The Effect of Information System Quality, Price, Promotion, and Service Quality on User Satisfaction of Online Ojek Transportation Services The Covid 19 Virus Era in Yogyakarta (Survey on Online Ojek Transportation Service Users in Yogyakarta)
Information System Quality, Price, Promotion and Service Quality, User Satisfaction,Abstract
This study is to determine the effect of information system quality, price, promotion, and service quality to jointly and partially influence user satisfaction of online motorcycle taxi transportation services in the era of the Covid 19 virus in Yogyakarta. This research is a purposive sampling technique, targeting users of ojek transportation services. The online era of the Covid 19 virus in Yogyakarta, as many as 125 respondents. They are using multiple regression statistical test tools. The results of this study, the quality of information systems, prices, promotions, and services together have a significant effect on the satisfaction of users of online motorcycle taxi transportation services in the era of the Covid 19 virus in Yogyakarta. The quality of information systems, prices, promotions, and services partially have a significant effect on the satisfaction of users of online motorcycle taxi transportation services in the era of the Covid 19 virus in Yogyakarta.References
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