing MSMEs, and analyze the driving and inhibiting factors of efforts to improve the production performance of MSME Honey. The problem faced is the low production performance of MSMEs, which comes from human resource factors. Meanwhile, owners of MSMEs are more concerned with infrastructure for repair. This research is descriptive research. The method used by using a training method with the approach of Social Analysis and Action Review. Both of these methods are used to improve the design for improving the production performance of MSME Honey in Banaras, Playen, Gunung Kidul. The target object of this research is members of the Source Of Fortune Honey Beekeeper Group in Banaran Village, Playen, Gunung Kidul Regency. Based on the observation of training activities based on action review and social analysis, the results showed that there were still some participants who were sleepy; it seemed that the questions needed to be agreed upon to be semi-open, and the discussion material was closer to what the participants experienced so that participants could better imagine and understand the material—attendance: 30-50% of all members.<br /> Meanwhile, other results obtained from this research related to training content found that the main problem of MSMEs is HR, that human capital has a positive and significant effect on the production performance of MSMEs with social capital as an intermediary variable. The driving factors for the MSME production performance improvement model are the availability of the number of human resources, product uniqueness, access and supporting infrastructure, capital assistance from various parties, specific product development, close kinship relationships, and short managerial hierarchies. On the other hand, the inhibiting factors of the honey bee farmer's MSME production performance improvement model are low competence and motivation of human resources, lack of supervision of implementation standards, limited use of technology for marketing, and low willingness of owners to access capital information.</span></pre>Ninik ProbosariAri WijayaniParyati Paryati
Copyright (c) 2020 Ninik Probosari, Ari Wijayani, Paryati Paryati
2020-10-252020-10-2511525910.31098/ebs.v1i1.47Attractiveness, Motivation, Image, and Quality on Loyalty
<p><em>The loyalty model on this study proposed to explore the relationship of Attractiveness, motivation, destination image, destination quality, positive attitude, intention to revisit, intention to recommend, and word of mouth communication. This study uses a survey of 250 respondents of domestic tourists and international tourists who visit heritage tourism in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Data analysis techniques use Structural Equation Modeling. The results of this study indicate that the initial model proposed has not been accepted because the model fit test was not fulfilled. Furthermore, the model is modified by adding a path from the motivation to revisit intention and eliminating the two paths that are not significant. The result is that the model is acceptable. So that the modified loyalty model can be accepted, the modification model is showing by the relationship between motivation, destination quality, attitude, revisit intention, intention to recommend, and word of mouth.</em></p>Usep SutejaDyah SugandiniYuni Istanto
Copyright (c) 2020 Usep Suteja, Dyah Sugandini, Yuni Istanto
2020-10-252020-10-2511606810.31098/ebs.v1i1.48The Role Of Product Branding And Internet Marketing In Increasing Business Revenues KUB "MAJU LANCAR"
<em><span lang="EN">Community Service Program with the Joint Business Group partner "MAJU LANCAR" located in the Gagan, Pengkol village, Nglipar sub-district, Gunung Kidul regency, were carried out by the Community Service Team (PBM) of the Yogyakarta National Development University. Various problems faced by partners both in the field of production, in the field of management, and in the field of marketing are things that become the focus of attention for the team to find out the solutions to solve problems. Limited equipment, minimal skills and knowledge of good bookkeeping, the absence of product variants, and the lack of partner production sharing, as well as conventional marketing, have made this home-based business unable to develop optimally. Lacking accountable bookkeeping records means that these partners do not have access to capital assistance from formal financial institutions to increase capital in the context of increasing production capacity. This Community Service Program provides solutions in the form of several activities such as the provision of production equipment assistance, taste innovation training, product branding, internet-based marketing or internet marketing, simple bookkeeping training, and the last but not least is training in making of capital assistance proposals. In order to know the effectiveness of this program, just before the end of the activity, a survey of partners was conducted regarding their responses to the usefulness of the various activities that had been carried out, and the result was that almost all partner members stated that this activity was very beneficial for the sustainability of their business</span></em>Wahyu Dwi ArtaningtyasHarry Budiharjo SulistyarsoIndah Widiyaningsih
Copyright (c) 2020 Wahyu Dwi Artaningtyas, Harry Budiharjo Sulistyarso, Indah Widiyaningsih
2020-10-252020-10-2511697610.31098/ebs.v1i1.49Qualitative Research the Use of Online Applications as a Consequence of Covid-19 Pandemic
<p>The aim of this research is a qualitative analysis of the use of online applications during the Covid-19 pandemic will be the next question. This study used observation and depth interview the partners with COVID-19 Social Distancing protocol and to stay alert. The results of the analysis presented earlier have led us to conclude that (1) uses customer database as the big data, (2) uses data on its partners to provide periodical maintenance service without being asked to do so or to ask, on its own initiative, its business partners whether it is the time to replace certain hardware or equipment. The most important is (3) synergy and collaboration with mutually supporting parties, such as the government, for the works that involve online application platform, administration, and local and national events.</p>Dian Indri PurnamasariHeriyanto HeriyantoOliver Samuel Simanjuntak
Copyright (c) 2020 Dian Indri Purnamasari, Heriyanto Heriyanto, Oliver Samuel Simanjuntak
2020-10-252020-10-2511778410.31098/ebs.v1i1.50Human Resources Readiness, Capital and Marketing on The Performance of UMKM on Pajangan, Bantul
<span lang="IN">The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of several variables in influencing the performance of UMKM in running a business and innovating. This research method uses surveys, interviews, and questionnaires. The analysis model used is multiple regression, to analyze the influence of human resources as measured by the level of education, motivation, mastery of technology in product innovation, then aspects of business capital which are measured from bank loan assistance, non-bank loans, equipment assistance, and raw materials, as well as the marketing aspect measured from the wooden batik products marketed according to the needs of the community, the price determined by wooden batik UMKM according to the quality of the product, promotions carried out by wooden batik UMKM, adequate workplaces, the impact on the performance of UMKM. The implementation of the results of this research is that it is necessary to empower the community through training and mentoring of wooden batik craftsmen, especially training to improve the quality of human resources both in terms of product design and product innovation, and training in financial aspects and digital marketing in order to improve the performance of batik crafters of UMKM. Wood in Krebet Village, Pajangan District, Bantul</span>Sri KussujaniatunAnis Siti Hartati
Copyright (c) 2020 Sri Kussujaniatun, Anis Siti Hartati
2020-10-252020-10-2511859010.31098/ebs.v1i1.51The Effect of Heroes Values on Accountant Academic Integrity
<p><em>The purpose of this study was to identify the hero's values to mitigate violations of academic integrity, in this case, cheating. Researchers used 100 research samples and built a research questionnaire based on the theory and available books on the values of state defense. In the results of the first validity test, the researcher found several invalid items so that the invalid items were eliminated. Furthermore, the researcher collected data at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta to see the influence of the variables composing the values of state defense. Five variables composing the values of state defense; there are two variables that have a significant effect on increasing academic integrity. The existence of this research is expected to open new scientific insights to connect the internalization of the values of state defense to increasing academic integrity. </em></p>Indra KusumawardhaniIda Ayu PurnamaSiti Rokhimah
Copyright (c) 2020 Indra Kusumawardhani, Ida Ayu Purnama, Siti Rokhimah
2020-10-252020-10-2511919610.31098/ebs.v1i1.52Trust, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Attitudes on Online Shopping
<p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of Trust, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Attitudes Towards Intention to Buy on Online Shopping. Respondents in this study are students who are still active in college at the college in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The phenomenon behind this research is that TrustTrust in online shopping in Indonesia is still the main reason for complaints from customers who shop online. However, on the other hand, although TrustTrust in online spending has increased, online purchases have also increased. So this research is one of them conducted to justify whether there is an influence of TrustTrust on online purchase intentions. The number of samples in this study was 200 respondents. The data analysis technique used is path analysis using PLS-SEM. The results of the study showed that all proposed hypotheses were accepted.</em></p>Slamet NuryantoDyah SugandiniWinarno Winarno
Copyright (c) 2020 Slamet Nuryanto, Dyah Sugandini, Winarno Winarno
2020-10-252020-10-25119710310.31098/ebs.v1i1.53Community-Based Tourism Village Governance: a Case Study
<p><em>The community took the initiative to develop a tourism village based on nature, society, and culture. This study aims to determine the role of stakeholders and the benefits felt by the community. A case study research has been conducted in the tourist village of Kelor in Sleman, Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews and focus group discussions involving all stakeholders and the surrounding community. The results of this study indicate that the tourist village is managed by a management team appointed by deliberation. The government provides training and assistance in the management of tourist villages. The company is also involved in CSR activities. Meanwhile, universities also provide assistance in developing tourism villages. The community feels the economic benefits of the tourist village in the form of employment and additional family income.</em></p>Hendro WidjanarkoHumam Santosa UtomoTri WibawaSuratna SuratnaEndah Wahyurini
Copyright (c) 2020 Hendro Widjanarko, Humam Santosa Utomo, Tri Wibawa, Suratna Suratna, Endah Wahyurini
2020-10-252020-10-251110411110.31098/ebs.v1i1.54The Effect of Gold Prices and Interest Rates on Stock Performance (Study of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic)
<em><span lang="EN-GB">This study aims to examine the effect of gold prices and interest rates on stock performance. The research was conducted at manufacturing companies listed on the IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange) in January 2020 - July 2020. The sample selection was carried out by purposive sampling, namely determining the sample based on certain criteria. The number of samples in this study was 35 manufacturing companies. The analysis tool used is Warp-PLS. The results showed that the gold price had a significant negative effect on stock performance and the interest rate also had a significant negative effect on stock performance. The results of this study are useful for investors in making investment decisions and are beneficial for the government in increasing investment interest in Indonesia.</span></em>Hendro WidjanarkoSuratna SuratnaHumam Santosa Utomo
Copyright (c) 2020 Hendro Widjanarko, Suratna Suratna, Humam Santosa Utomo
2020-10-252020-10-251111211710.31098/ebs.v1i1.55The effect of demographic factors on Indonesian consumers’ choice of investment products
<span lang="EN-US">Research on the effects of </span><span lang="EN-GB">demographics on investment decisions is part of the overall map of Indonesian consumer behavior, which is different from consumer behavior in other countries. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of demographic factors on consumers' decisions to choose kinds of investment.</span><span lang="EN-GB"> </span><span lang="EN-GB">In this study, four categories of investment options were considered: savings, stocks, gold, and other investments, the latter representing many other sub-types of investment. The demographic variables were gender, marital status, age, income, employment, education, and social class, with the amount of investment as another kind of variable. In terms of methodology, this research is a causal comparison that focuses on the demographic factors and types of investment. Data were taken from 631 respondents from various regions in Indonesia through an online survey using accidental sampling techniques. Data were analyzed using multinomial logistic regression analysis.</span><span lang="EN-GB"> </span><span lang="EN-GB">This study found that the amount of investment affects the choice of investment category (savings, stocks, gold, etc.). Variables such as gender, marital status, education, and income, significantly influence at least one choice from a variety of investments. The gender variable only affects the choice of gold as an investment. Meanwhile, the variables of marital status and education level affect the decision to choose stocks. Income affects the decision to choose savings. Other variables, such as age, occupation, and social class, do not significantly affect investment choices. This research is expected to benefit investment managers incorrectly segmenting and targeting clients. The limitation of this research is that investment decisions are only based on the four categories of investment options: savings, stocks, gold, and other investments</span>Anna TriwijayatiMelany MelanyDian Wijayanti
Copyright (c) 2020 Anna Triwijayati, Melany Melany, Dian Wijayanti
<pre><em><span lang="EN"> As a small enterprise, KUB "SIDO MAKMUR "faced many problems,</span></em><span lang="EN"> <em>as is generally faced</em> by most of MSMEs in Indonesia<em>. This community service program tries to find out the causes of those problems and try to give the solutions for those various problems. The lack of production equipment, limited skills in product design, limitations in terms of marketing, and also limitations in access to financial institutions due to the non-bankable business are the problems that are found by the team and become the focus of this community service program. Our team provides many methods in order to solve the problems. Such as 1) production equipment assistance. 2). Provide product design training. 3). Providing internet-based product marketing training. 4). Providing Training in making proposals for capital assistance to various financial institutions and companies and assisted in channeling these proposals. At the end of the Training, a training satisfaction survey was conducted for the participants. From the survey results, it was concluded that various Training had a positive impact on increasing motivation, knowledge, and internet marketing skills of the members of KUB "SIDO MAKMUR."</em></span></pre>Harry Budiharjo SulistyarsoJoko PamungkasWahyu Dwi ArtaningtyasAsih Sriwinarti
Copyright (c) 2020 Harry Budiharjo Sulistyarso, Joko Pamungkas, Wahyu Dwi Artaningtyas, Asih Sriwinarti
2020-10-252020-10-251112613310.31098/ebs.v1i1.57Influence of Finansial Aspects and The Use of E-commerce on Perfomance of Micro, Small, Medium Entreprises (MSMEs) in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
<p>In order to enhance the performance of Micro, Small, Medium enterprises (MSMEs), it is necessary to consider the use of e-commerce and the financial aspects (financial management). Financial and E-commerce aspects are two important factors needed to face the challenges of the business environment in achieving high MSMEs performance. This study aims to determine the effect of financial aspects and the use of e-commerce on the performance of MSMEs. This research is associative causality. The data collection method in this study was a survey using a questionnaire with a sample of 246 MSMEs in the Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that (1) there is a positive and significant influence that the Financial Aspects on the Performance of MSMEs, (2) There is a positive and significant effect of the use of e-commerce on the Performance of MSMEs, and (3) There is a positive and significant influence of the financial aspects and the use of e-commerce simultaneously on the performance of MSMEs.</p>Melvin Rahma Sayuga SubrotoZulfatun Ruscitasari
Copyright (c) 2020 Melvin Rahma Sayuga Subroto, Zulfatun Ruscitasari
2020-10-252020-10-251112713410.31098/ebs.v1i1.58Utilization of Regional Government Assets and Economic Growth in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
<pre><span lang="EN">Regional assets are an important resource for local governments as the main support for regional revenues. Therefore, it is important for local governments to be able to manage assets adequately to boost the economy.</span><span>This study analyzes asset utilization, population density, health facilities, educational facilities, and financial facilities on economic growth in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. </span><span lang="EN">The research sample was selected based on purposive sampling by considering the potential assets of the local government. Data were analyzed using a regression model.</span><span> The results showed that the utilization of local government assets did not affect economic growth. Economic growth in districts/cities where the Special Region of Yogyakarta regional government's assets are located is influenced by population density, health facilities, educational facilities, and financial facilities. This is because there are still many local government assets that are <em>idle</em> or utilized, but their utilization has not been optimal. </span><span lang="EN">So that local governments must be able to compile asset utilization models that can drive the economy</span></pre>I Ketut NamaSri SuharsihRini Dwi Astuti
Copyright (c) 2020 I Ketut Nama, Sri Suharsih, Rini Dwi Astuti
2020-10-252020-10-251113514010.31098/ebs.v1i1.59Analysis of the Effect of Blended Learning Implementation to Academic Productivity Performance in Beginning Pandemic
<em><span lang="EN-GB">Modifications in learning methods were experienced by various educational institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The application of blended learning is the common method that combines offline and online learning. This is a simple form of implementing government policies to minimize the spread of COVID-19 by delivering learning activity from home. This research aims to determine the effect of the information systems use on the blended learning method on student’s academic productivity performance. The research data is primary data, which is based on a survey using a questionnaire for students of the Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta. The sample selection was conducted using a purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and regression analysis. This research showed the influence of using blended learning applications on student performance during the pandemic. This research found that blended learning application uses strongly impacts student’s academic productivity performance. The small scope of sample and level of varian application use turn out to be the research limitation of this research</span></em>Gita Astyka RahmandaIndah Kartika SandhiKunti Sunaryo
Copyright (c) 2020 Gita Astyka Rahmanda, Indah Kartika Sandhi, Kunti Sunaryo
2020-10-252020-10-251114114610.31098/ebs.v1i1.60Skill Empowerment for Crafts SMEs Managers in Facing Digital Marketing Demands (Case Study in Keparakan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
<em><span lang="EN-GB">Keparakan has made achievements up to the national level in various competitions' global potential. Leather handicraft products have been able to penetrate international markets such as America, Japan, Germany, and Korea. Small-scale home industries are flourishing and proliferating in recent years. There are no less than 30 handicraft business units that absorb a workforce of around 160 people. The object of community service is the UKM Association in the Keparakan area of Yogyakarta. The purpose of this community service program is to improve the skills of SME voters and employees in facing digital marketing, both in the fields of marketing, operations, and human resources. The method used is assisting in doing digital marketing, creating quality products, and assisting in improving Human Resource soft skills. This service is important because craft SMEs are very much affected by the COVID-19 crisis, so they must be empowered to be strong in facing the power of mastery of the internet and digital technology</span></em>Istiana RahatmawatiYuni IstantoDjoko Prasetyo Adi WijayaEmmy Nur Hayati
Copyright (c) 2020 Istiana Rahatmawati, Yuni Istanto, Djoko Prasetyo Adi Wijaya, Emmy Nur Hayati
2020-10-252020-10-251114715110.31098/ebs.v1i1.61Determinants of Economic Growth in ASEAN-4 Countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand)
<p>A country that is successful in its economy is a country that has succeeded in rapidly encouraging the existence of international trade and maintaining the monetary policy in an increasingly integrated world economy. This study intends to evaluate the effect of monetary policy and international trade on economic growth in four ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand), 2008 quarter I to 2019 quarter IV. By using panel data analysis, the results show that monetary policy with the instrument of interest rate policy has a negative effect on economic growth. An expansive monetary policy has effectively accelerated economic growth, while international trade is not driving economic growth in ASEAN-4 countries. <em></em></p>Rini Dwi AstutiDidit Welly Udjianto
Copyright (c) 2020 Rini Dwi Astuti, Didit Welly Udjianto
2020-10-252020-10-251115215810.31098/ebs.v1i1.62Community Development in Tourism Dieng Kulon Village Banjarnegara
<p><em>The development of a tourist village is one way to alleviate poverty in rural areas, especially in Dieng Kulon Village, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java Province. This tourist village is following rural communities' characteristics because it has a community-based tourism development strategy. The community must play an active role in the tourist village's efforts to improve welfare with its potential and capabilities. The development of tourist villages has resulted in a phenomenon, namely that not all tourist villages are developing rapidly. This phenomenon also occurs in Dieng Kulon Banjarnegara, even though Dieng Kulon Village in the Dieng Plateau has the same culture, tourism potential, and social potential of its people. This study aims to explore the potential for community-based tourism in the village of Dieng Kulon, Banjarnegara. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. In this study, Respondents were village heads, heads of farmer groups, community leaders, and community activists of tourism. This research shows that tourism in Dieng Kulon Village has the potential to be developed through CBT. Potential tourist attractions that can be featured in Dieng Kulon village are natural tourism, cultural tourism, and culinary tourism.</em></p>Mohamad Irhas EffendiDyah SugandiniAbdul GhofarMuhamad Kundarto
Copyright (c) 2020 Mohamad Irhas Effendi, Dyah Sugandini, Abdul Ghofar, Muhamad Kundarto
2020-10-252020-10-251115916410.31098/ebs.v1i1.63Factors Influencing Online Buying Behaviour of Millennial Generation
<p><em>Indonesia is the number 1 as a country in Southeast Asia with the highest e-commerce transactions. Millennials in Indonesia, whose average age is 18-25 years, occupy 69% of the total population who apply the internet as a means of online shopping. This study aims to examine the influencing factors towards online product purchases for the millennial generation. This study uses a quantitative approach by conducting a survey of 1,801 students at a private university in Jakarta, Indonesia, as a case study. The study used a questionnaire that was distributed online. The data were processed using descriptive statistics, validity tests, reliability tests, and factor analysis. The results showed that of the 20 factors tested. There were six factors that greatly influenced the online product purchasing decisions of these millennials. The six factors are available products, Promotion, Refund, consumer attitude, demography, the reputation of online stores.</em><em> </em><em>This finding showed that the factors that influenced purchasing behavior in consumers were very different in the millennial generation compared to respondents of different ages and backgrounds in previous studies in Indonesia.</em><em></em></p>Chusminah S MSugiyah SugiyahR. Ati HaryatiRina Lestari
Copyright (c) 2020 Chusminah S M, Sugiyah Sugiyah, R. Ati Haryati, Rina Lestari
2020-10-252020-10-251116517110.31098/ebs.v1i1.64The Effect of Information System Quality, Price, Promotion, and Service Quality on User Satisfaction of Online Ojek Transportation Services The Covid 19 Virus Era in Yogyakarta (Survey on Online Ojek Transportation Service Users in Yogyakarta)
<span class="tlid-translation"><span lang="EN">This study is to determine the effect of information system quality, price, promotion, and service quality to jointly and partially influence user satisfaction of online motorcycle taxi transportation services in the era of the Covid 19 virus in Yogyakarta. This research is a purposive sampling technique, targeting users of ojek transportation services. The online era of the Covid 19 virus in Yogyakarta, as many as 125 respondents. They are using multiple regression statistical test tools. The results of this study, the quality of information systems, prices, promotions, and services together have a significant effect on the satisfaction of users of online motorcycle taxi transportation services in the era of the Covid 19 virus in Yogyakarta. The quality of information systems, prices, promotions, and services partially have a significant effect on the satisfaction of users of online motorcycle taxi transportation services in the era of the Covid 19 virus in Yogyakarta.</span></span>Danang YudhiantoroKaryono Karyono
Copyright (c) 2020 Danang Yudhiantoro, Karyono Karyono
2020-10-252020-10-251117217910.31098/ebs.v1i1.65Integrated Reporting Disclosure and Performance of Banking Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
<span lang="EN-US">The purpose of the research to test the disclosure of integrated reporting and performance of the banking company in the Indonesia stock exchange. The population of this research is banking companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in the 2017 2019 year. This study using the financial industry because the financial sector may be regarded as one of the risky investments. So this study is expected to provide more information and revealing, especially information on integrated reporting elements. Based on the results of the statistic shows that element 1 ( a summary of external environmental organizations and companies ) and elements 3 (business model ) are an effect on the company performance. While the other variables 6 elements: elements 2 ( governance ); elements 4 ( risks and opportunities ); elements 5 ( strategy and resource allocation ); elements 6 ( performance ); elements 7 ( outlook ); and elements 8 ( </span><span lang="EN-US">Presentation and disclosure</span><span lang="EN-US"> ), are not affect the company Performance. This means not all components reporting integrated can affect the company performance. The contribution of this research can inform related integrated reporting in detail and the value of the enterprise</span>Marita MaritaSri AstutiSucahyo Heriningsih
Copyright (c) 2020 Marita Marita, Sri Astuti, Sucahyo Heriningsih
2020-10-252020-10-251118018710.31098/ebs.v1i1.66Information Technology Investment Justification Using the Information Economics Method
<p><em>Investment in information technology is an important aspect of organizational strategy today. Organizations must be able to make informed information technology investment decisions. However, the returns on information technology investments are difficult to determine because of the costs and benefits that are difficult to assess. This study aims to analyze the success of IT / IS (information technology/information system) investments that have been implemented in corporations using the Information Economics (IE) method. The research method used is literature, interviews, questionnaires, and the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) system development method. From the results of the research, the investment that has been made by the company is very beneficial because the IT / IS that is currently running can support the company's strategic plan as well as improve the company's performance and has a good reputation in information technology investment.</em></p>Fras Richard KodongJuwairiah JuwairiahVynska A. PRiza P. A
Copyright (c) 2020 Fras Richard Kodong, Juwairiah Juwairiah, Vynska A. P, Riza P. A
2020-10-252020-10-251118819910.31098/ebs.v1i1.67The Disparity of Human Development Index in Central Java
<em><span lang="EN-US">This study aims to explore the disparity of the Human Development Index (HDI) in Central Java. The data is secondary data published by Bureau Central Statistics, including the Human Development Index (HDI) and economic growth for 2011-2019. The study used Williamson Index and Klassen Typology to explore the disparity of the Human Development Index (HDI). The results showed that the Williamson Index decreased along the 2011-2019 period. This means that disparity in the Human Development Index (HDI) was a decline. The situation is following high economic growth occurred in several regencies. Although they have a low score in the Human Development Index (HDI), some regencies enjoy high economic growth. An increase in economic growth allowed a rise in expenditure, leading to a rise in the Human Development Index (HDI)</span></em>Joko SusantoDidit Welly Udjianto
Copyright (c) 2020 Joko Susanto, Didit Welly Udjianto
2020-10-252020-10-251120020610.31098/ebs.v1i1.68Strategies for Facing A Global Competition of The top three Indonesian marketplaces in the 4.0 Marketing Era (Survey on The Customers of Top Three Indonesian Marketplaces)
<p><em>Marketplace competition in Indonesia is getting tighter for both Indonesian marketplaces and marketplaces originating from abroad. The purpose of this research is to measure the magnitude of the influence of customer satisfaction on repurchasing intention through customer trust moderated by PEEIM and interactivity on the customers of top three Indonesian marketplaces so a strategic concept of online business will be obtained in building repurchasing intention of Indonesians for online transactions which the value is relatively small. Respondents in this study are partial customers of the top three Indonesian marketplaces who had done online transactions, had experienced doubts when doing online transactions with relatively little transaction value. The sampling technique used in this study is a non-probability sampling technique, sampling with a purposive sampling technique.</em><em></em><em>Quantitative analysis tools are used to test the hypothesis, whether there is an effect of Customer Satisfaction and Interactivity on Repurchase Intention mediated by Customer Trust and moderated by PEEIM. This research results that the top three </em>Indonesian marketplaces have been able to build customer satisfaction, the effectiveness of using instant messengers, the effectiveness of using feedback systems, interactivity, and customer trust that affect customer repurchasing intentions, however PEEIM does not moderate customer satisfaction towards customer trust, customer trust towards repurchasing intentions, interactivity towards repurchase intentions. These are because the value of online transactions is relatively small, so there is no general perception of respondents in this study that protection from potential risks should be provided. In online transactions.<em> The practical implication of this research is the business strategy that the top three Indonesian marketplaces must build to form customer repurchasing intentions for relatively small online transactions: PEEIM is not the most important thing. The most important thing that must be built by the top three Indonesian marketplaces is maintaining customer satisfaction, customer trust, and those will be better if supported by high-level communication interactivity. The novelty of this research is investigating relatively small online transactions in several marketplaces. </em></p><p> </p>Ignatius Agus SuryonoAryono YacobusMichael Alfonsus Liquori Suryo SutrisnoMichelle Yoana Franscisca Brigitta
Copyright (c) 2020 Ignatius Agus Suryono, Aryono Yacobus, Michael Alfonsus Liquori Suryo Sutrisno, Michelle Yoana Franscisca Brigitta
2020-10-252020-10-251120721310.31098/ebs.v1i1.69Results of Raw Water Quality Test at Condong Catur, Yogyakarta Special Region
<p><em>The existing phenomenon is that groundwater in the UPN Veteran Yogyakarta integrated campus complex smells and has a reddish-brown color, and when the water is used for bathing, the skin becomes dry. Based on this phenomenon, it is assumed that the groundwater contains quite high levels of iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn). The purpose of this research is to determine the quality of bore well water and determine the method of processing the well water so that it can be used as clean water that meets the requirements of Permenkes Number: 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 Water quality is a qualitative condition of a water sample taken from the source which is measured and/or tested based on certain parameters and certain methods based on predetermined test standards and is in effect at the time of the test. According to the standards stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 concerning Water Quality Control and Requirements, water quality testing parameters are generally grouped into 3 (three) parameters, namely: physical parameters, chemistry, and biology. In the laboratory tests carried out for samples of raw water from drilled well water sources at the UPN Veteran Yogyakarta Integrated Campus, the test parameters are taken are Physical parameters, including examination of odor, turbidity, taste, color, amount of dissolved solids (TDS); and Chemical Parameters, including examining pH, iron, fluoride, hardness, manganese, nitrate, nitrite.</em> <em>The results showed that the well water in the integrated campus complex area of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta has water quality parameters with levels of TDS, temperature, taste, odor, pH, fluoride, hardness, and nitrate, which are still below the threshold for hygienic water quality standards and drinking water quality standards. . Meanwhile, other water quality parameters, namely levels of Turbidity, Color, Iron, Manganese and Nitrite have levels above the standard threshold for hygienic water quality and drinking water. Therefore, to use well water as for hygienic water that meets the Permenkes No. 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 standards, filtration must first be done using a slow sand filter as an alternative to the filter model.</em></p>Bambang WisaksonoHari Dwi WahyudiSyarifah AiniHeru SuharyadiIlham Firmansyah
Copyright (c) 2020 Bambang Wisaksono, Hari Dwi Wahyudi, Syarifah Aini, Heru Suharyadi, Ilham Firmansyah
2020-10-252020-10-251121421910.31098/ebs.v1i1.70The Effect of Green Advertising and Personal Norms on Ecological Attitude for Students
<p><em>The environment has recently been of concern because it has been damaged. This is very much influenced by human life, thus encouraging changes in consumer behavior to become more aware of the environment. This study aims to analyze the effect of green advertising and personal values on the development of individual beliefs about the environment. The need for consumer preservation and green products is increasingly increasing consumer demand. This study examines the Green Advertising variables and personal norms that affect the ecological attitude. This study used student respondents from UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, who were already pro-environment. The number of samples is 100 people. The data that has been collected is then analyzed by several tests, namely the validity test using Convergent Validity and Discriminant Validity, and the reliability test using the Average Variance Extracted (AVE). While the data analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis is descriptive statistical analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS) using the SmartPLS 3.2.8 software program. The results showed that the variables of green advertising and personal norms had an effect on ecological attitude.</em></p>Agus SukarnoDyah SugandiniMohamad Irhas EffendiMuhamad KudartoRahajeng ArundatiBunga Alfausta Amallia
Copyright (c) 2020 Agus Sukarno, Dyah Sugandini, Mohamad Irhas Effendi, Muhamad Kudarto, Rahajeng Arundati, Bunga Alfausta Amallia
2020-10-252020-10-251122022910.31098/ebs.v1i1.71Online Music-Learning Platform For Every Student Of Serenade Music Studio In Kalasan Yogyakarta
<span lang="EN-US">The present study was conducted at Sanggar Musik Serenade Kalasan Yogyakarta, which develops a music learning process for anyone using an online application. Serenade Music studio needs to devise a new standard for the approach it intends to use. Learning music online requires the availability of adequate instruments along with the locations and devices that enable everyone to follow the courses on an online platform. High-end musical instruments such as digital piano, keyboard amplifier, and microphone for recording, as well as audio/video documentation, are essential for more professional online music courses. </span>Hari Kusuma Satria NegaraDian Indri Purnamasari
Copyright (c) 2020 Hari Kusuma Satria Negara, Dian Indri Purnamasari
2020-10-252020-10-251123023510.31098/ebs.v1i1.72The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Economic Growth in Indonesia: Panel Data 34 Province
<pre><span>Financial inclusion is a significant phenomenon that needs the attention of policymakers around the world in planning strong policies to achieve sustainable growth. </span><span lang="EN">Most studies focus on access to finance or financial depth or a combination thereof. This study develops previous studies by looking at three aspects of financial inclusion: access, depth, and stability. </span><span>This study aims to analyze the effect of financial depth, financial access, and financial stability on economic growth in 34 provinces in Indonesia for the 2014-2018 period. Based on the Fixed Effect Model of panel data, the results indicated that all financial inclusion variables used in this research affected economic growth. Financial depth and stability have a positive effect, while access to finance has a negative effect. This shows the validity of the paradox of thrift in Indonesia.</span></pre>Purwiyanta PurwiyantaC Ambar PujiharjantoRini Dwi Astuti
Copyright (c) 2020 Purwiyanta Purwiyanta, C Ambar Pujiharjanto, Rini Dwi Astuti
2020-10-252020-10-251123624110.31098/ebs.v1i1.73Supply Chain Strategy And Supply Chain Collaborative Innovation On SMEs Business Performance
<p><em>Supply Chain Management includes all activities since the materials come from suppliers. The materials are processed into semi-finished products or finished products until the products are distributed to consumers. This investigation aims to review the influence of supply chain strategy and supply collaborative chain innovation on SMEs (small and medium enterprises) business performance. With a good supply chain performance, the company's performance will be more focused and provide benefits for companies, suppliers, and consumers. This paper's practical implication is to provide opportunities for small and medium enterprises to improve their business performance.</em></p>Abdul GhofarMohamad KundartoRahajeng ArundatiTrestina EkawatiBunga Alfausta Amallia
Copyright (c) 2020 Abdul Ghofar, Mohamad Kundarto, Rahajeng Arundati, Trestina Ekawati, Bunga Alfausta Amallia
2020-10-252020-10-251124224710.31098/ebs.v1i1.74Lecturer’s Response to Establishment Plan of Business Incubators at Faculty of Agriculture UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta
<p><em>This study aimed to examine the responses and the insight of lecturers to the establishment plan of a business incubator at the Faculty of Agriculture, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The technique for determining informants is purposive sampling, namely lecturers who teach entrepreneurship courses at the Faculty of Agriculture and students who study in the Agriculture Faculty, especially students from the Agribusiness Department. The data source used is primary data. Data collection techniques are using observation. Interviews using electronic questionnaires and focus group discussions. Data analysis techniques by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and making a conclusion. The results of this research showed that the lecturers gave a positive response to the plan of the business incubator and knew broadly about the business incubator. Therefore, it needs to realized immediately at the Faculty level because the availability of human resources (lecturer's knowledge) with improvements in management that supported by the institution funding from the institution (Faculty or University)</em></p>Antik SuprihantiMaftuh KafiyaLiana Fatma Leslie Pratiwi
Copyright (c) 2020 Antik Suprihanti, Maftuh Kafiya, Liana Fatma Leslie Pratiwi
2020-10-252020-10-251124825610.31098/ebs.v1i1.75Independent Quarantine Installation as a Tool to Empowering Community Resilience of Covid-19
<em><span lang="EN-GB">In Timbulharjo Village, Sewon District, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, the Covid-19 pandemic has reached its ninth month. Individual citizens have economic limitations in preventing a pandemic. Refusal of migrants who come back from big cities has the potential to increase conflict. These conditions make the installation of independent quarantine and the accompanying empowerment program needed by the community. This program helps solve citizens' problems. The program was built through collaborative community service and facilitation processes, thereby stimulating residents to realize other local initiatives in dealing with Covid-19. This dedication not only provides relief items but also harmonizes local planning, management, and resources that can be carried out independently by the community. Planning and implementation of the program are done on a multi-party basis (Penta helix). Citizens as subjects supported by the village government, educational institutions, business institutions, and the media. University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta represents educational institutions, in which there are Disaster Management Study Program, Disaster Management Study Centers, Covid-19 Task Force, UPN TV, and Alumni Association.</span></em>Eko Teguh ParipurnoNandra Eko NugrohoGandar MahojwalaTatang Elmi Wibowo
Copyright (c) 2020 Eko Teguh Paripurno, Nandra Eko Nugroho, Gandar Mahojwala, Tatang Elmi Wibowo
2020-10-252020-10-251125726610.31098/ebs.v1i1.76The resistance of social media adoption to SMEs in Yogyakarta: Exploratory Study
<p><em>This study explores the instruments used to measure the resistance to social media adoption in Yogyakarta SMEs. A survey of 100 respondents was conducted on SMEs using a questionnaire. Data analysis using SEM-PLS. This study's results indicate that the instruments used to measure organizational readiness, top manager knowledge, maximum manager support, and attitudes have good validity and reliability. Another researcher can use this study's results for further research related to adoption resistance SMEs.</em></p>Dyah SugandiniMohamad Irhas EffendiYuni Istanto
Copyright (c) 2020 Dyah Sugandini, Mohamad Irhas Effendi, Yuni Istanto
2020-10-252020-10-251126727310.31098/ebs.v1i1.77Impact of Investment, Use of Information Technology on Organizational Performance. Study on the Tourism Industry in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
<p><span lang="EN-US">This research aims to analyze the impact IT investment, usage, perception of IT, technology orientation and future orientation on against organizational performance. The object of research in the Tourism Industry, Tourism manager in Yogyakarta. This research model uses mediation regression. Explanatory factor analysis using the SEM - PLS model statistical tools. The results showed that: 1) The use of information technology has an effect on organizational performance. 2) Information technology for decision making affects organizational performance. 3) Future orientation affects organizational performance. 4) The level of investment has an effect on future orientation. 5) Perceptions of information technology have an effect on future orientation. 6) The use of information technology has an effect on future orientation. 7) Technology orientation affects organizational performance. 8) The level of investment has an effect on technology orientation. 9) Perceptions of information technology affect technology orientation.</span></p>R. Heru Kristanto H CTugiyo Tugiyo
Copyright (c) 2020 R. Heru Kristanto H C, Tugiyo Tugiyo
2020-10-252020-10-251127428310.31098/ebs.v1i1.78Analysis of Village Potential Through the Establishment of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa) in Bantul Regency
<p><em>The village government is at the forefront of development. With the existence of Village Law No.6 of 2014 with a budget of billion rupiahs each year in the form of APBDes</em><em>a, which must be properly allocated for the benefit of the community both in the infrastructure development sector and community empowerment, one of which can be accommodated through Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes</em><em>a). The existence of this BUMDes</em><em>a is expected to be able to encourage economic life in the countryside with the aim of increasing the village economy and increasing the income of the village community. This study aims to identify the business units of BUMDesa established in Bantul Regency based on the existing potential in the Village. The research method is descriptive qualitative using a survey of a total population of 75 villages, which were identified only 38 villages that have BUMDesa, and only 32 villages for which BUMDesa data is available. This means that 50 percent of all villages have implemented community welfare programs with the BUMDes</em><em>a establishment mechanism. This is possible because some village communities do not understand the meaning of BUMDes</em><em>a, which can be used for poverty alleviation, even though there have been many successful Bumdes in Bantul Regency. From the results of the analysis, it was found that most of the villages had taken advantage of the potential of their villages. From the survey results, there were 18 villages that had more than 1 (one) business unit, and a total of 14 villages where </em><em>BUMDesa had only one business unit. Of the 32 BUMDes</em><em>a in Bantul, which are developed and independent, only three are BUMDesa in Panggungharjo Village, Srimartani Village, and Srigading Village.<br /><strong></strong></em></p>Dwi SudaryatiSucahyo HeriningsihLita Yulita Fitriyani
Copyright (c) 2020 Dwi Sudaryati, Sucahyo Heriningsih, Lita Yulita Fitriyani
2020-10-252020-10-251128429210.31098/ebs.v1i1.80Economic Empowerment of Community Members in the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Tirtonirmolo Village Administration
<p><em>Tirtonirmolo is one of the villages in Kasihan District that has routinely administrative services and is supported by village community business entities so that the community's economic activities grow and make a positive stretch for the village economy and the welfare of its people. Dynamic economic and governmental activities at this time seem to stop suddenly. There is no activity as usual because of the coronavirus outbreak, which has changed the structure of society, both government services and the economic movement of the community. The problem of the Tirtonirmolo Government is the government must continue its service duties and encourage community empowerment to continue to carry out economic activities, with the guarantee that the implementation of government services and economic activities must run safely.</em><em> Safe that previously mentioned is to implement a social distancing protocol, so that road governance and the economic movement of the community can increase. This service activity is designing a service information system based on the needs of the village government, designing automatic disinfectant tools to fulfill the protocols, and designing a work environment based on keeping the distance.</em><em> Economic empowerment is carried out by designing an information system for products and services online so that the economic movement of the Tirtonirmolo community will recover as before the Covid-19 outbreak. The expected output target in this community service program is to restore a clean and healthy working environment, as well as an increasing economic movement.</em><em></em></p>Eko NursubiyantoroAstrid Wahyu Adventri WibowoIsmianti Ismianti
Copyright (c) 2020 Eko Nursubiyantoro, Astrid Wahyu Adventri Wibowo, Ismianti Ismianti
2020-10-252020-10-251129329610.31098/ebs.v1i1.81The Moderating Role of The Strategy Type in The Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Learning Orientation SME’s
<p><em>This research was conducted to analyze the influence of moderating role the type of strategy on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and learning orientation SMEs. Respondents were 141 SMEs. Data from the survey results with respondents were analyzed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling-Multigroup.</em> <em>The result is a positive influence of entrepreneurial orientation on learning orientation, and there is no significant strategic typology of Miles and Snow, namely defenders, prospectors, and reactors, with the most defenders' strategies to moderate the greatest influence of entrepreneurial orientation on learning orientation at SMEs.</em></p>Mohamad Irhas EffendiUsep SutejaBunga Alfausta Amallia
Copyright (c) 2020 Mohamad Irhas Effendi, Usep Suteja, Bunga Alfausta Amallia