Strategies for Facing A Global Competition of The top three Indonesian marketplaces in the 4.0 Marketing Era (Survey on The Customers of Top Three Indonesian Marketplaces)
PEEIM, Interactivity, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust, Repurchase IntentionAbstract
Marketplace competition in Indonesia is getting tighter for both Indonesian marketplaces and marketplaces originating from abroad. The purpose of this research is to measure the magnitude of the influence of customer satisfaction on repurchasing intention through customer trust moderated by PEEIM and interactivity on the customers of top three Indonesian marketplaces so a strategic concept of online business will be obtained in building repurchasing intention of Indonesians for online transactions which the value is relatively small. Respondents in this study are partial customers of the top three Indonesian marketplaces who had done online transactions, had experienced doubts when doing online transactions with relatively little transaction value. The sampling technique used in this study is a non-probability sampling technique, sampling with a purposive sampling technique.Quantitative analysis tools are used to test the hypothesis, whether there is an effect of Customer Satisfaction and Interactivity on Repurchase Intention mediated by Customer Trust and moderated by PEEIM. This research results that the top three Indonesian marketplaces have been able to build customer satisfaction, the effectiveness of using instant messengers, the effectiveness of using feedback systems, interactivity, and customer trust that affect customer repurchasing intentions, however PEEIM does not moderate customer satisfaction towards customer trust, customer trust towards repurchasing intentions, interactivity towards repurchase intentions. These are because the value of online transactions is relatively small, so there is no general perception of respondents in this study that protection from potential risks should be provided. In online transactions. The practical implication of this research is the business strategy that the top three Indonesian marketplaces must build to form customer repurchasing intentions for relatively small online transactions: PEEIM is not the most important thing. The most important thing that must be built by the top three Indonesian marketplaces is maintaining customer satisfaction, customer trust, and those will be better if supported by high-level communication interactivity. The novelty of this research is investigating relatively small online transactions in several marketplaces.References
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